Конспект урока "Do you have any problems with your friends?" 7 класс

Lesson 3. Do you have any problems with your friends?
Цель: познакомить учащихся с некоторыми проблемами, характерными для дружеских
взаимоотношений подростков в Великобритании и США.
Задачи: учить учащихся делать выводы из прочитанного и анализировать прочитанное;
продолжать формировать грамматические навыки структуры "relative clauses" с who/that/which в
качестве прямого и косвенного дополнения; формировать способности сочувствовать чужим
Р е ч е в о й материал: лексический: to have/need a break from, to be bored with; грамматический:
relative clauses с who/that/which в качестве прямого и косвенного дополнения.
Ход у рок а
1. Начало урока. Введение учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения.
1.Орган и заци онный момен т.
2. Фон ети чес ко е упра жн ени е.
Прочитайте двусложные слова с ударением на конечном слоге:
begin present equip return
employ prepare compare construct
provide consist apply prevent
3. К он тр ол ь до ма шн ег о з ад ан ия .
II. Основная часть урока. Работа по теме урока.
1. Итак, какими союзными словами присоединяются придаточные определительные предложения
к главному? (Who, which, that.)
Далее учащиеся выполняют упр. 1, с. 105,
1. 3) Упражнение носит подстановочный характер. Учащиеся соединяют по смыслу разрозненные
части сложноподчиненных предложений. Особое внимание следует обратить на придаточные
определительные с союзными словами в качестве дополнений с предлогами, которые в английском языке
употребляются в основном в конце предложения. Написано на доске одно и то же предложение на
русском и английском языках в 2-х вариантах и указать, какой вариант (на англ. языке)предпочтительне
Preposition in Relative Clauses
We don't normally use prepositions before relative pronouns.
Ex. The office in which he works is close to the National Bank, (formal - not usual)
The office which he works in is close to the National Bank, (usual)
The office he works in is close to the National Bank, (more usual)
Rewrite each of the following sentences in two other ways as in the example above.
1) The man to whom you were talking is the manager of the company.
2) The student I am sharing a room with is from Germany.
3)She is the woman to whom I spoke.
4) Д о п о л н и т е л ь н ы е у п р а ж н е н и я :
Fill in who, that or which.
1) I know of no one _____ could help you.
2) The first man ____ we saw on the platform was uncle Sam.
3) The story ___ Sam told us was very interesting.
4) The man ____ told me this, refused to give me his name.
5) Her book __ was published in 2005 was a great success.
6) He was a man __ knew no fear.
7) Please, give me my coat ___ is hanging in the hall.
8) The football team ___ has won the international championship will return tomorrow.
Match the words and their definitions and write what each of the words from the left column means.
The first one is done for you.
1. The mother tongue a) the sign of a country
2. The population b) people who had lived in the country
3. The official emblem before it got its present name
4. The official language c) a language which a child learns
5 The original population naturally in his/her family not as a foreign language
d) people who live in the country, city,etc., not tourists
e) the language which is spoken on radio,
f) TV, and by official people and
usually by most of the people in the country.
Example. The mother tongue is the language which a child learns naturally, in his/here family, not as a
foreign language.
Make one sentences from two. The first is done for you.
1) Will you return me the book?
I gave you this book yesterday.
Will you return me the book which I gave you yesterday?
2) I want to go to the party.
The party will be at our school during the holidays.
3) I want to see the film.
You saw this film last week.
4) Have you read the advertisement?
The advertisement invites you to take part in the language competition.
5) Do you know the student?
He has won the first prize in the competition.
6) Do you know people?
People can speak more than four languages.
7) Do you know a person.
The person wrote this letter.
III. Конец урока. Подведение итогов деятельности учащихся.
Домашнее задание: упр. 4, 5, с. 102.