Тест "Мы живем на прекрасной планете" 8 класс

Блохина Светлана Владимировна
МБОУ «Новолядинская СОШ»
Тамбовского района Тамбовской области
УМК М.З. Биболетова «Английским с удовольствием», 8 класс
Тема: «Мы живем на прекрасной планете»
1. Fill in the article if necessary.
1) Earth moves round 2) Sun. 3) Russian astronauts have been
working in 4) … space for a long time. 5) … Browns like to watch the stars in
6) … sky with the naked eye.
2. Choose Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1)Yesterday he ….. home very late.
a) returned b) had returned
2) When they ….. the film, ….. already ….. .
a) had arrived, began b) arrived, had begun
3) My classmates ….. the football match 2 weeks ago.
a) had won b) won
Choose Past Simple or Past Continuous.
4) While I ….. a video, my parents … in.
a) was watching, came b) watched, were coming
5) My parents and I ….. to the weather forecast when we suddenly …. the roars
of the thunderstorm.
a) were listening, heard b) listened, were hearing
3. If clauses - choose the right variant.
1) If John hadn’t played football so long after school, he …. a bad mark.
a) won’t get a bad b) wouldn’t have got
2) He … a new car if he had enough money.
a) would buy b) would have bought
3) If she … breakfast, she wouldn’t be hungry.
a) had b) had had
4. Form the words.
1) LOVE - It’s a … day, isn’t it?
2) RESEARCH - The young has received a grant to continue his
3) ENVIRONMENT - Some of the first organizations in the world started
in Britain.
4) DANGER - It was a … journey.
5) BROADCAST - BBC is a well-known … company.
Ключ к тесту
Задание 1 1) the, 2) the, 3) -, 4) -, 5) the, 6) the
Задание 2 1) а, 2) b, 3) b, 4) a, 5) a
Задание 3 1) b, 2) a, 3) a
Задание 4 1) lovely, 2) researcher, 3) environmental, 4) dangerous,
5) broadcasting
Источники материалов:
1) УМК М.З. Биболетова «Английским с удовольствием», 8 класс
2) Готовимся к олимпиадам по английскому языку. 8-11 кл. Т.К. Сигал.-
М.: Айрис-пресс,2010
3) Английский язык. 9 класс. Подготовка к государственной итоговой
аттестации-2012: учебно-методическое пособие с аудиоприложением.
Под редакцией Е.А. Фоменко
4) Рубцова М.Г. Грамматика английского языка. 5-11 кл.- М.: Дрофа,2010.