Конспект урока "Obsession" 11 класс

Урок по теме: «Obsession»
в 11 классе
Цели урока: научить систематизировать и обобщать полученную на уроке информацию и
использовать ее в своей речи в соответствии с коммуникативными намерениями.
Тип урока: урок систематизации и обобщения знаний.
Форма урока: урок - дискуссия.
1.научить учащихся систематизировать и обобщать полученную на уроке информацию и
использовать ее в своей речи в соответствии с коммуникативными намерениями;
2. совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения.
1. расширение знаний о пагубных привычках и зависимости от них.
2. развитие памяти и логического мышления
3.развитие творческого отношения к учебному процессу.
1.воспитание отрицательного отношения к пагубным привычкам.
2. развитие словесно-логического мышления;
3.развитие мотивации к дальнейшему овладению знаний о различных видах зависимости и
4. повышение мотивации к изучению языка
Ход урока:
1.Организационный момент
T: Good morning, everybody !!! I'm very glad to meet you.
2.Сообщение цели урока
Т: I can resist anything except the temptation- says one of the Shakespeare’s heroes.
But what is Temptation?
And what is Obsession?
According to the dictionary
Temptation is a strong feeling of wanting to have or to do something, especially something that is
bad for you”
Obsession is an emotional state in which something or somebody is so important to you that you
are always thinking about them in a way that seems extreme to other people”
So, today at the lesson you will learn to find out the necessary information, systematize, summarize and
use it in your speech according to the communicative task.
Besides, at the end of the lesson get ready to speak on the following topics:
1. Smoking
2. Sound drugs
3. Shopaholics. Stalking the stars
3.Этап введения закрепления активной лексики урок:
Listen and repeat (лексика представлена в презентации)
breath in - breath out
self esteem
mortal disease
quit = to give up
to resist the temptation
to lose the grip of reality
to have urges to do something
4. Этап предвоcхищения ошибок:
(повторение образования и употребления прошедшего простого времени, пассивного залога.)
It is estimated that 8 million Americans have eating disorder.
22 million Americans are addicted to illegal or prescribed drugs.
5. Aудирование:
T: And now we’ll watch a piece of video.
But before watching it mind the question you are to answer:
Does smoke contain 4000 cancer causing chemicals?
Does smoke contain 4000 cancer causing chemicals?
6. Контроль понимания содержания фильма (задание в формате ЕГЭ)
Card 1
Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1-А5 соответствуют содержанию текста (1),
какие не соответствуют (2), и о чем в тексте не сказано (3). Занесите номер выбранного Вами
ответа в таблицу.
Eleetta M. Hansen, Tobacco Treatment Specialist (Virginia).
What Makes Tobacco so Harmful?
A single cigarette today contains over 4 000 chemicals, at least 60 of those are cancer
causing. Among the chemicals are products which are actually poisonous to the system.
These chemicals are often found in everyday products you use around your home , such as
acetone , ammonia, etc.
The primary ingredient nicotine is intoxicated. When you smoke as if you spray four bands (клубы
дыма) of all these chemicals into your organism and simply inhale it. These chemicals cause very
dangerous diseases in your body.
This information is helpful for non-smokers who want to learn about addiction and the hazards
of the second hand smoke and the third hand smoke.
Passive smokers are those who inhale the smoke from somebody’ cigarette and it’s really even
more dangerous than for the primary smoker.
The second hand smoke is a combination of a smoke from the end of a lit cigarette and the smoke
that has been coming from the smoker.
As the second hand smoke is not filtered, the entire nicotine concentrations may be even greater
than they are to the primary smoker. So the end of a lit cigarette lying on an ash-tray is very dangerous for
It is documented that the second smoke does cause cancer in humans.
The third hand smoke is also becoming of great concern. It is the smoke left on things in the
environment in which you smoke:
your clothes, your carpet, your furniture, your car.
Thus the third hand smoke is a hazard like the second hand smoke.
Задания к аудированию № 1
1. Every cigarette contains 4 000 cancer causing chemicals.
a) it’s true b) it’s false c)it’s not stated
2. While we are smoking we are breathing out all the harmful substances.
a)it’s true b) it’s false c) it’s not stated
3. Some people become smokers against their will.
a)it’s true b) it’s false c) it’s not stated
4. The smoke coming from the end of a lit cigarette doesn’t do any harm.
a) it’s true b)it’s false c3) it’s not stated
5.The third hand smoke is also destructive (poisonous).
a) it’s true b) it’s false c) it’s not stated
7.Чтение “ Shopaholics”, ”Stalking the stars.”
And now let’s read the text and get some more information about obsession.
8. Контроль понимания содержания текста.
Card 2
Прочитайте утверждения 1-5 и следующий за ними текст. Установите соответствие между
утверждением и содержанием текста. Напишите цифру 1- если утверждение верное, цифру 0-
если утверждение неверное. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
Stalking the STARS
Stardom has always guaranteed wealth and abundant media attention, but now it attracts more sinister
1. Obsessed men and women desire to be
aware of every step of the celebrities
they follow.
Stalkers are fans whose relationship
with their idol becomes obsessive: they know
everything there is to know, including
where the celebrities live, where they go to
relax and how they spend their days. But some
go even further than that . A woman was
arrested after she was found in actor Brad
Pitt’s Santa Monica home. She wanted to
be close to him and dressed in his clothes.
2. It is one of the ways to become famous.
Celebrity stalking is not new, but the issue
came to the world’s attention in 1980
when Mark David Chapman shot John
Lennon and later said:” I was MR NOBODY
until I killed the biggest somebody on earth.”
3. Violence is caused by stalkers’
Dr Sandy Wolfsan , lecturer in Psychology
at the University of Northnumbria, believes
that when an obsessed fan becomes violent, it
is because something
Something has made them lose their grip on
reality and control of what is happening
around them. However, most stalkers are
responsible individuals.
In the UK more than 2500 stalking cases were
brought before the courts and in the USA
research carried out that over 370 000 men
and women were stalked every year.
A Nation of Shopaholics
1. A number of people who adore going
shopping has dramatically increased for the
last years.
A study suggests that compulsion to buy may
be a growing problem. The number of people
who confess of being shopaholics has grown
from 15 percent to 22 percent of the
population in five years. Shopping is no
longer simply a way of providing essentials for
the family and, according to researchers , to
many women it is more than a hobby. It’s true
that nowadays personal disposable income
has risen by 70 percent in twenty years.
However what people buy is not necessarily
what they can afford.
2. Habitual shopping is a sign of losing
Spending money can be a symptom of serious
personal problems. There are revenge
shoppers” who want to spite their husbands
or boyfriends because they are unhappy with
their relationships. There are those who
need shopping trips to add some excitement to
their lives.
According to Dr Helga, habitual shopping
particularly for designer clothes and jewelry
is a symptom of a collapse of self-esteem.
Addicts want not only the latest fashion. They
want to feel like a sort of a person who would
normally own them and to feel important
and glamorous.
9. Aудированиею Задание на словообразование
And now let’s watch a piece of video about one of the most serious addictions.
Card 3.
Прочитайте текст. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужной форме.
Nowadays the Internet (to provide) quite a lot of advertisements about the
so-called sound drugs through I Doser program.
The program claims to use binaural beats in order to stimulate
the effect of various drugs and other states of consciousness.
Binaural beats are two tunes having a slight difference in speed and
which are separately (to transform) into each ear. These rhythms
are perceived so as if they arouse straight in the head . This effect (to produce)
in brain.
Binaural beats (to find) first in 1839 by German experimenter
H. Dove. They are rarely found in nature.
The I-Doser application plays ”drug” files which attempt to create
the effects of chosen drugs. The music synchronizes with a
listener’s brainwaves and (to make) him or her achieve a stimulated
mood or experience through the use of binaural beats.
Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные
заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически
соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными
Nowadays the Internet provides quite a lot of advertisment about ADVERTISE
so-called sound drugs through I Doser program.
The program claims to use binaural beats in order to stimulate
the effect of various drugs and other states of ___________. CONSCIOUS
Binaural beats are two tunes having a slight ___________ in speed DIFFER
and are percieved so as if they arouse straight in the head . This effect is
really ________ in brain. PRODUCE
Binaural beats were first found in 1839 by German experimenter
H. Dove. They are rarely _______ in nature FIND
The I-Doser application plays “drug” files which attempts to create
the effects of _______ drugs. The music synchronizes with a CHOOSE
listener’s brainwaves and_______ him or her achieve a stimulated MAKE
mood or experience through the use of binaural beats.
T: “A citizen of Great Britain was sentenced to death for smuggling the drugs
10. Этап речевой практики. “A memory work:
- Having recognized my addiction I placed my video games in a garbage bag.
- Having recognized my addiction I placed my video games in a garbage bag and I also uninstalled
these games from my computer
- Having recognized my addiction I placed my video games in a garbage bag and I also uninstalled
these games from my computer and at last came back to the real life.
11. Этап систематизации и обобщения знаний.
Our next step is to make up a brief summary on the topics:
2Sound drugs
Some of you are to make up dialogues, using the active vocabulary of the lesson.
Which of you would lik to ?
Card 4.
Fill in the gaps, using your active vocabulary and then dramatize the dialogue.
- I’ve never heard that the second smoke is so harmful not only for me, but for non-smokers as well.
- It really causes ………………………………………..
- What…………………………….suggest then?
- You see, I think, there is only one way-out: to quit smoking.
Fill in the gaps, using your active vocabulary and then dramatize the dialogue.
- Look, the film about sound drugs we’ve seen at the lesson today is really shocking, to my mind.
- Yes, it does provoke people thinking. We spend ………………………………………
chatting on-line and don’t think about the harm of ……………. beats.
- Now I know, that sound drugs cause…………………, they ruin………………….and kill people ………………….. .
- We should really get back the real world to bring back our sense of selves.
Fill in the gaps, using your active vocabulary and then dramatize the dialogue.
- You see, going shopping appears to be so addictive.
- Right you are. You know, passion for buying things is a symptom………………
- I think, addictive people sometimes can’t resist the ………………………….of buying quite useless things and
forget about everything in the world but their silly habit.
- So, habitual shopping is a sign of losing dignity.
But let’s revise the vocabulary first:
breath in - breath out
self esteem
mortal disease
quit = give up
to resist the temptation
to lose the grip of reality
to have urges to do something
You may also use the following proverbs and sayings :
“WE can conquer the habit”
“Where there is a will there is the way
I can resist anything except temptation”
“Impossibility is a word from the dictionary of fools”
12. Этап подведения итогов.
What have you learnt today? (The students’ answers)
What formation do you find the most interesting?
What do you like about the lesson most of all?
- I should say you’ve worked very well today! You were really Perfect!
12. Домашнее задание:
Comment on the following:
The reality is that video game addiction is very real and can be serious.
But some people think that it’s possible to overcome it.
13. Bohemian Rhapsody.