Дидактический материал "Diet: pros and cons" 9 класс

Divide these word combinations into two columns: pros and cons of a diet.
To keep fit
To be healthy
To look wonderful
Not balanced
To cause health problems
To eat more vegetables and fruit
To eat a variety of food
To be thin and beautiful
Not to overeat
To have anaemia
Divide these word combinations into two columns: pros and cons of a diet.
To keep fit
To be healthy
To look wonderful
Not balanced
To cause health problems
To eat more vegetables and fruit
To eat a variety of food
To be thin and beautiful
Not to overeat
To have anaemia
Divide these word combinations into two columns: pros and cons of a diet.
To keep fit
To be healthy
To look wonderful
Not balanced
To cause health problems
To eat more vegetables and fruit
To eat a variety of food
To be thin and beautiful
Not to overeat
To have anaemia