Конспект урока "Travelling to the World of Music" 9 класс

Travelling to the World of Music
9 класс
Продолжительность – 2 урока
Образовательные задачи:
Развитие лексических навыков говорения;
Совершенствование навыков чтения и аудирования;
Повторение грамматического материала по теме через составление разных типов
Развивающие задачи:
Развитие внимания, памяти, воображения;
Развитие способности к догадке, гибкости и логичности ума, коммуникабельности,
способности осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные действия;
Расширение кругозора.
Воспитательные задачи:
Формирование уважения к культуре других народов и культуре своей страны;
Воспитание чувства ответственности перед своими одноклассниками;
Воспитание этики взаимоотношений.
Карточки с заданиями, записи разных стилей музыки, портрет А. В. Моцарта, тексты,
изображение поезда, жетоны.
Ход урока
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! On the board you can see a nice train. What do you think
it is for?
Student: May be we are going to travel?
Teacher: Yes, right! We’ll travel to a very beautiful world, the world of music. We can’t live
without music, can we?
Student: No, we can’t. Music is a part of our life. We can hear music everywhere: in the parks, in
the streets, in the shops, on TV, over the radio, in cars, at discos, concerts, everywhere. A lot of
people enjoy music. Music enriches us.
Teacher: I agree with you. I love music too. So, what will our travelling be like? On our way we’re
going to do some stops at different stations and you’ll do different tasks. So, let’s start.
I. Warming-up.
1. Let’s name as many different styles of music as you can.
2. Let’s name as many adjectives which can help you to describe music, as you can.
3. Let’s name all the verbs which are connected with music.
Possible answers of the students:
1. rock, rap, classical, folk music, etc.
2. appealing, powerful, melancholy, sentimental, torchy, etc.
3. to destroy, to conquer, to portray, to irritate, etc.
II. First Station “Meeting Our Guests”
Teacher: Let me introduce our guests. This is a correspondent from one of the British teenagers’
Одному из учеников предварительно было дано индивидуальное задание подготовить
вопросы о музыкальных интересах подростков.
Student: Hi! My name is Sam. I’m writing an article about Russian teenagers, their attitude to
music. I’d like to ask you a few questions.
Do you like music?
What is your favourite sort of music?
Do you often listen to music?
Where and when do you listen to music?
Do the people you live with and your friends share the same tastes in music as you?
How often do you go to concerts?
What do your parents think about music you enjoy listening?
Can you play any musical instrument? Etc.
(организуется речевое взаимодействие с аудиторией)
Thank you very much for your answers. Good bye!
Teacher: one of the most famous pop stars is with us today; she’s travelling to the world of music
with us. This is Valeria. You may ask her as many questions as you want.
Одной из учениц было предварительно было дано индивидуальное домашнее задание:
узнать как можно больше о творчестве певицы, о её семье, планах на будущее, и быть
готовой ответить на вопросы одноклассников.
- How old are you?
- Where do you live?
- How old were you when you started singing?
- What is your favourite song?
- Who writes words for your songs? Etc.
III. Station “Music: the Soundtrack of Your Life”
Teacher: Now you’ll listen to some pieces of music for some seconds. Your task is to describe it and
say what feelings it evokes in you. The questions on the board will help you.
1. What sort of music is it?
2. What is this piece of music like? (describe it, using adjectives)
3. Do you like or dislike it?
4. What feelings does it make you think of?
5. What does it portray?
6. How does it influence you?
Звучат отрывки следующих произведений:
1. Л. Бетховен «Лунная соната»
2. В. Меладзе «Салют, Вера!»
3. Э. Пресли “Love Me Tender”
4. Л. Армстронг “Let My People Go”
5. Н. Бабкина «Ой, снег-снежок», русская песня
Possible students’ answers: I think this is classical music. It’s rather quite and romantic. I like this
music. It evokes different feelings in me. It makes me remember summer. It portrays a light
summer day. Classical music is breathtaking and unforgettable.
IV. Station “Great Composer of the Past”
Звучит музыка В. Моцарта «Свадьба Фигаро»
Teacher: Do you know who the composer of this beautiful piece of music is?
Student: I think it is Mozart. I guess it’s a piece from his opera “The Marriage of Figaro”
Teacher: Yes, you’re right. And now I’d like you to form three groups.
Класс делится на три группы с учётом уровня подготовки по предмету.
Teacher: The task for the first group: the following parts of the text about Mozart are mixed up. Put
them in the right order.
A. When he was 6 years old his father decided to take him and his sister to the big cities of
Europe. Two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria, France, England and Switzerland.
The audience was delighted to see such a small boy playing the clavier.
B. Burdens of life, poverty and disease speeded up his death. He died at the age of 35. The real
fame came to Mozart after his death. Many people now know and like his music.
C. Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer. He was born in 1756. His father, a violinist
and a composer, noticed wonderful talent of his son and taught him how to play musical
instruments and to compose.
D. When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He couldn’t imagine his life without music. By the age
of 19 Mozart was the author of ten major musical works.
E. Being four years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was five or six he started composing
music. At the age of eight-nine Mozart created his first symphonies and at the age of ten his
first creations for musical theatre.
F. At the age of 26 he moved from his native town to Vienna. Though he didn’t have a great
success as a composer in Vienna, Mozart wrote many songs, serenades and symphonies.
Keys: 1-C; 2-E; 3-A; 4-D; 5-F; 6-B.
Teacher: The task for the second group: Fill in the text with necessary words.
Wolfgang Mozart
Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian ____ . He was born in 1756. His father, a violinist and a
composer, noticed wonderful ____ of his son and taught him how to play musical ____ and to
Being four years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was five or six he started _____ music.
At the age of eight-nine Mozart created his first symphonies and at the age of ten his first
creations for musical theatre.
When he was 6 years old his father decided to _____ him and his sister to the big cities of Europe.
Two children gave ____ in Germany, Austria, France, England and Switzerland. The ____ was
delighted to see such a small boy playing the ____ .
When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He couldn’t imagine his life without ____ . By the age of
19 Mozart was the ____ of ten major musical works.
At the ____ of 26 he moved from his native town to Vienna. Though he didn’t have a great ____ as
a composer in Vienna, Mozart wrote many songs, serenades and symphonies
Burdens of life, poverty and disease speeded up his ____ . He died at the age of 35. The real fame
____ to Mozart after his death. Many people now know and like his ____ .
Teacher: The task for the third group of students: You will read some more interesting information
about Mozart and tell everybody you have learned about this great composer.
1. When Mozart was a small boy he played the clavier and the violin, but he was afraid of the
trumpet very much. He didn’t like the sound of this instrument. One day his father decided to
suppress his son’s fear of the trumpet and began playing to his face. Hardly had little Wolfgang
heard such a deafening sound he fainted. His father decided not to make him play trumpet any
2. Here is an announcement of the concert, which was given by Mozart and his sister in Paris:
“Today, on August 30, 1763, at 6 p. m. the last concert will take place: a girl of 12 years old
and her brother of seven will play the clavier. The girl will perform the most difficult
compositions of famous masters and the boy will play the violin and will perform the clavier
concerto and also will play blindfolded so well as if he can see the keyboard perfectly, then he
will imitate all the sounds emitted with different instruments or things such as bells, glasses,
alarm-clocks. And at last he will play the organ as much as the audience wishes since he can do
it perfectly”.
3. When Mozart was twelve he started composing operas. Famous composers and musicians of
that time, who had admired Mozart’s talent before, were afraid of his great success; they saw a
serious rival in him and began spreading the news that it was his father not the boy himself who
wrote operas. They hated him and became Mozart’s enemies. It was very difficult to prove the
public that it was really young Mozart who composed such beautiful operas. The tunes from his
opera “The Marriage of Figaro” could be heard everywhere. People loved the opera, it became
the folk music. Later, in 1875, when Mozart’s opera “The Marriage of Figaro” was suggested
to be staged in Moscow Conservatory, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, the outstanding Russian composer,
made the translation of the text of it into Russian. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky valued Mozart very
much. One day he said, “I am much indebted to Mozart that I’ve devoted my life to music. He
was the first who made me love music most of all in my life”.
4. Mozart died very suddenly after a short illness. Rumors had it that he had been poisoned, but it
is more likely that he had a weak heart. He died so poor that only the gravedigger attended his
funeral. There are many legends around Mozart’s death. They say two weeks before his death a
man in black visited him anonymously and ordered him to write a requiem. Mozart agreed
because he needed money badly. He was a romantic and impressionable man. He felt sure that
it was his death. The visitor in black was just a certain count who wanted to publish the
requiem as his own composition.
Teacher: Now, let’s listen to the stories about Mozart.
Учащиеся первой группы читают вслух текст в правильной последовательности. Учащиеся
второй группы проверяют себя, правильно ли они вставили пропущенные слова. Учащиеся
третьей группы делают короткие сообщения, о которых не читали и не знают их
Teacher: Thank you very much for your work. Now let’s play. We’ll see who can ask questions
Каждая команда выбирает номер вопроса на табло. Вопрос записан на листочке, но его
части перемешаны. Нужно задать вопрос правильно. Если вопрос задан верно, то первая
команда получает треугольник, вторая кружочек, третья квадрат. Команда, набравшая
большее количество фигур на табло, побеждает.
1. when/born/Mozart/where/was/and?
2. did /father /what /his /him /teach?
3. music /he /composing /did /when /start?
4. Mozart /young /countries /visit /what /did?
5. did /when /come /Mozart /to /fame /the /real?
6. by /did /works /he /how /19 /of /age /many /create /the?
7. Mozart /a /enemies /of /didn’t /had /lot /he /young?
8. great /he /what /compose /did /operas?
9. suddenly /didn’t /35 /he /the /died /age /he /of /at?
V. Station “Crossword”
Teacher: I want you now to work in groups again. Let’s sum up your knowledge of music.
Учащиеся разбиваются на группы по своему желанию.
Which group is the first to fill in the words in the crossword?
1. A religious song sung originally by black peoples of the USA.
2. The national song of a country.
3. A large musical instrument played by pressing narrow black or white bars.
4. A person who directs (conducts) the playing of a group of musicians.
5. A religious song.
6. A musical performance.
7. A musical instrument with six or more strings, a long neck and a wooden body.
1. A piece of music for a large group of instruments, usually having four parts.
8. A large group of people who play music together on stringed and other instruments.
1. spiritual
2. anthem
3. piano
4. conductor
5. hymn
6. concert
7. guitar
1. symphony
8. orchestra
Teacher: It’s time we finished our travelling. You’ve worked hard; I am satisfied with your work.
What was difficult for you today at the lesson?
Student 1: For me it was difficult to fill in the blanks in the text with proper words. I haven’t done
everything correctly.
Student 2: I found not easy to ask questions.
Student 3: I find English spelling very difficult, that’s why it was difficult for me to write words in
the crossword.
Teacher: I see. But the more and harder you work and practice the better you know English. He
that would eat the fruit must climb the tree!