Конспект урока "Кулинарное путешествие" 6 класс

Антонова Ольга Ивановна
учитель английского языка
Амурова Алсу Габдлбариевна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ СОШ №15 Зеленодольского Муниципального района РТ
Конспект урока по теме: “Кулинарное путешествие”для 6 класса.
Lesson: «A cookery travelling»
Тип урока: обобщающий.
Цели урока:
1. учебная: учить говорить об огромной роли кулинарных традиций британского и
татарского народов на английском языке, учить использовать знания в мировом
общении в современной жизни и применять их практически, используя
пройденный лексико-грамматический материал раздела;
2.развививающая: развивать навыки устной речи: диалогической и монологической
речи, умения добывать полезную информацию на английском языке из СМИ, в том
числе из интернета, и представлять её в публичном выступлении;
3. воспитательная: повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.
1. to speak about the great role of traditions in cookery of the British and the Tatar;
to learn to use the knowledges in the world communication in modern
life and take part in practically situations;
2. to develop speaking skills in the dialogical and monological situations;
to learn to get the useful information in English language from the
Mass -media and to present it in public speaking;
3. to rise motivation in studying English language
Оборудование урока: интерактивная доска (все этапы урока имеют видео-поддержку),
доклады, видео-презентации, музыкальные фонограммы, реквизит для кулинарного шоу
и диалогических ситуаций, продукты, посуда.
Plan of the lesson/План урока:
II. Речевая зарядка.
III. Основная часть урока:
1. Начало кулинарного путешествия: Диалоги по темам раздела. /Поездка в г.
2. Презентация “Национальная Татарская кухня”. /Посещение Дома Татарской
кулинарии в г. Казань/.
3. Кулинарное шоу на телевидении “Эфир” и интервью с представителями Масс-
4. Кулинарные традиции Британцев. /Посещение “Клуба любителей Британской
IV. Обобщение представленного материала в дидактических игровых упражнениях
и ситуациях.
V. Заключение. Подведение итогов. Выставление отметок.
VI. Домашнее задание.
Ход урока:
I. Оргмомент. Обозначение целей и задач урока:
T1. -Hello dear friends, our students, our guests. We are very glad to see you here at our lesson today.
T2. -The theme of our lesson today is “A cookery travelling”. What will we do today? Look at the blackboard,
please. ( слайд: цели и задачи урока)
T1. -We are the managers from the tour agency «Grand voyage» and we invite you to make a very exiting and
interesting bus tour to the great world of national food of Tatarstan and Great Britain.
T2. -That’s why we will go to Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan and visit the House of the Tatar national Cuisine,
“Efir-TV company and The Fan club of British food. You will meet a lot of interesting people today.
T1. -And we hope your travelling will be very pleasant.
2.Речевая зарядка (Слайд «Казань»)
- It will take us about 40 minutes to get to Kazan. Let’s play a game and repeat the known words.
(Видеоролик с речевой зарядкой.)
III. Основная часть урока:
1. Начало кулинарного путешествия: Диалоги по темам раздела. /Поездка в г. Казань/
T2. -OK. We’ve arrived to Kazan. It’s a great city with rich cooking traditions. Firstly let’s have a snack in one
café. But you should ask the way to this café.
T1. -Your home task was to make dialogues and speak on the theme “Food” in different situations. And the
first situation is “Asking the way to the café”. (Слайд “Asking the way ”). Listen very attentively please and
then answer our questions.
Who wants to act out this dialogues?(Учащиеся поднимают руки, 2 выходят и инсценируют диалог)
Диалог «Asking the way to the café?»
-Excuse me.
-Can I help you?
-Yes. How can I get to the nearest café?
-Walk straight on and turn left near the bank.
-Is it far from here?
-No, it is not.
-What is the name of the café?
-«Gold fish
-Oh. Can I have only fish there?
-Not only fish. But meat, vegetables, salad, sweets.
-Thank you very much.
- You are welcome.
-Thank you. It was very good. Now answer the questions please:
1. Where does …..(имя)want to get?
2.Is it far?
3. What’s the name of this café?
4.What can we eat in this café?
-The second situation is “ In the café” (Слайд «В Кафе» ). Who wants to play roles in this dialogue?
(Учащиеся поднимают руки, 2 выходят и инсценируют диалог)
Диалог «In the cafe»
A waiter: Good afternoon.
A visitor: Good afternoon.
-What would you like for dinner today?
-Can I have chicken and vegetables?
-Yes, please. We have very good chicken today. And what salad would you like with them?
-Green salad.
-OK. Drinks?
-Some mineral water, please. Oh. No. Sorry. Some apple juice.
-Yes. I like ice-cream.
-What ice-cream?
-Chocolate ice-cream.
-Very good. Anything else?
-Yes. Coffee.
-Black or white?
-Black with sugar.
-Yes. Please. Anything else?
-No, thank you.
-OK. Wait about 5 minutes, please.
-All right.
T1. - Thank you. You are good actors. Now answer the questions, please.
1. What did …(имя) want to eat?
2. And what did …(имя) want to drink?
3. Was the waiter polite? Why do you think so?
2. Презентация “Национальная Татарская кухня”. /Посещение Дома Татарской кулинарии в г.
T2. -Good. And now let’s visit The House of Tatar National Cuisine. Let’s meet the cheaf. He is very famous in
making Tatar food. (Выходит уч-ся в роли шеф повара) Please ask him the questions.(Учащиеся задают ему
вопросы на англ.яз) (Слайды блюд тат. кухни)
S1: Hello! I will tell you about Tatar National Cuisine and you, please ask me the questions.
You know, National Cuisine is an event.
Tatar Cuisine is a result of the historical development of the nation and its geographical location. Long
relationship between the local people and their neighbours, trade partners influenced the people’s taste. The
Bulgars were good cattlemen, hunters, fishermen and farmers. This is the basis of the food traditions in
modern Tatarstan.
Meat is widely used in Tatar national dishes: beef, lamb and horseflesh. As a rule, the Tatars don’t cook pork.
The Tatars like the pastries of all kinds very much. One of their favourite ones is, perhaps, ‘ishpishmak. It is a
triangle-shaped pie with chopped peppered meat, potatoes and some onion. It is baked in the oven and
served hot. It’s very tasty and, of course, it’s worth trying.
“Peremyach” is also a meat pie, but it is round, filled with peppered meat and little bits of onions, and it is
usually fried. It is served hot, usually with a cup of broth. It’s very tasty!
S3: May I as you a question? What about the soups? What kind of soup does a good Tatar hostess cook?
S1: If you like soups, you will probably like noodle soup and meat dumplings (pelmeni). A good hostess usually
cuts very thin noodles and makes the meat dumplings herself.
S4: What is the most popular drinks in Tatarstan? What kind of drinks do the Tatars usually like to drink?
The most popular drink in Tatarstan is tea. The Tatars like tea with milk, with lemon or with dried apricots.
S5: What kinds of sweets do the Tatars have with tea?
S1. And, no doubt, sweet pastries: chuck-chuck, kosh tele, talkysh keleve and much more! On the table you
can always see honey and jam. So, if you have a sweet tooth, you are really lucky!
But the main thing about the Tatar cuisine is not only that it’s varied and very delicious. It is more than only
food. It’s a meal that unites family and friends.
3. Ролевые игры: ”Кулинарное шоу на телевидении “Эфир” и “Интервью с представителями
T1. -The second point of our program is visiting Efir-TV company. You will take part in “Cooking show with
Anastasia Zavorotnyk”and then the journalist from the magazine about healthy food will ask you some
questions. Be ready for this interview.
-(Слайд Шоу с Анастасией Заворотнюк №1)
So. The show begins. (Учащиеся выходят и инсценируют диалоги по данной теме)
(Слайды:А.Макаревич, М.Галустян, Шоу с Анастасией Заворотнюк №2)
«TV Cooking show with Anastasiya Zavorotny
/Заранее накрывается стол для шоу (вся необходимая посуда, столовые принадлежности, необходимые
продукты, фартуки, поварские колпаки для участников шоу)-до ТВ-шоу стол стоит за ширмой. С началом
шоу ширму убирают.
На экране появляется заставка передачи. Звучит фонограмма. Выходит ученица, играющая роль
Анастасии Заворотнюк./
Настя Заворотнюк: Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentelmen. We are very glad to meet you today here at our
«TV Cooking show with Anastasiya Zavorotnyk». A famous actor Misha Galustyan (выходит
ученик,играющий Мишу Галустяна и на экране появляется слайд с фото Галустяна) and a popular singer
Andrey Makarevich (выходит ученик с гитарой, играющий Андрея Макаревича и на экране появляется
слайд с фото А. Макаревича) take part in our show today.
Anastasiya Zavorotnyk: How are you, friends?
Misha Galustyan: I am fine, thank you.
Andrey Makarevich: I am happy to be here.
Anastasiya Zavorotnyk: Our dear friends! What will we cook today?
Misha Galustyan: My favorite food is tomato-cucumber salad and sausage-cheese sandwich.
Andrey Makarevich: I will cook fruit salad and jam sandwich. I have them for my breakfast often.
Anastasiya Zavorotnyk: OK! Let’s start. You can use everything on this table.( показывая на сервированный
стол).Андрей Макаревич и Миша Галустян надевают фартуки и поварские колпаки, подходят к столу и
начинают готовить. Звучит весёлая музыка.
Misha Galustyan: Take one washed tomato and one cucumber. Then peel one little onion. Chop vegetables.
Put the chopped vegetables into a bowl. Add some salt, mayonnaise and pepper. Mix. The salad is ready. Help
yourself(обращаясь к Насте Заворотнюк).Она пробует на вкус.
Anastasiya Zavorotnyk: Thank you very much. It is very nice.
Andrey Makarevich: For my fruit salad I take one apple, pear and orange. Wash, dry them and chop. Put into
a bowl. Add some yogurt. This salad is very tasty. All of my friends like it and ask me always to cook this salad
for them. Taste, please! Have a good appetite! (Обращаясь к Насте Заворотнюк).
Anastasiya Zavorotnyk: Thank you. It is very delicious.
Misha Galustyan(делая бутерброд): This is my sandwich. I put sausage and cheese on a slice of bread. Who
wants to taste? (пританцовывая, угощает гостей в студии)
Andrey Makarevich: And this is my sandwich. I put jam on a slice of white bread. Who wants to
taste?(угощает гостей в студии)
Anastasiya Zavorotnyk: Misha, could you tell us a joke, please?
Misha Galustyan: OK.
-Does your wife spend much time in the kitchen?
-Oh, yes!
-She is a very good cook, isn’t she?
-No!!!! We have a telephone in the kitchen!
Anastasiya Zavorotnyk: Thank you. And now I ask you, Andrey and Misha to sing a song to us, please.
Макаревич берёт гитару, звучит фонограмма песни «Я пью до дна за тех, кто в море…(припев) и они
The Song
I cook today for you my dear…
A tasty salad and sandwich
With pepper and vegetables.
And I will be to cook
For you with pleasure.
You will be an eater
And happy and healthy
And dish you will find it.
Anastasiya Zavorotnyk: It’s a a pity, but our show is over. Did you like it? (вопрос ребятам в студии.Они
отвечают).Thank you. See you next week.
T1. -Now the interview please. Who wants? (Слайд Интервью). Выходят учащиеся и разыгрывают сцену)
Полилог «The Interview»
S1.-Hello. My name is…(имя). I am a journalist from the magazine about healthy food. May I ask you some
questions? (обращаясь к ученику из класса)
S2.-Hello. My name is…(имя). Nice to meet you.
-Are you a healthy person?
-Maybe. I always try to eat healthy food.
-What kind of food?
-Fruit, vegetables and a lot of salad.
-It is good. Do you eat junk food sometimes?
No. I do not like it.
-Sweets and cakes?
-I eat them not often.
-What do you drink usually?
-Green tea, mineral water, juice.
-Very good.
-Do you go to McDonalds?
-OK. I see you are a healthy boy/girl. You can be an ideal for our readers. Thank you for your interview.
- And you? Are you a healthy person?
- S3: Very often I prefer to eat fast food. I eat a packet of chips, a Mars bar and a youghurt for my dinner. I have a glass
of orange juice or coke. I like to eat while watching TV in my room.
S1. Thanks a lot.Good bye.
- Good bye.
4. Кулинарные традиции Британцев. /Посещение “Клуба любителей Британской еды”.
T: Are you tired? Let’s visit the famous Fan club of British food. The members of this club will tell you
something interesting about the popular kinds of British traditions in food. (Слайдшоу) (Представители
клуба рассказывают об англ.еде. Из зала задают вопросы)
Sweet tooth.
S8. Hello! I would like to tell you about the popular British sweets. The British have a sweet tooth. That means
they like eating sweet things like puddings and pies, jams, biscuits and buns, cakes and rolls.
S9.For the British, any time is eat-a-sweet time: tea-break at work, break at school, watching TV at home, on a
car ourney, in the cinema or theatre. During holidays like Christmas and Easter, and on special days like
Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day they eat more sweet things.
English Sandwiches and English Tea.
S10.-Hello! We would like to tell you about the different english traditions in food.
-A lot of people in England eat sandwiches for their lunch. There are a lot of sandwich shops in London.
S11. You can buy all sorts of sandwiches in these shops. You can get meat sandwiches, or salad sandwiches,
or meat-and-salad sandwiches.
S12.-And you can get cheese, egg or fish sandwiches. You can even buy fruit sandwiches. Each sandwich has
two thin slices of bread. You put butter and meat between the two slices. Lots of foreigners don’t like English
S13.- They like the kind of sandwiches we call a roll. Some foreigners don’t like English tea, either. English tea
is very strong. We make it in a teapot. The English drink a lot of tea.
The Questions for Conversation.
S14: It is really very interesting. Tell us, please: How do you make sandwiches?
F1: Sandwiches can be maade using lots of different types of bread - sliced white, brown bread, rolls, etc.
The principle is basically the same.
S15: What do you need to make them? Can ou give some advice?
F2: With pleasure:
1. Use softened butter and put it evenly on the slice of bread.
2.Use a lot of filling.
3.Use a clean knife.
4.Wash your hands before you start making the sandwiches.
IV. Обобщение представленного материала в дидактических игровых упражнениях и ситуациях.
1. «Вкусное Домино»:
-And now we return home back. We can rest and play a little. At first we play a game ”Domino”. Do you know
this game? Lets start. (Каждая команда получает карточки со словами для игры)(учащиеся складывают
словарные цепочки)
2. Занимательные лексические пазлы:
-OK. Lets solve the puzzle. Look at the blackboard. Join the parts to make 8 words.
3. Кроссворд:
-Now do the crossword. Look at the blackboard.
4. Активизация и обобщение лексических и грамматических навыков через индивидуальные
-Good. You are very clever boys and girls. Now do some exercises please. оманды получают разные
задания на карточках по теме урока. Задания в приложении)
V. Заключение. Подведение итогов. Выставление отметок.
T1.T2.OK then, our travelling is finishing. Did you like it? Your answers were....
Your marks today are :……………..
VI. Домашнее задание.
T1. T2.-Very good. Open your diary and write down your homework for the next lesson. Repeat all the words
on theme. The lesson is over. Good bye.
Источники: учебник англ.языка “Enjoy English”/ “Английский с удовольствием”, автор М.З.Биболетова,
Издательство «Титул», 2007, учебник «Английский язык. Добро пожаловать в Татарстан»/ «English.
Welcome to Tatarstan», автор Л.Ф. Иванова, Казань, Издательство ТАИ, 2007, материалы Интернет-
ресурсов.(tatfood.ru, otvetin.ru, Azu.uz,Lafmacun.org)