Конспект урока "So many countries, so many customs" 5 класс

Тема: "So many countries, so many customs"
Цели: Активизация лексического материала по теме “Сколько стран, столько
и обычаев”, систематизация знаний об отдельных фактах истории
Великобритании, США и России, их главных городах, символах.
Обучающая :
совершенствование навыков чтения с целью извлечения необходимой
формирование орфографических навыков,
развитие монологической речи учащихся, формирование лексических
развитие культурного уровня учащихся,
развитие интереса к изучению английского языка,
воспитание толерантности к иноязычной культуре.
развитие аналитических способностей,
развитие умения логически мыслить, рассуждать, описывать.
Оборудование: Учебное пособие по английскому языку для 5 класса. И.Н.
Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева, тетрадь, видео о Лондоне, видео
физкультминутки « Head, shoulders, knees and toes», картинки с
изображением достопримечательностей Казани и Америки, изображение
флагов стран, карточки.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
T: Good morning, friends! I’m glad to see you at our English lesson! How are you
P: Fine, thanks! How are you?
T: I’m fine, thank you. My first question for you.
Who can inform us, what date is it today? (answers…)
Ok, what day of week is it today? (answers…)
What is the weather like today? (answers…)
Who is absent at our lesson?
II. Введение в тему урока.
T: Today, we’ll start new theme “So many countries, so many customs”. It’s very
interesting to learn about other countries, especially about English-speaking
countries, because these countries are very rich in its history, culture and traditions.
Well, imagine that we are going to visit London. Now, we’ll watch a short
video about London, you should watch it very attentively and then answer the
Before watching, we’ll look through these questions.
What did you see in this video?
( Big Ben, Madame Tussauds museum, Tower bridge, Trafalgar Square,
British Museum, Buckingham Palace, The House of Parliament, Covent
Garden, Hide Park)
You should choose from this list.
So, recently, we listened to audio about British museum, What do you
know about it?
( British museum is famous for its collections of paintings, drawings, coins and
a large library)
T: Ok, are you ready? ( 2: 30 min)
Далее отвечаем на вышеперечисленные вопросы.
IV. Развитие умения логически мыслить, рассуждать, описывать.
T: So, imagine that we are in Kazan. Kazan is one of the oldest and beautiful cities
in Volga region. It is our native city. And your friend from anther city would like
to see your city. Name me places in Kazan where you would like to take your
T: For example, (на доске) I would like to show my friend the Kul Sharif
Mosque. And what about you?
( Baymana Street, the Kremlin, lake Kaban, Spasskya Bashnya, statue of famous
tatar poet Musa Jalil etc.)
T: well, imagine that you are in America now. What would you like to visit there?
(Time square, the statue of liberty, Empire state building, the capital of the USA
T: Who knows the capital of the USA?
Well done, friends/ That’s a pity!
V. Физкультминутка.
T: Now, friends! Let’s have a rest a little bit.
(head, shoulders, knees and toes)
VI. Ex. 4 игра “флаги”.
T: Now, friends we’ll play the game. You should find out the Russian, the Tatar,
the American and the British national flags and then describe me them. I.e. you
should say me what colours you can see.
T: Which of them the Russian flag?
Which of them the Tatar flag?
Which of them the British flag?
Which of them the American flag?
Now, tell me what colours can you see in each of them?
VII. Reading and writing
T: Now, friends! We’ll do the following. You should read these short texts and
then answer the questions below it in written form.
a) Russia
Russia is the largest country in the world. Russia is situated on two continents:
Europe and Asia. The capital of Russia is Moscow. It was founded in 1147 by
Prince Yuri Dolgoruky.
b) Britain
There was a great fire of London in 1666. After that people of London build a new
city. At the beginning of 19
century England was an empire and had many
c) USA
America was discovered by Christopher Columbus. The capital of the United
States is Washington D.C. There are 50 (fifty) states in the USA. The 1
of the United States was George Washington.
1. Which is the largest country in the world?
2. Where is Russia situated?
3. Who founded the capital of Russia? When?
4. When was the Great Fire of London?
5. Did the people of London build a new city after the fire?
6. Who discovered America?
7. What is the capital of the USA?
8. How many states are there in the United States?
9. Who was the first president of the United States?
VIII. Подведение итогов.
That is all for today, thank you for your activity.
IX. Выставление оценок.
Well, friends! You’ve got the following marks…
X. Домашнее задание
Your homework will be to describe a picture that I’ll give you. You’ll do it in the
following way. You should write what it is, where it is situated and when it was
It is ________________________________.
It is situated in _______________________.
It was built in ________________________.