Конспект урока "Means of Transport" 8 класс

Департамент образования города Москвы
Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
Высшего профессионального образования
«Московский городской педагогический университет»
Институт иностранных языков
По теме «Means of Transport»
УМК:Spotlight. 8 класс: для общеобразовательных учреждений/ Ю.Е.
Ваулина, В.Эванс, Д.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко.
Желтоногина А.Ю.
Москва, 2014
Тип урока: развития умений монологической речи.
Практическая задача урока:
Развитие умений развернутого монологического высказывания по теме
Means of Transport на основе жизненного опыта учащихся.
Образовательная задача:
Способствовать формированию у учащихся умения логически излагать свои
мысли (на основе подготовленного монолога)
Развивающая задача:
Способствовать развитию догадки и внимания у учащихся (на основе текста
для чтения и самоконтроля)
Воспитательная задача:
Способствовать воспитанию внимания и уважения к чужому мнению (на
основе работы в группах)
Ход урока.
I. Организационный этап. 5 мин.
T: Hello, class. Stand up, please. Thank you. Sit down. How are you today?
T: Well, that’s great. And I’m a little bit tired today. You know it’s quite
tiresome for me to get here. I have to catch a bus, then travel by subway,
after that go on foot. And is it difficult for you to get to school?
T: Oh, I see. And what about you?
T: Lucky you are. And what about travel to the seaside? Which means of
transport do you prefer, P6?
II. Основной этап. 37 мин.
1) Экспозиция к тексту.
T: Very good. So today we go on speaking about travelling. Our today topic
is… can guess?
P: Means of Transport?
T: Right you are! So today we are speaking about means of transport. What
is the youngest means of transport is in your opinion?
T: Thank you very much. And now I want to present you the most up-to-
date means of transport. Look at the screen, please. Do you know this one?
На экране картинки: сигвей, джоли джампер, роликовые кроссовки.
Небольшая беседа с классом.
Have you tried any of them? Did you like it? Would you like to try any?
T: And do you know which means of transport has become a symbol of the
Mississippi River?
P: Boats?
2) Антиципация содержания текста.
T: You are right. But which kind of boats? Any ideas? Well, then open your
books on page 96. Look at the picture and the title of the text. What do you
think the text is going to be about?
P1: Something about voyages.
T: Thank you. Some more ideas?
P2: Something about sailing, navigation.
3) Организация чтения текста про себя.
T: Good. Thank you. So let’s check our guesses reading the text. While
reading fill in the gaps and do ex. 2(a), find the words which mean the same.
Please, look through the words given in the exercise. Do you know all of
them? Good. Then lets start reading.
На выполнение задания дается 3 минуты. После чего происходит
проверка (самоконтроль).
4) Установка на прослушивание
T: Are you ready? Great. Now we are going to check your filling in task but
first of all look at the board. Here you can see the number of mistakes and an
appropriate mark. So if you have got
0-1 your mark is 5 (excellent)
2-3: 4 (good)
4-5: 3 (satisfactory)
More than 5: unsatisfactory
Is it clear? So let’s check your answers. Listen to the tape attentively and
read the text again while listening. Tell me three things that impressed you
from the text.
5) Прослушивание текста.
Пока ученики слушают текст, учитель проходит по классу, проверяя
упр. 2(а).
6) Проверка понимания. Высказывание учащихся на уровне СФЕ.
So, can you say three things that impressed you from the text, P1?
P1: …
T: Good. Some other variants?
P2: …
P3: …
T: I see. Thank you very much.
Вопросы ученикам, если те не найдутся с ответом.
Does it impress the way the steamboats move? Steam rotates a paddlewheel
that causes the boat to move forward.
I found it interesting that such great things used to transport people and
goods up and down the rivers. And not only rivers, if you remember
“Titanic” – steamboats were also widely used in the oceans.
Isn’t it interesting that people still take river cruises today? Would you like
to go one?
T: Great. So raise your hands up these of you who have got excellent marks.
Good job. Good marks? Well, is there anyone who has got unsatisfactory
marks? Next time be more careful doing a task.
7) Экспозиция к аудированию. Снятие трудностей.
T: So, now I want you to work in pairs. Try to remember as much means of
transport as possible and complete the table p. 96 ex. 3. Write it down to
your copybooks.
Во время обсуждений учитель ходит по классу, наблюдая за работой.
Time has finished. Please, compare your lists of transport with mine (на
экране). Which don’t you have? Do you know all of them?
8) Установка на прослушивание.
T: Very good. So now let’s listen to people giving their opinions on different
means of transport. How does each person prefer to travel? Why? Ex 4.
9) Прослушивание записи.
Пока класс слушает, учитель на доске записывает имена говорящих
10) Проверка понимания. Высказывание учащихся на уровне СФЕ.
T: Well, P1, P2, please, come to the board and write down your answers
how do they prefer to travel. Can you tell us about Sophie’s favourite means
of transport, P3?
P3: She prefers bike because you don’t get stuck in traffic.
T: Very good, thank you. And what about Peter, P4?
P4: He likes train because it is a fast way to travel and he likes looking out
of the window.
T: Great. And what did Greg tell us, P5?
P5: He said that he preferred boat as you could go around or go outside and
look at the sea.
11) Постановка КЗ для монологического высказывания учащихся с
опорой на жизненной опыт.
T: Excellent. Now I think we have already discussed a lot about means of
transport and you are ready to speak about your favourites. Please, open
your copybooks and write a topic about your favourite means of transport.
You can use our table of ones. So, how do you prefer to travel? Why? What
are the advantages and disadvantages of this means of transport? In
conclusion try to sum up all the ideas.
Диктуя вопросы, учитель записывает план на доске.
Учащимся отводится 3 минуты на задание. Учитель ходит по классу,
наблюдая за его выполнением.
12) Постановка КЗ (новая).
T: All right. And now work in groups. Discuss means of transport which you
have and then tell all the class what is the most commonly used means of
transport in your group. Why? Be very respectful to other pupils’ opinions in
your group.
На обсуждения учащимся отводится 2 минуты. Учитель ходит по
классу, наблюдая за работой и помогая учащимся.
13) Высказывание учащихся с опорой на личный опыт.
T: Time has finished. Let’s listen to you. Can you start, Gr1? All the rest
listen to the answer and tell us whether you agree or not.
Thank you very much, Gr1. Gr2, what do you think about this choice? Well,
okay. Thank you. And tell us about your means of transport. The task to the
rest is the same.
III. Завершающий этап. 3 мин.
T: Okay, thank you very much. It was very interesting.
Well, who can tell me, what have we learnt today?
P: Weve revised means of transport.
T: Good. We’ve spoken about means of transport. Did you like the
lesson? Well, I see. Thank you.
Оценка работы учащихся.
Д/з: принести работу над ошибками по квизам, учить лексику
раздела 6(d).