Конспект урока "The Last Hero. Условные предложения II типа"

Разработала и провела на Республиканском этапе
Всероссийского конкурса «Учитель года -2010»
Лауреат конкурса, учитель английского языка
высшей квалификационной категории
МОУ СОШ №2 г. Нурлат Куколева Т.Г.
Урок – игра «The Last Hero» ( по теме «Условные предложения II типа»)
Цель: закрепление учебного грамматического материала по теме «Условные
предложения II типа»
образовательные: тренировать употребление условных предложений 2 типа,
развивать навыки чтения и говорения по теме «Spare Time», способствовать
расширению словарного запаса; осуществить текущий контроль знаний в форме
теста с множественным выбором, совершенствовать умения и навыки учащихся
использовать лексику и грамматический материал в устной и письменной речи;
развивающие: развивать умение соблюдать логику парного и группового
рассуждения при выполнении творческих заданий, совершенствовать
речемыслительную деятельность, активизировать память, внимание;
воспитательные: воспитывать инициативность, активность, развивать культуру
общения, формировать навыки самостоятельной работы.
Учебные пособия: мультимедийное средство, интерактивная доска, магнитофон,
таблица, карта, тесты., карточки
1. Организационный момент.
2. Речевая зарядка.
3. Фонетическая зарядка и лексическая зарядка.
4. Повторение изученных глагольных форм.
5. Выполнение грамматических упражнений .
6. Развитие навыков поискового чтения.
7. Релаксация. Упражнение- энергизатор.
8. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
9. Развитие письменной речи.
10. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов.
1. Организационный момент.
T: Good morning, my dear friends! Glad to see you. Today I’ll be your English teacher. My
name is... I like your school. I like your classroom. I love you, my dear girls and boys!( You look
so lovely today! I like your hairdo! You have so nice eyes! You are a born sportsman! Would you
like to make compliments to each other?) You are perfect!
2.Речевая зарядка.
T: Do you like adventures?
Today we’re going to have an unusual lesson. Listen! What is it?( SLIDE 3)
Where is the music from?
Right you are. It’s from the TV programme «The Last Hero».
Would you like to take part in this game? Fantastic!
I want you to make 2 teams. Let us call them tribes. In my box there are some cards. Take
them, please. Those who have red cards, please take your places at this desk! You will be the
tribe #1, the rest of you will be the tribe #2- take your places at that desk. OK. Make yourself
comfortable. The first tribe is called MANGO, the second - AVOCADO (ставлю
Who will be the leader of your team? Super!
Well, children at the end of the game we’ll see which tribe is the most friendly, quick-
witted and determined. So, let’s start. You’ll have some trials ( испытания) to overcome.
I’ll give you a counter for the right answer.
3.Фонетическая зарядка и лексическая зарядка.
T: Be ready for our trip! ! Listen to the tongue-twister and try to repeat it. Let’s do it all
together. Please, be active! The quicker, the better! ( SLIDE 4)
What do you think about this thing?
T: Look we are on a desert island.( SLIDE 5) звучит шум моря, крик чаек) What a beautiful
island! The weather is very changeable. The first thing you should do is making a dwelling.
Now is the 1
Look at the board! (SLIDE 6) On the screen you can see the things you need during your
trip. I’ll tell you the names of 5 things. Listen to me carefully and try to remember these
things. Be ready to name them!
1 Shampoo 2Towel Razor 3 Sunglasses 4Sandals Make up 5Swimming suit
1Tooth paste 2Walking boots 3 Suntan cream 4 Perfume 5Soup
Well-done! You’ve got several counters.
Now.... it’s your turn! How nice! We’ve got necessary things now and our dwellings are
ready! (SLIDE 7)
4. Повторение изученных глагольных форм.
T: Are you hungry? Are you cold? To get warm and cook your dinner, you must make a
fire! I’ll give you some wood sticks with the verbs in different grammar forms: Infinitive,
Past Simple and Subjunctive Mood.
( Don’t worry! I suppose you know the form of Subjunctive Mood . I’ll help you! Look at
the trees on the slide ( SLIDE 8) and read the verbs: took would take
Here is the 2
trial! Your task is to show me the sticks with the verbs in the correct form
and then put them together to make a fire. The more the right answers are, the bigger the
fire is!
Let’s start! Show me the sticks with the verbs Past Simple (were, went, had, looked, liked,
Now show me the verbs in the Subjunctive Mood (would go, would see, , would find, would
Nice work! (SLIDE 9) The fires are ready -you can get warm and cook your dinner now.
5. Выполнение грамматических упражнений.
а) T: Oh, kids! What a nightmare! While we were making a dwelling and getting warm by the
fire, our boats had been carried away by the huge wave to the sea.( SLIDE 10,11). You should
bring them back. It’ll be difficult, but I think the grammar table on the beach will help you.(
SLIDE 12) (Let me help you to revise this grammar rule in Russian (на прошлых уроках вы
познакомились с условными предложениями 2 типа. Оно состоит из придаточного
предложения условия с союзом If и главного предложения. В придаточном предложении
используется Past Simple - вторая форма глагола, а в главном - используется форма
сослагательного наклонения Subjunctive Mood. Эта глагольная форма помогает нам
выразить маловероятную , воображаемую ситуацию. Такое предложение может
начинаться как с главной , так и с придаточного предложения ) T: Lets read and translate
them together. (примеры условных предложений читаем вместе и переводим)
If we wore sunglasses, we would protect our eyes. If we didn’t forget a walkman, we would listen
to music. If I were Robinson Crusoe, I would need a soup.
Here’s the 3rd trial! (SLIDE 13- ) Do the next task: complete the sentences with the
correct form! I invite a member of the tribe MANGO first.
1. If I went to China, I .... panda.
a. would see
b. see
c. will see
2. If the weather were fine, we ... boating.
a. would go
b went
c. would boating
3. My friends would miss their parents, if they .... on the desert island.
a/ live
b. lived
c. would live
4. If I spent my winter holidays in Australia, I ...... swimming.
a. enjoy
b. would enjoy
c enjoyed
5. If I planned my holidays, I .... rafting. It’s dangerous.
a. wouldn’t choose
b. didn’t choose
c/ don’t choose
6. They would travel around the world if they ......... a million of pounds.
a. win
b. won
c. would win
That’s the best! Now I ask a member of the tribe AVOCADO to come to the board.
Fanfastic work! Now you‘ve got your boats. (SLIDE 15)
6.Развитие навыков поискового чтения.
Well, I think, it’s time to eat. Let’s go fishing. Here is the 4
trial! Your task is to
arrange the sentences in the logical order make up a text. ( раздаю части
предложений в виде рыбок, ученики должны составить логическую цепочку)
1. I’d like to get a map of a treasure island/
2. If I had a map, I would go to the treasure island.
3. If I went to the treasure island, I would look for treasure.
4. If I looked for treasure, I would find the treasure.
5. If I found the treasure, I would be very happy.
6. If I were happy, everyone around me would be happy too.
Will you read the text? Good! Fish soup is ready. (SLIDE 1.) I’m proud of you.
7. Релаксация. Упражнение- энергизатор. MУЗЫКА «Мадагаскар»
T: You’ve tried hard. (SLIDE 1. ) But I think you are tired to be sitting. Stand up, please!
Let’s dance and move for a change! ( под музыку из мультфильма «Мадагаскар»
выполняем движения) Up and down Up and down Move your head Move your
shoulders Move your hips Move your legs
Super! You make me happy!
8. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
T: Would you like to read a newspaper. Can you see an interesting advert? What is it about?
I see - it tells us about wonderful opportunities to go on a holiday to the Summer
Adventure Camp! Will you talk about it? I can offer you a dialogue. Complete the dialogue
with the correct verb in bold and then be ready to act it. It’s your next trial! You should
show your talent of an actor.
A: Suppose your parents booked you a week at the Summer Adventure Camp. What courses
would you take?
B: If I go / went there , I would do painting, because it’s my favourite hobby.
A: I prefer something more adventurous. If I were/ am in the camp, I would go diving/
B: What else would you do?
A: If I had/ have a camera, I would take pictures. Or if I had the Net, I would send/ sent e-
B: Oh, that would be non-stop fun!
T: Are you ready? Will you act your dialogue? Spectacular! You’ve got a counter!
9. Развитие письменной речи
T: Well, children, it’s a pity but our lesson is getting over. What have we done today?
(SLIDE 11)
We’ve built a house. We’ve made a fire. We’ve brought our boats back.
We’ve caught fish and made a tasty soup fish. The best is that we’ve made friends!
Would you like to come to this beautiful island again?
And what would you do if you came here again? What did you like best?
Let’s make up some sentences and write them down on this map. If you asked me about it, I
would enjoy having fun with you again. What is more, I would take a laptop with me.
( после того как напишут) Will you read your sentences aloud? Now I suggest you putting
this map into the bottle. Let’s hide it somewhere on the island. Next time we’ll find it and
recall our marvelous adventures.
In the end let’s look how many counters you have collected?- Will you count them? And in
the tribe AVOCADO?
Attention! ( звучит тушь)………. is a winner.
# You’ve been here for a long time. Do you miss your friend? Let’s sing a song « My Bonnie»
10. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов. Т: You have shown your excellent
knowledge today. I thank you for the lesson. Everybody is worth admiring. I’ll put you
only good and excellent marks. And now look- here is the main prize! Bye! Hope
to see you soon.
Му Bonnie is over the ocean,
Му Bonnie is over the sea,
Му Bonnie is over the ocean,
Oh, bring back mу Bonnie to me.
Bring back, bring back, bring back mу Bonnie to me, to me
Bring back, bring back, bring back mу Bonnie to me!