Памятка по английскому языку "Present Simple or Present Continuous. What’s the difference"

What's the difference?
Present Simple or Present Continuous?
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Things which are always true (законы природы):
Ice melts when it’s hot.
Water boils at 100 degrees.
Things which are happening at the moment of
speaking (действия, происходящие в момент
The water is boiling now, so you can put in the
Now I’m watching a film.
Permanent situations; true for a few years at least
(постоянные состояния):
Julie lives in London.
Mary likes sweets.
Temporary situations (действиях, имеющих
временный характер):
Julie is living in Paris for a few months (usually she
lives in London).
Situations which are slowly changing:
I'm getting better and better at speaking English.
Habits or things we do regularly (регулярно
повторяющиеся, повседневные действия):
I drink coffee every morning.
Students go to school five days a week.
Temporary or new habits:
I'm drinking too much coffee these days because
I'm so busy at work.
Annoying habits, usually with 'always' (выражение
раздражения по поводу повторяющихся
действий, привычек):
You’re always losing your keys!
Future events which are part of a timetable
(расписании уроков, движения транспорта;
программах передач, мероприятий):
My plane leaves at eight tonight.
Definite future plans (определенные планы на
ближайшее будущее):
I'm meeting John after class today.
I’m leaving to London tomorrow at 6 p.m.
To talk about what happens in books, plays and
films (рассказы, спортивные комментарии):
At the end of the book, the detective catches the
To talk about people and actions in pictures and
In this photo, my mother is walking beside a lake.
In this photo I’m running with my dog.
Time expressions: always, usually, often,
sometimes, rarely/seldom, never,
on Mondays, at night, in the
morning/afternoon/evening, every
She reads a lot.
Time expressions: now, at the moment, right
now, this week/month/year, these days, at present,
today, tonight, tomorrow, still, Look! Listen!
She is reading an interesting book!
How to make the tense:
Present Simple
Present Continuous
I/We/You/They + verb
He/She/It + verb -s/-es
I + am (’m) + verb-ing
He/She/It + is (’s) + verb-ing
We/You/They + are (’re) + verb-ing
I/We/You/They + do + not (=don’t ) + verb
He/She/It + does + not (=doesn’t) + verb
I + am + not (=’m not) + verb-ing
He/She/It + is + not (=isn’t) + verb-ing
We/You/They + are + not (=aren’t) + verb-ing
Do I/we/you/they + verb?
Does he/she/it + verb?
Am I + verb-ing?
Is he/she/it + verb-ing?
Are we/you/they + verb-ing?
Stative verbs Глаголы состояния
В английском языке есть так называемые глаголы состояния, которые обозначают состояние, а не
само действие предмета или лица. Эти глаголы не употребляются в Present Continuous.
Глаголы восприятия (hear - слышать, see - видеть, smell - пахнуть, taste иметь вкус,
sound - звучать, seem казаться, feel чувствовать): She seems happy.
Глаголы мыслительной деятельности (believe верить, полагать; forget забывать;
know знать; realise понимать, осознавать; remember помнить; understand -
понимать): He believes in ghosts.
Глаголы, выражающие чувства и эмоции (like нравиться; dislike не нравиться; love
любить; enjoy наслаждаться; hate ненавидеть; want хотеть; prefer -
предпочитать): I like ice cream.
Глаголы, выражающие отношения и состояние принадлежности (have - иметь, belong
принадлежать, own - владеть, contain - содержать, include включать в себя, fit -
подходить): They own two cars.
Some verbs can be both stative and dynamic:
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Think (= думать, полагать)
Think (= обдумывать, обсуждать)
think (stative) = have an opinion
I think that coffee is great.
think (dynamic) = consider, have in my head
What are you thinking about? I'm thinking about my
next holiday.
Have (= иметь, владеть)
Have (= часть выражения)
have (stative) = own
I have a car.
have (dynamic) = part of an expression
I'm having dinner /a party / a bath / a good time.
See (= видеть, понимать)
See (= встречаться)
see (stative) = see with your eyes /
I see what you mean.
I see her now.
see (dynamic) = meet
I'm seeing Robert tomorrow.
Taste (= быть на … , иметь вкус)
Taste (= пробовать на вкус)
taste (stative) = has a certain taste
This soup tastes great.
The coffee tastes really bitter.
(also: smell, feel, look)
taste (dynamic) = the action of tasting
The chef is tasting the soup.
Present Simple or Present Continuous? Exercise 1
Choose the present simple or present continuous:
1. (You / come) _________________________________ tonight?
2. (He / eat) _________________________________ rice every day?
3. I (work) _________________________________ at the moment.
4. (He / come) _________________________________ to London often?
5. He (play) _________________________________ tennis now.
6. (You / come) _________________________________ to the cinema later?
7. They (not / come) ______________________________ to the party tomorrow.
8. He (not / play) _________________________________ golf now.
9. (You / play) _________________________________ tennis this Sunday?
10. They (go) _______________________________ to a restaurant every Saturday.
11. She (not / go) _______________________________ to the cinema very often.
12. You usually (arrive) _________________________________ late.
13. He normally (eat) _________________________________ dinner at home.
14. (You / study) _________________________________ every night?
15. (They / work) _________________________________ late usually?
16. You (not / go) _________________________________ out later.
17. I (not / work) _________________________________ tonight.
18. (She / work) _________________________________ at the moment?
19. I (not / drink) _________________________________ coffee very often.
20. Julie (sleep) _________________________________ now.
Present Simple or Present Continuous? Exercise 2
Choose the present simple or the present continuous. Watch out for stative verbs.
1. Julie ____________ (read) in the garden.
2. What ____________ (we / have) for dinner tonight?
3. She ____________ (have) two daughters.
4. I ____________ (stay) in Spain for two weeks this summer.
5. He often ____________ (come) over for dinner.
6. The class ____________ (begin) at nine every day.
7. What ____________ (you / eat) at the moment?
8. What ____________ (Susie / do) tomorrow?
9. I ____________ (not / work) on Sundays.
10. She ____________ (not / study) now, she ____________ (watch) TV.
11. How often ____________ (you / go) to restaurants?
12. I ____________ (not / go) on holiday this summer.
13. I'm sorry, I ____________ (not / understand).
14. She ____________ (work) as a waitress for a month.
15. She ____________ (take) a salsa dancing class every Tuesday.
16. It ____________ (be) cold here in winter.
17. Take your umbrella, it ____________ (rain).
18. This cake ____________ (taste) delicious.
19. The bag ____________ (belong) to Jack.
20. When ____________ (you / arrive) tonight?