Методическая разработка урока "What is your favourite travelling destination?" 8 класс

Учебно-методическая разработка
«What is your favourite travelling destination?»
к уроку английского языка в 8 классе
учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ№ 32»
Цель разработки - познакомить педагогов с опытом практического
использования интернет ресурсов в преподавании английского языка.
- продемонстрировать способы организации деятельности учащихся на уроке
с применением интернет ресурсов.
На своём уроке я решила использовать интернет ресурсы и согласно
поставленной цели учащиеся должны будут извлечь информацию о месте
предполагаемого отдыха, а также использовать эту информацию для
создания устных высказываний и сочинений.
Тема: “What is your favourite travelling destination?”
Тип урока: совершенствования речевых навыков.
Цели урока:
- развивать навыки чтения с извлечением конкретной информации, устной
- расширять социокультурную компетенцию учащихся, развивать языковую
-воспитание уважительного отношения к ценностям другой культуры.
Урок английского языка с применением интернет ресурсов. Урок является 8
(последним) в цикле 3 в 8 классе.
Оборудование: учебник, компьютеры с выходом в интернет, карточки с
Ход урока:
I. Оргмомент
-Imagine that you are the journalists and you must write the descriptive
composition about your favourite travelling destination. Today we will prepare for
II.Warming up
-Do you like to travel?
-Where would you like to travel?
-Where would you like to see there?
-What would you like to do there?
-The Club magazine asked its readers to write about their favourite destinations.
Let’s read one of them.
-Look at the title of the composition and answer the question: What is Bianca’s
favourite destination? (Bianca’s favourite destination is Russia)
-Read through Bianca’s story and find out about …
Why she chose Russia for her travelling.
What tourists attractions she saw.
How she spent her time in Russia.
The impressions she got from her visit.
-Find and read the adjectives which Bianca used to describe the things in her
composition. (amazing, beautiful, well-known, famous, cold, magnificent, historic
and others)
IV. Using of grammar
-In descriptive writing adjectives are used by writers not only to describe things,
but also to attract readers’ attention.
-You also must use different adjectives in your compositions. But at first it’s
necessary to read the rule.
(Учащиеся читают раздел Learning to learnв учебнике Fact and opinion
adjectivesо правилах использования фактических и оценочных
-Using the adjectives and the nouns, brainstorm as many word combinations as you
can. (unique museum, adventurous people, picturesque landscape, comfortable
hotel and others)
V. Using of internet resources
-Let’s dream that you are going to spend your holidays in other country. But at first
you should decide what country it will be and what you will do there. Now you can
click the sites and find the information to fill in the table:
-You can use 5 different sites:
VI. Speaking
With the help of your table make a massage about your country which you would
like to visit. Use different fact and opinion adjectives.
Phrases which you can use:
I would like to visit …
I must take …
I will able to see … there.
I will able to …
It will cost…
VII. Reflection
-Did you like our lesson?
-What new facts did you learn?
-How do you feel after your virtual travelling?
Homework: ex.4 Write your descriptive composition about your favourite