Конспект урока "Travelling as a Way to Learn the World" 9 класс

Travelling as a Way to Learn the World (form 9)
( урок закрепления изученного материала)
Цель: развитие навыков устной речи и активизация лексических единиц по теме
Задачи: 1. образовательная - обеспечить в ходе урока повторение и закрепление ЛЕ
по теме «Транспорт» в новой ситуации
2. воспитательные формирования уважительного отношения друг к другу при
защите проектов, а также при фронтальной работе и работе в парах
привитие интереса и уважения к носителям
английского языка через иноязычную речь.
3. развивающие создать условия для развития положительных эмоций,
самостоятельности, используя при этом различные ситуации и творческие задания
- развивать эмоции учащихся, создавая на уроке ситуации радости,
- организовать развитие поискового чтения
-развивать у учащихся умение логически излагать свои мысли
4.практические организовать тренировку в таких видах речевой деятельности как
ayдирование, чтение и говорение с использованием речевых и зрительных опор
Оборудование: электронная презентация Power Point, вербальные опоры, название темы,
карточки с видами транспорта, клише для выражения своего мнения
Ход урока.
1. Орг.момент. Фонетическая зарядка.
2. Экспозиция урока. Введение в тему урока. Every year a lot of all people all over the
world spend their holidays travelling. For many of them, travelling is the most important
and interesting event in the year.
People travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient
towns. Today people have lots of good reasons to travel. Travelling has always been a part of
people’s education. The best way to learn the world is to travel and to see the famous
museums, sights and ets.
3.Фонетическая зарядка. (слайд 2)
Repeat and read:
[t] travel, travelling, customs, flight, seat, ticket, get tickets, check-in counter,
[d] direct, depart, departure, mind, minded, declaration
[ð] the, there, there is, there are, than, other
4. Речевая зарядка.
And what about you? Do you like to travel?
Why do you think people travel?
Why do you like to travel?
Do you agree that travelling is the best way to learn the world? Why do you think so?
What countries would you like to visit and why?
What kinds of transport can you name?
5.Which way of travelling do you prefer and why?
Дискуссия. Путешествие на самолете. Преимущества и недостатки этого вида
транспорта. (слайд 3)
6. What do you think about travelling by plane? What are the advantages (disadvantages)?
I like (dislike) travelling by plane:
1) It is faster than other means of transport.
2) of the meal and the entertainment on board.
3) It is the most comfortable way of travelling.
1) Turbulence can also spoil the flight.
2) There are usually long queues at the check-in.
3) There are terrorist threats which would spoil any journey.
4) You luggage can be lost.
7.Формирование навыков аудирования.
All right. We have decided what kind of travelling you like.Now we are at the airport. Listen
to the airport announcements. Choose the right variant.(работа с учебником стр 80
8.Составление диалога «В аэропорту» (слайд 4)
Fill in the words and act the dialogue.
Can I help you?
I would like to reserve … to … .
When are you planning to leave?
On the … of … .
Are you going to travel…class or … ?
…seat(s) in … class, please. How much would that be?
… dollars. Please, give me your name and address.
Sure. …
Would you like to get your tickets now?
Yes. Sure. (No. I’ll pick them up before the departure).
9.Answer the questions (слайд 6):
1. What do you need for travelling abroad?
2. What formalities do you have to go through before the departure?
3. What do you have to declare at the customs declaration?
10.T: Let’s read the text. ( просмотровое чтение)
City transport in Moscow
The metro is the fastest and most comfortable type of the city transport. The other means of
transport in Moscow are buses, trolley-buses, trams, taxis. Some buses, trolley-buses and trams
have conductors and some have cash-boxes. One should have the correct fare going by such
means of transport. Many people have passes.
London transport
Public transport in London is expensive. The fare depends on the length of the journey. You
cannot buy books of tickets in advance. Children under sixteen pay half, and those under five
travel free. You usually buy bus tickets from a conductor, but on some buses you pay the driver.
Most London buses are double-deckers.
On the underground railway («tube») you buy your ticket from a machine or a ticket office,
and give it up at the end of the journey.
Not all trains from one platform go to the same place, so watch the signs. The last train
leaves at about 00.15.
11.T: Answer my questions.(карточки)
1. What are the main means of transport in Moscow and in London?
2. What is the most comfortable means of transport in London and in Moscow?
3. What is the nickname of London underground?
T: Agree or disagree with me:
1. The bus is the most modern kind of city transport.
2. Trams are usually empty during the rush-hours.
3. The main street of a town is usually found in its outskirts.
4. There is an underground railway in every British town.
12.Translate the proverb and make up your own (слайд 7):
I value wisdom over gold and understanding over silver.
I value … over gold and … over silver.
13.Fill in the customs declaration (слайд 8)
First name
The country of
The country of purpose
Yes No
Yes No
15. Объяснение домашнего задания.
Now you are ready for travelling. I think your holidays will be interesting and unforgettable.
Write a letter to your friend about your travelling.
- Let me tell you about some words with meaning “путешествие”.
В английском языке существует несколько слов, обозначающих “путешествие”: trip,
journey, travel/travelling, flight, voyage, cruise. Обратите внимание, в каких случаях
употребляется то или иное слово.
Слово trip обозначает поездку, короткое путешествие. Оно употребляется в следующих
выражениях: a business/a school/a skiing/a coach/a boat trip; go on/take a trip.
Ex.: The children are going on a school trip to London. Дети собираются на школьную
экскурсию в Лондон.
Journey поездка (обычно долгая или систематическая).
Ex.: The journey to Paris was very long and tiresome. Поездка в Париж была очень долгой и
Travel/Travelling путешествие, передвижение с одного места в другое.
Ex.: I like travelling abroad. Я люблю путешествовать за границей.
Flight путешествие самолетом, полет.
Ex.: Have a nice flight! Удачного полета!
Voyage путешествие по морю, рейс (судна, самолета). Это слово употребляется в
следующем выражении: go on a voyage.
Ex.: Last year I went on a voyage to Cairo. В прошлом году я поплыл на корабле в Каир.
Cruise рейс, круиз, морское путешествие. Это слово употребляется в следующем
выражении: go on a cruise.
Ex.: They want to go on a world cruise. Они хотят отправиться в кругосветное
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