Конспект урока "Travelling"

Практическая задача:
1) Развитие умения полилогической речи
2) Развитие умения чтения (поисковое)
3) Совершенствование лексических и грамматический
Образовательная задача:
Способствовать закреплению страноведческих знаний о культурах
США, Соединенного Королевства и Австралии
Воспитательная задача:
1) Способствовать закреплению правил вежливого общения
2) Способствовать воспитанию толерантного отношения к чужой
Развивающая задача:
Способствовать развитию внутренней мотивации к изучению
иностранного языка
Ход урока.
I. Организационный этап.
a) Орг. момент
T: Hello, class. Stand up, please. Thank you. Sit down. How are you today?
T: I’m also fine, thank you.
b) Речевая разминка
T: Well, you know, today is quite cold. On days like this I’d better stay somewhere
at the seaside. And would you like to stay there?
S: Yes…
T: Well, so I think you like travelling, do you?
S: Of course.
T: Great. And what country would you like to visit? S1, S2, S3..
S1, S2, S3…: the USA, Thailand, France
T: I see. Okay, let’s travel now a lot. S1, imagine that you’re in Spain and, S2,
you’re in Brazil. So, S1, travel to Brazil and, S2, travel to Spain. Change your
В таком игровом формате учитель рассаживает учеников как ему нужно для
дальнейшей групповой работы.
c) Постановка задач на урок
T: Well, thank you. Stay in your new countries, please. So today we are going to
continue speaking about travelling. We will revise some words and then practise
them in your speech. In other words, today we’re going to practice speaking about
travelling. Let’s start.
II. Основной этап.
a) Развитие умения чтения
Работа с текстами происходит на основе методики обучения в
сотрудничестве. Она предшествует ролевой игре, помогая вспомнить
учащимся необходимый для нее лексический и грамматический материал.
Этап 1
Дети разбиваются на 3 команды по 4 человека, каждой команде дается свой
диалог (см. Приложение 2)
T: Now, we’re going to work in groups of four according to your rows. Stay as you
seat now. So here you have got a dialogue. The dialogues are different but the tasks
are the same. You should share your responsibilities and be ready to answer my
questions. You should find in the dialogues:
1) Places of interest
2) Modal Verbs
3) Present Perfect Tense (sentences where it’s used)
4) Exclamatory and interrogative sentences.
So, you should decide who is responsible for which point. You have one minute to
share the responsibilities.
Учитель дает ученикам время на распределение обязанностей.
Этап 2
T: Okay. Now you should work by your own. Do the point for which you are
responsible. You have 3 minutes to do the task.
Ученики работают самостоятельно, выполняя каждый свое задание
соответствии с тем, как они распределили между собой обязанности).
Учитель ходит по классу, наблюдая за выполнением.
Этап 3
T: Times up. Are you ready? Good. So now you have five minutes to tell your
group about your part of the tasks. All of you should be ready to answer any of my
questions according to your tasks.
Ученики делятся своими ответами с партнерами по группе. Учитель ходит
между группами, слушая и наблюдая за выполнением задания.
Этап 4
T: Okay, good. Now let’s work all together. I’ve already mentioned that you have
different texts so the things you’ve found also different. So I want you to share
your answers with the whole class. Make notes in your exercise books s you’ll
need these words and phrases later.
Далее учитель просит учеников рассказать какие достопримечательности,
модальные глаголы, вопросы и т.д. упоминались в их текстах (в соответствии
с заданием). Учащиеся должны делать пометки в тетрадях.
Преподаватель также обращает внимание на особенности структуры
вопросительных и восклицательных предложений (Can you explain how we
must construct this type of sentence?)
Необходимая лексика и фразы вынесены в Приложение 3.
Этап 5
T: Good, thank you very much. And do you remember any other sights/modal
verbs/type of questions…? Dont forget to make notes.
Весь класс вспоминает то, что не было упомянуто в данных текстах, но
проходилось на уроках/было затронуто при выполнении домашних заданий.
Учитель выносит необходимые пометки на доску, учащиеся в тетрадь.
Также учитель обращает внимание учащихся на формы вежливого общения.
Have you noticed polite phrases in your dialogues? What main words and
structures should we use to make our speech polite?
(Thank you, please, would you… ?)
b) Развитие умений полилогической речи
Происходит на базе проведения ролевой игры.
1) Организационный этап
T: Good. Now we have all the necessary words and phrases. Your next task in your
groups would be to role play a dinner party. Here you have the description of the
situation and role cards. Share the roles and role the situation, please. You have
five minutes to prepare.
Ученики распределяют роли и договариваются о том, кто, когда и что будет
говорить. См. Приложение 1.
2) Проведение игры
T: Time’s over. Let’s check what you have. The task for the rest of the class is to
listen to your classmates attentively and to put down mistakes if you find them.
Группы поочередно разыгрывают свои полилоги. Задание одноклассникам
записывать ошибки в речи отвечающих.
3) Подведение итогов игры
T: Very good. Thank you, it was really nice. So let’s discuss your mistakes. It
doesn’t matter who has done them. S1, what have you put down?
Происходит обсуждение и исправление сделанных учащимися ошибок.
T: Thank you. So let’s speak about our play. Was it difficult? Did you like it? Did
you like your role? Was it interesting?
Учитель беседует с классом о том, что понравилось/не понравилось/вызвало
затруднения у учащихся.
T: Well, thank you for your opinion. And I think that S1 was really brilliant today
and I liked how emotionally did their roles S2 and S3…
Учитель оценивает исполнение РПГ учащимися.
Пункты оценивания успешности ролевой игры см. Приложение 3.
III. Завершающий этап.
1) Рефлексия
T: So we have little time left. I really liked our lesson, however, can you tell me,
what have you learnt today?
S: We revise some words and phrases
T: Good, and what was their topic?
S: Travelling.
T: Right you are. And why do we need these words?
S: To speak about travelling.
S: We learnt how to speak about travelling in a real situation.
T: Brilliant!
2) Оценка работы учащихся
T: So, as I’ve already mentioned S1 was awesome today. And S4 quite upset me as
I know that you can work better…
Приложение 1
Role A. You are the host or the hostess of the party. You begin and finish the party
and introduce your guests as they are not acquainted. Ask question, reply to what
your guests have said and try to help your guests to make the list of places they
should visit. You are very curious and fond of the talk as you have never gone
abroad. Don’t forget to be polite.
Role B. You are a relative from London. You don’t know the rest of the guests. It’s
your first visit to the USA. Tell the others about the history of Great Britain and its
sights. Don’t forget to say by what you have been impressed in the USA and ask
about the places you’d like to visit and make the list of them. Don’t forget to be
Role C. You are friends of the host/hostess. You don’t know the guests but you’ve
heard that the host/hostess has relatives from the UK. You recently returned from
Australia and now have many interesting stories to share with the other guests.
You were really impressed by sights of Sidney and kangaroos. Ask questions about
the UK as you’re going to visit it during Easter holiday. Make the list of places
you’d like to visit. Don’t forget to be polite.
Role D. You are friends of the host/hostess who have lived all their lives in the
USA but are quite experienced travelers. You don’t know the rest of the guests.
Speak to the other guests and ask if they see your favourite places of interest in the
USA, the UK and Australia. Help the guests to make the lists of the sights they
ought to see. Don’t forget to be polite.
Role play the situation.
You are at the Dinner Party at your friends’ place in Washington D.C., the USA.
Most of the guests has just come from other countries and now you’re speaking
about interesting facts of the past of the countries and their places of interest.
Make up the list of sights to do. Finish when you are ready the lists.
Приложение 2
Dialogue 1
Is it possible to see anything of London in one or two days?
Well, yes, but, of course, not half enough.
What do you think I ought to see first?
Well, if you are interested in churches and historic places you should go to
Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, St. Paul's and the Tower. Do you
like art galleries?
Then why not go to the National Gallery and the Tate?
I'm told one ought to see the British Museum. Do you think I shall have time
for that?
Well, you might, but if I were you, I should leave that for some other day.
You could spend a whole day there. It's much too big to be seen in an hour or so.
I suppose it is. What about going to the Zoo?
That's not a bad idea. You could spend a couple of hours there comfortably,
or even a whole afternoon, watching the wild animals, birds and reptiles. You
could have tea there too.
I'll do that, then. How do I get there?
Let me see. I think your best way from here is to walk across Regent's park.
Is it much of a walk?
Oh, no, a quarter of an hour or so, but, if you are in a hurry, why not take a
I think I will. Ah, here's one coming. Taxi! The Zoo, please.
Find in the dialogue:
1) Places of interest
2) Modal Verbs
3) Present Perfect Tense (sentences where it’s used)
4) Exclamatory and interrogative sentences.
Dialogue 2
L.: Hello, Anne. Are you back from your holidays already? Ooo, you're lovely and brown!
Where have you been?
A.: Oh, I've had a fantastic timeJ I've just been on a cruise round Europe with my Dad.
L.: Oh, you lucky thing! You must have seen so many interesting places. Where did you sail
A.: Well, we left from Odessa...
L.: Did you call at any European ports?
A.: Yes. Quite a lot. We went ashore at each one and went on some really interesting trips
L.: Did you go by train or did you hire a car?
A.: No, we went by coach.
Now I can say I've seen Rome, London, Paris and Athens.
L.: Ooo, I'm so envious. Were you ever seasick?
A.: Only a little, I was fine, until two days after Gibraltar, The sea suddenly became very
rough, and I had to stay in my cabin.
L.: What a shame. But was your father all right?
A.: Yes, he was fine all the time. He's never seasick,
L.: Did you go ashore when you reached Spain?
A.: No, we only saw the coast-line from the deck. It didn't really look very inviting, a bit bare
and monotonous, in fact.
L.: And did you go for a swim in the Mediterranean?
A.: Yes, and in the Atlantic Ocean too. There are some beautiful beaches on the west coast of
France, It's so nice to have a swim there.
L: Well, I'm glad you've had such a lovely time!
Find in the dialogue:
1) Places of interest
2) Modal Verbs
3) Present Perfect Tense (sentences where it’s used)
4) Exclamatory and interrogative sentences.
coach: a long-distance bus
Dialogue 3
- Hello, Peter!
- Hi, Laura! How are you?
- I’m fine, thanks, and what about you?
- I’m also fine, thank you. I’ve heard you’ve just come back from
- Oh, yes. I was there the whole summer.
- Did you like it?
- Absolutely! It differs so much!
- I guess it does. What did you like most?
- Oh, Sidney is brilliant. There are so many things to do! Opera Theatre is
something awesome, I’m ready to go there every week. And it’s worth
visiting Harbour bridge. I took my best photos on it.
- Sounds really amazing. And have you seen kangaroo?
- Oh, of course, I did! They are very cute. And what about your summer?
- Well, it wasn’t so interesting, you know. I worked for the whole summer.
However, I saved some money.
- So what are you going to do with this money?
- Well… now I think I should go to Australia.
- Oh, you ought to go! You will like it for sure!
Find in the dialogue:
1) Places of interest
2) Modal Verbs
3) Present Perfect Tense (sentences where it’s used)
4) Exclamatory and interrogative sentences.
Приложение 3
Пункты оценивания успешности РПГ.
Essential vocabulary
Sightseeing travel Harbour Bridge
Westminster Abbey place of interest White House
The Houses of Parliament Sidney Capitol
St. Paul’s Cathedral kangaroo George Washington
The Tower Opera Theatre Monument
Word combinations
Have you been to…? To be back from… What a … !
Have you ever seen …? To be interested in … to do the city
To be famous for … You ought to see… (museum, parks,
To be fond of … You could/should … etc. )
You must have seen … What about … ?
Present Perfect Tense
Modal Verbs
Восклицательные и вопросительные предложения.
См. Word Combinations.
Количество реплик:
5-10 реплик от ученика.