Конспект урока "Окружающая среда в современном мире" 6 класс

Учитель: Чубарова М.В.
ГОУ СОШ №1324
Класс: 6Б
Открытый урок
Тема: Окружающая среда в современном мире.
обучать навыкам письма на основе изученной темы, учить учащихся анализировать
и систематизировать материал, развивать логическое мышление, формировать у
детей бережное отношение к природе и животному миру, формировать уважительное
отношение друг к другу при работе в команде.
- повторить изученный на предыдущих уроках языковой материал по теме;
- учить детей прослеживать причинно-следственную связь по проблеме;
- активизировать речевую деятельность учащихся с целью сохранения образцов в
долговременной памяти на основе новых ситуаций;
- учить детей логически мыслить и строить логически правильное высказывание;
- подготовить детей к письменной работе – сочинение по теме;
- формировать у учащихся навыки работы в команде;
Материалы к уроку:
- ТСО: компьютер, проектор, экран, магнитофон
- демонстрационный материал: карточки со словами по теме урока, презентация
в Power Point, видеоклипы в Windows Media
- раздаточный материал: карточки для выполнения письменного задания
1. Приветствие:
Good morning, children.
Good morning.
2. Речевая разминка:
How are you? I’m fine.
What day is it today? What’s the weather like? Yesterday? Tomorrow?
3. Ознакомление учащихся с названием, тематикой и задачами урока:
T: Now I’d like you to watch a short animation and guess what we are going to talk about today.
Video 1.40 min-s
PP: Ecology, nature, our planet….
T: Now look through the list of the ecological problems and say which of them were touched in
the video.
Cutting down the forests
Destruction of wildlife
Saving energy
Noise from cars, buses and planes
That’s right. So today we are going to talk about ecological problems and we will
Discussing the problems of pollution, endangered animals and deforestation
Revising the words on the topic
Working in groups
Analyzing the problems
Getting ready to write a composition
4. Ротация пройденного материала по теме. Фронтальный опрос.
T: The word environment means simply what is around us.
Some people live in a town environment; for others their environment is the countryside.
But the air we breathe, the water we drink, as well as animals and plants are all part of the
People have always used natural resourses and we keep on doing it.
Now let’s think and see why people have all these problems. Look at the table and find the right
What do people need for life? Food clothes houses transport - Reasons
What do we do to get it? Kill animals for food, fur and skin - Activity
Cut down the forests to build houses, roads
Build factories and plants to make cars, buses, planes
What do we have as a result? As a result,
Lots of animals are in danger.
Pandas are hunted for fur, crocodiles are killed for their skin.
Forests are badly damaged and plants and animals lose their habitats.
Factories and plants poison water and air. Cars pollute air too.
5. Мотивирующее коммуникативное задание. Организация работы в
Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the problems that endanger people’s
life. There are lots of organizations which try to defend nature.
Do you know some of them?
PP: Greenpeace
That’s right. They are Greenpeace and WWF - World Wildlife Fund. These people try to save
our plantе from pollution and waste, to save wild animals and plants….They are looking for
volunteers who also love plants and animals and want to save them. Are you ready to join them
today and make your own contribution?
So today you are going to analyze these problems:
to find the reasons why do people need for life?
to think about what people do to satisfy their needs?
And at last to look at the results what do we have?
I - Cutting down forests
II - Endangered animals
III - Pollution
Reasons why?
Reasons why?
Reasons why?
People’s activities
People’s activities
People’s activities
Now choose one card and sit at the table of the same colour.
Good, now we have 3 groups.
1 - First complete the sentences you have on your cards. Discuss the sentences in groups and
help each other. 1 min
Reading the sentences.
2 Now stick your sent-s in the right box decide if it is a reason, an activity or a result
1-2 min-s
3 one of the group will talk about it. And you should be ready to give comments and put a
mark for the whole group as they work all together.
Working, discussing and evaluating each other’s work. Was it difficult or easy for you?
What mark can they get?
Lots of people think that it’s time to stop and think about our planet.
Look it’s still so nice and need a helping hand.
Video clip
What should we do to help our planet, to help animals and plants. What advice can we give?
We should/could ….
Мотивирующее коммуникативное задание для подготовки к письменной работе.
Now we are going to work out a plan for the composition “How to keep our planet green”
(написано на доске, где будет сендвич).
First you should write 3 sentences about these 3 problems working in groups. Write them on
these sheets of paper. One of the group will be an assistant. You should help them to do the work
You can use notes on the board.
Group work 3 min
Совместная работа над формой сочинения. Рефлексия.
We have three groups and 3 problems. But we’ve worked all together for one result. Now each
group will make a contribution to the composition on the board. Stick your notes on the board.
Now look at what we have on the board. What does it look like?
Does it look like a sandwich?
It’ a filling of the sandwich? What else do we need for our sandwich? Great! Two slices of
bread. Now our sandwich is well prepared. And it has 3 parts.
So your composition will do.
What we should say in the introduction we should introduce the problem. How can we do it?
What should we write? Give some examples. (There are lots of ecological problems. Our planet
is in danger. They are…)
What are we going to write about in the main part?
And the composition has the conclusion of course. Here we should give some advice how to
keep our planet green.
Now I’d like to check if you are ready to write a composition.
What is the name of the composition?
What problems are we going to write about?
How many paragraphs must be there in our sandwich composition?
Should we give some advice how to protect our planet and keep it green?
Let's remember what we've done today.
Have we worked in groups? ………….