Конспект урока "How many foreign languages can a person speak?" 7 класс

Тема урока How many languages can a person speak?
УМК М.З. Биболетова Enjoy English 7
Цели урока
-социокультурное воспитание личности,
-воспитание толерантного отношения к представителям разных нацональностей,
- развитие познавательной сферы школьников и мотивации к изучению
иностранных языков,
- формирование коммуникативных способностей, включая умение адекватно
использовать речевые средства для решения поставленной задачи,
-развитие исследовательских учебных действий (анализ, синтез),
-совершенствование поискового чтения, с целью удовлетворения познавательного
интереса, приобретения новой информации и дальнейшего её использования,
-совершенствование монологической речи на основе изученного материала.
Поисковое чтение
Pre-reading tasks
Познакомить учащихся с термином «полиглотизм»
Учитель предлагает учащимся догадаться о значении слов:
Polyphony,Polyvitamin, Polyclinic и роли приставки в них. Учащиеся находят в
данных интернациональных словах общую приставку poly- и устанавливают ее
значение («много, большое количество»).
По данному принципу учащимся нужно догадаться о значении слова Polyglot
(предварительно переведена вторая часть слова греч. [glotos] язык). Ученики
переводят слово – «человек, владеющий многими языками».
Учитель показывает на слайде определение «hyperpolyglot» почетного профессора
Университетского колледжа Лондона Ричарда Хадсона (см. Приложениезадает
вопрос: Who is a hyperpolyglot?
Поисковое чтение
Учащиеся знакомятся с полиглотами современности, составляют рейтинг
полиглотов. Работа проводится в 2 группах.
1 группа – полиглоты Азии и Европы.
2 группа – полиглоты Африки и Америки.
Как вариант, можно разрезать тексты на части, чтобы учащиеся расставили части
текста согласно количеству языков, которым владеют полиглоты.
After-Reading tasks
Послетекстовые задания - Совершенствование монологической речи учащихся
Учащиеся озвучивают результаты рейтинга.
Who takes the 1st (2nd, 3rd….) place? How many languages he (she) can speak?
The 1
place takes….. He can speak …languages.
2) What are these people? (Their professions)
Are they only linguists and scientists?
Учащиеся находят в тексте профессии полиглотов. Устанавливают, что полиглот
не обязательно лингвист или ученый.
3) a teenage polyglot
Знакомство с американским полиглотом Тимоти Донером, который в возрасте 16 лет
уже говорил на 20 языках.
!!!! Сейчас Тима с большой натяжкой можно назвать подростком. Данный урок был
проведен в 2014 году, а родился молодой человек в 1995.
Главное, что нужно сказать, в каком возрасте он стал известен.
Before Fame - He began his YouTube channel on March 24, 2011. He published his first
video there on the same day.
In March 2012, he was profiled by the New York Times in an article titled "Adventures of
a Teenage Polyglot." His video "American Polyglot Practicing 20 Languages" has amassed
more than 3.5 million total views.
Просмотр видео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOiXtWcQ8GI
Список языков можно найти в описании к видео:
Languages used (chronologically): English, French, Hausa, Wolof, Russian, German,
Yiddish, Hebrew, Arabic, Pashto, Farsi, Chinese, Italian, Turkish, Indonesian, Dutch,
Xhosa, Swahili, Hindi, Ojibwe
(можно привести весь список для учащихся на экране заранее. Но тогда нужно будет
объяснить значения некоторых слов
Hausa- хауса (на нем говорят в следующих странах Африки : Бенин, Буркина-Фасо,
Гана, Камерун, Нигер, Нигерия, Того)
Wolof –волоф (на нем говорят в следующих странах Африки : Гамбия, Сенегал)
Yiddish идиш (один из гос.языков Израиля, похож на немецкий язык)
Hebrew иврит (один из гос.языков Израиля)
Pasto пушту (Афганистан и Пакистан)
Farsi фарси (персидский язык, Иран)
Dutch голландский язык
Xhosa коса (ударение на 1 слог) или кхоса (ЮАР)
Swahili –суахили (Танзания, Кения, Уганда)
Hindi хинди (один из гос.языков Индии)
Ojibwe –оджибве (язык Североамериканских индейцев)
По хронометражу видео можно регулировать просмотр тех языков, которые вы
посчитаете интересным, т.к. видео довольно-таки длинное – 15 минут. В видео идет
подстрочный перевод на английский язык.
Рефлексия Подведение итогов
«What is the secret of polyglots?»
…Learning the 3
language is easier than the 1
one. …
«What do you think what languages could you learn with the help of English
language?»…of Russian language?….of Chinese language?
I think I could learn…with the help of…
Домашнее задание:
1. Read the text.
2. Answer the questions:
-Who is Timothy Doner?
-How many languages can he speak (fluently)?
-Which languages are self-taught?
-What is he going to do after college?
1) TIMOTHY DONER looks like an ordinary American teenager. Medium-height and
slight, he arrives in a grey T-shirt and jeans.
2) The breathless title of a YouTube video about him rocketing around the internet tells
why: "Teen Speaks 20 languages." When I ask him how many languages he speaks, he offers a
different answer, though. One, really. That is, English. He is "very comfortable" in four or five
others, and "very serious" in studying two to four more at any time. Others he "dabbles in".
3) He could be quite a bit more boastful (хвастливый) than he is. The videos going round
the internet show him chatting with a bookshop owner in Urdu, responding to a teacher in his
Mandarin class, discussing the similarities between Hebrew and Arabic in Arabic, and giving short
monologues in languages from Indonesian to Swahili to Ojibwe (a North American Indian
language). The speed with which he learns, the comfort with which he speaks, and of course his
youth (молодость) make this nothing short of astonishing (удивление).
4) And after college? Everyone, naturally, asks him if he will be a spy, which he laughs
off. In any case, he is by now too well-known to disappear into the shadows. Diplomacy interests
him, though. And America's foreign service would be lucky to have him.
List of polyglots
A polyglot is a person who uses multiple languages. A polyglot may also be called a multilingual
person; the label "multilingual" is used for communities as well as individual speakers.
Richard Hudson, professor emeritus of linguistics at University College London, coined the term
"hyperpolyglot" for a person who can speak six or more languages fluently.
This list consists of people who have been noted in news media, historical texts, or academic work
as speaking six or more languages fluently.
Notable living polyglots
Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, a Ghanaian cardinal of the Catholic Church is able to speak English,
Fante, French, Italian, German, and Hebrew, in addition to understanding Latin and Greek.
Dikembe Mutombo, a former NBA player, is able to speak English, French, Portuguese, Spanish,
Tshiluba, Swahili, Lingala, and two other central African languages.
The Americans
Alexander Arguelles, an American scholar of foreign languages who can read and fluently speak
approximately thirty-six languages.
Timothy Doner, a sixteen-year-old New York student, was featured in the New York Times for his
ability to speak over twenty languages, such as: English, French, Hausa, Wolof, Russian, German,
Yiddish, Hebrew, Arabic, Pashto, Persian, Chinese, Italian, Turkish, Indonesian, Dutch, Xhosa,
Swahili, Hindi and Ojibwe. In June 2012, Doner published a 15-minute video of himself speaking
twenty languages on his YouTube channel "PolyglotPal".
Dr. Carlos do Amaral Freire, a Brazilian scholar, linguist, and translator who has publicly stated
that he has studied over 100 languages, is considered one of the greatest scholars of the 21st century
by the University of Cambridge. He has translated sixty languages into Portuguese and is engaged
in a project that is more than forty-years-old to study two new languages every year.
José Ángel Gurría, Mexican economist and current secretary general of the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). He speaks six languages: Spanish, French,
English, Portuguese, Italian and German.
Steve Kaufmann, former Canadian diplomat and cofounder of The Linguist Institute language
company, can speak eleven languages: English, French, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, Swedish,
German, Italian, Cantonese, Russian, and Portuguese. As of January 2012, Kaufmann was learning
Korean and Czech.
List of polyglots
A polyglot is a person who uses multiple languages. A polyglot may also be called a multilingual
person; the label "multilingual" is used for communities as well as individual speakers.
Richard Hudson, professor emeritus of linguistics at University College London, coined the term
"hyperpolyglot" for a person who can speak six or more languages fluently.
This list consists of people who have been noted in news media, historical texts, or academic work
as speaking six or more languages fluently.
Notable living polyglots
Swami Rambhadracharya, a Hindu religious leader, educationist, Sanskrit scholar, polyglot, poet,
author, textual commentator, philosopher, composer, singer, playwright, and Katha artist based in
Chitrakoot, India, can speak twenty-two languages, including Sanskrit, Hindi, English, French,
Bhojpuri, Maithili, Oriya, Gujarati, Punjabi, Marathi, Magadhi, Awadhi, and Braj.
Rambhadracharya has been blind since the age of two months; received no formal education until
the age of seventeen years; has never used braille, or any other aid to learn or compose his works;
and has authored more than 100 books.
George Fernandes, an Indian politician who is well-versed in ten languages: Konkani, English,
Hindi, Tulu, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Malayalam and Latin. As of April 2013, Fernandes
is suffering Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.
Bulcsú László, a Croatian linguist, writer, translator, information scientist and accentologist, speaks
more than 40 languages, including Akkadian, Hittite, Sumerian, Sanskrit... among English, French,
German, Latin...
Alex Rawlings, a 20-year-old undergraduate student at Oxford University, was named Britain's
"most multilingual student" in 2012 after being tested for fluency by native speakers in 11
languages: English, Greek, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Hebrew, Catalan, Spanish and
Ioannis Ikonomou (1964), Greek translator at the European Commission. He can speak 32
languages fluently.
Benny Lewis, an Irish polyglot who, as of September 2013, speaks 12 languages following ten
years of traveling the world. Lewis has presented two TEDx talks and maintains a language learning
Richard Simcott is a British polyglot. He has demonstrated his talent in a video showcasing his
ability with 16 languages, including French, English, and Welsh.