Презентация "Healthy unhealthy food" 10 класс

Подписи к слайдам:
  • So, what are we discussing about today?
  • Theme:
  • Интеграция дисциплин: английский
  • язык, биология, химия и экология
  • Цель урока:
  • формирование понятия о ценности пищевых продуктов, закрепление, осмысление изученного материала по английскому языку, биологии и экологии, химии.
  • The Problem:
  • Genetically Modified Food:
  • Good or Bad?
  • broader endeavor – всеобъемлющее усилие drought - засуха trait – признак
  • recombinant - искусственно созданный
  • sources – источники can be expressed – может быть выражен
  • multiplying – размножаясь harvest – результат
  • deoxyribonucleic diˈɒksɪˈraɪboʊnuˈkliɪk acid - дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота
  • nucleotide |ˈnjuːklɪətʌɪd| - нуклеотид
  • nitrogen – азотный
  • determine – определять, ограничивать
  • sequence – последовательность
  • proponent – сторонник
  • assist – помочь воздействовать
  • crops – зерновые resist – сопротивляться
  • depleted – истощенные excess - избыток
  • Аутентичный текст из учебника “Biology of Human”, Person International, USA, 2007 “Genetically Modified Food and Social concerns”
  • From dinner tables to diplomatic circle, people are now discussing genetically modified (GM) food. What is Genetically Modified Food? Genetically modified (GM) food is a result of genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is part of the broader endeavor of biotechnology, a field in which scientists make controlled use of living cells to perform specific tasks. So, the basic idea behind genetic engineering is to put a gene of interest, one that produces a useful protein or trait, into another piece of DNA to create recombinant DNA, which is DNA combined from two or more sources. The recombinant DNA (segments of DNA from two sources that have been combined in vitro and transferred to cells in which their information can be expressed), carrying the gene of interest, is then placed into a rapidly multiplying cell that quickly produces many copies of the gene.
  • The final harvest may consist of large amounts of the gene product or many copies of the gene itself.
  • What is DNA? DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is one of the two types of nucleic acids. It has smaller units called nucleotides, joined into chains through dehydration synthesis.
  • Every nucleotide monomer consists of a five-carbon (pentose) sugar bonded to one of five nitrogen-containing bases and at least one phosphate group. The five nitrogen-containing bases are adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, and uracil. Some of the bases (cytosine, thymine, and uracil) have a single ring made of carbon and nitrogen atoms. The other (adenine and guanine) have two such rings. The sequence of bases in DNA determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein. DNA, as we said above, is the nucleic said found in genes.
  • Proponents of GM food claim that GM food can assist in the battle against world hunger. We have seen that genetic engineering can produce crops that resist pests and disease. It can also produce crops with greater yields and crops that will grow in spite of drought, depleted soil, or excess salt, aluminum, or iron. Foods can also be genetically modified to contain higher amounts of specific nutrients. One example is the “golden rice” mentioned in this chapter.
  • More than 100 million children worldwide suffer from vitamin A. A deficiency, and 500,000 of them go blind every year because of that deficiency.
  • Although golden rice cannot supply a complete
  • recommended daily dose of vitamin A, the amount it contains could be helpful to a person whose diet is very low in vitamin A.
  • Critics of using GM food to battle world hunger argue that the problem of hunger has nothing to do with an inability to produce enough food. The problem, they say, is a social one of distributing food so that it is available to the people who need it.
  • What chemical elements does
  • the molecule DNA consist of?
  • Nitrogen.
  • Hydrogen.
  • H
  • What chemical elements does
  • the molecule DNA consist of?
  • Oxygen.
  • Phosphorus.
  • What chemical elements does
  • the molecule DNA consist of?
  • carbonium
  • Аутентичный текст из учебника “Biology of Human”, Person International, USA, 2007 “Genetically Modified Food and Social concerns”
  • The questions:
  • What is Genetically Modified Food? What is genetic engineering?
  • 2. What is DNA? What is its chemical structure? Please, use the posters.
  • The structure of molecule DRA.
  • Структура молекулы ДНК
  • The structure of molecule DRA.
  • Структура молекулы ДНК
  • The structure of molecule DRA.
  • Структура молекулы ДНК
  • The structure of molecule DRA.
  • Структура молекулы ДНК
  • The structure of molecule DRA.
  • Структура молекулы ДНК
  • 3. What are the recombinant DNA and its role for genetic engineering?
  • 4. What do proponents of GM food claim?
  • 5. Why do critics of using GM food confirm their theory of useless GM food production?
  • The GM food influences on some animals’ health.
  • The Result: We would like to give you the following advice:
  • 1. Be more careful about buying food and pay attention to the food ingredients.
  • 2. You shouldn’t trust the sign GM free and check up the food ingredients more
  • attentively.
  • 3. Remember: most Russian food producers encode GM food ingredients.
  • 4. Toy should find out more information of GM Food influence on living organisms.
  • Remember: GM food can be allergenic for some people.
  • Thanks for
  • your
  • attention!