Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс II полугодие

Административная контрольная работа 7 класс II полугодие
Цель проверочной работы – определить уровень сформированности
предметных и метапредметных результатов у обучающихся 7 класса за
2полугодие учебного года.
Задачи работы:
- определить уровень усвоения знаний по изученным темам курса;
- установить уровень овладения ключевыми умениями (сформированность
умения работать с
текстом, правильное употребление грамматических форм), позволяющими
успешно продвигаться в освоении учебного материала на следующем этапе
- выявить типичные ошибки, проблемные вопросы освоения учебного
материала для дальнейшей их отработки и снятия проблем.
Работа состоит из трёх заданий, которые позволяют проверить уровень
освоения знаний и умений по изученным темам курса английского 7 класса
за 2 полугодие.
Предложенные обучающимся задания составлены с целью проверки базовых
знаний по основным темам и разделам программы. В ходе работы также
можно установить уровень сформированности у обучающихся
универсальных учебных действий, порождающих мотивацию к обучению и
позволяющих школьникам ориентироваться в различных предметных
областях познания. При составлении заданий проверочной работы
использованы материала контроля УМК «Spotlight» .В. Е. Ваулина , книга
для учителя к этому УМК, олимпиадные задания сайта «Инфоурок».
Пояснительная записка
Контрольная работа составлена в соответствии с государственным
образовательным стандартом. Объектами контроля являются элементы языка
(лексика, грамматика) и речевая деятельность (чтение).
Контрольная работа состоит из трёх разделов:
1 задание (базовый уровень): понимание общего содержания текста. Тип
задания: установление соответствия; каждый заголовок соответствует только
одному тексту, при этом, один заголовок лишний.
2 задание (лексика, повышенный уровень): восстановление пропущенного
слова в связном тексте. Тип задания: словообразование. 3-5 задания
(грамматика, базовый уровень): восстановление пропущенного слова в
связном тексте. Тип задания: выбор правильного ответа из четырех
Время выполнения работы- 40 минут.
Рекомендуемое время выполнения отдельных разделов:
1 и 2 задания (задания по чтению) –10 мин.
3-5 задания (задания по грамматике и лексике) – 30 мин.
Контрольная работа имеет критерии оценивания результатов и ключ.
За каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл. Максимальное
количество баллов – 22. Успешность выполнения работы определяется
исходя из следующего соответствия:
За правильное выполнение каждого задания ученик получает 1 балл. За
неверный ответ
или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.
От 28 до 26 баллов - оценка «
От 25 до 23 баллов – оценка «4»
От 22 до15баллов оценка «
Если ученик набрал менеебаллов15 б. – оценка «2»
I вариант
I. Read the text.
Прочитайте текст о Лос-Анджелесe. Установите соответствие между
заголовками A-F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1-5.
Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один
лишний заголовок.
A Shopping
B Entertainment
C Celebrities
D Places of interest
E Eating out
F Accommodation
1. Los Angeles is the second largest city in America. It’s also home to film stars,
sunny weather, tallbuildings and heavy traffic. The hotels in LA are more
expensive than those in many other Americancities, but they are clean and safe.
2.There are many interesting places that you can visit, like Venice Beach with its
street performers or Universal Studios to see how they make films. Children can
visit the Children’s Museum- one of the mostexciting museums in the world.
3.There are famous restaurants you can eat at, like the Buffalo Club, a place
packed with celebrities, or Musso and Frank’s Hollywood’s oldest restaurant. For
the most delicious Mexican dishes eat at the Border Grill.
4.You can buy cheap fashionable clothes on Melrose Avenue. Do you want
designer clothes? Then go to the expensive shops on Rodeo Drive. A visit there is
always unforgettable.
5.The nightlife is exciting on the Sunset, an area in Hollywood with famous clubs.
There you can enjoy rock ’n roll music. LA is a modern city with something for
everyone. It’s noisy and crowded, but it’s also fascinating.
2. Choose the right variant
1. What kind of hotels are in Los Angeles?
a) clean and dirty c) clean and dangerous
b) clean and dark d) clean and safe.
2. What museum can children visit?
a) the Buffalo Club c) the Children’s Museum
b) Venice Beach d) Universal Studios
3.Where can people eat the most delicious Mexican dishes?
a) the Buffalo Club c) Musso
b) the Border Grill d) Frank’s Hollywood’s
4. If you want designer clothes then go…
a) Melrose Avenue c) Santee Street
b) Rodeo Drive d) Broadway
5.Where can you enjoy rock ’n roll music ?
a) Sunset c) Beverly Hills
b) South Bay /Harbor d) Mid-City
3. Mark the statements True (T) or false (F)
1. Los Angeles is the third largest city in America.
2. The hotels in LA are less expensive than those in many other American cities.
3. There are many sights that you can visit.
4. There are famous restaurants you can look at.
5. You can buy expensive fashionable clothes on Melrose Avenue.
II.Use the words given in the brackets to form a word that fits in the gap in
the sentence:
1. Look at this puppy! It is so cheerful and ____. (friend)
2. My _________ of the English poem was the best. (translate)
3. I would like to become a famous_______. (music)
4. At Christmas we sing ____ songs called carols. (tradition)
5. The article includes interviews with______ people.( differ)
III. Complete the question tags and write appropriate answers.
1. You were at school last week,…?
2. It isn’t raining now,…?
3. Flying is quicker than driving,…?
4. Our parents discussed family problems with us yesterday,…?
5. We haven’t got much money,…?
IV. Use the correct form of the verb denoting a future action.
1. Don’t worry! I will help / I’m helping you in the evening..
2. I believe less people will live / are living in the countryside in future.
3. Tim has broken his leg and stays at home.- Sorry to hear it. I’ll visit / am visiting
him tomorrow.
4. Mike is leaving / ‘ll leave for Washington tonight. He’s just bought a ticket.
5. There is somebody at the door. I’ll open/am opening.
II вариант
I.Read the text.
A The problem of driving
B The second capital
C Traffic in the city
D Business centre
E Cultural centre
F Educational centre
Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и пронумерованными
абзацами текста1-5.Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании
есть один лишний заголовок.
1. Everyone knows something about New York the Statue of Liberty, the
skyscrapers, the beautiful shops on Fifth Avenue and many theatres of Broadway.
This is America’s cultural capital and the biggest city with a population of nearly
eight million. There are hundreds of things to do and see all the year round.
2. There are five parts in New York: Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and
Richmond. Only one of them, the Bronx, is not on an island. Manhattan, the
smallest island in New York, is the real centre of the city. When people say ‘New
York City’ they usually mean Manhattan. Most of the interesting shops,buildings
and museums are here, and Manhattan is the scene of New York’s busy night life.
3. Wall Street in Manhattan is the financial heart of the USA and the most
important banking centre in the world. It is a street of skyscrapers. Five million
people work here every day.
4. Like every big city, New York has its own traffic system. Traffic jams can be
terrible, and it’s usually quicker to by subway. It goes to almost every corner of
Manhattan. But be careful at night, it’s better not to go by subway. There are more
than 30000 taxis in New York. They are easy to see, because they are bright
5. If you really have to drive in New York, remember that nearly all the east-west
streets and most of the north-south streets are one way only. This can be difficult
for the visitor who doesn’t know his way. Try to get a map that shows the
directions of the traffic, and good luck!
2. Choose the right variant
1.What is the population of New York?
a) 5 million c)7 million
b) 6 million d) 8 million
2.Where are many beautiful shops situated in New York?
a) on Broadway c) near the skyscrapers
b) on Fifth Avenue d) not stated
3. What is the real centre of New York?
a) Manhattan c) Richmond
b) the Bronx d) Brooklyn
4. How many people work in Wall Street in Manhattan?
a) 6 million people c) 7 million people
b) 5 million people d) 4 million people
5. How many taxis are in New York?
a) more than thirteen c) more than one thousand
b) more than thirty d) more than thirty thousand
3. Mark the statements True (T) or false (F)
1. The Statue of Liberty is situated in London.
2. New York is America’s cultural capital.
3. The most important banking centre in the world is Wall Street.
4. There are no problems in New York with traffic jams.
5. Wall Street is in Brooklyn.
II. Use the words given in the brackets to form a word that fits in the gap in
the sentence:
1. My best friend is very _____. (create)
2.Our _____ are at the conference now. (teach)
3. Anna Pavlova was a famous ballet- _____ .(dance)
4. What an ______ day! I have got two bad marks. (lucky)
5. When he drives a car, he is so_______(excite)
III.Complete the question tags and write appropriate answers.
1. You’re having a test next week, .....?
2. She lives in London with her family,…?
3. My sister gave me a book last week,…?
4. My school starts at 8 a.m.,…?
5. The children weren’t at the cinema last Sunday,…?
IV. Use the correct form of the verb denoting a future action.
1. My friend ‘s finding/ ‘ll find a job some day
2. My bags are very heavy today.-Really? I’m giving / ‘ll give you a lift.
3. On Sunday we are moving / will move to a new house in the centre of the city.
4. The population of our city ‘ll reach /is reaching one million by 2020.
5. Sorry, I can’t go to the party with you at the weekend. My sister’ll get married
/’s getting married.
I variant
I.text 1. F 2.D 3.E 4.A 5.B
2. Choose the right variant
1. d) 2. c) 3. b) 4. b) 5. a)
3. Mark the statements True (T) or false (F)
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5.F
II.Use the words given in the brackets to form a word that fits in the gap in
the sentence:
1. friendly
2. translation
3. musician
4. traditional
III.Complete the question tags and write appropriate answers.
1. weren’t you
2. is it
3. isn’t it
4.didn’t they
5.have we
IV. Use the correct form of the verb denoting a future action.
1. I’m helping
2. will live
3. ’ll visit
4. is leaving
5. ’ll open
II variant
I. Read the text:
1. E 2.B 3.D 4. C 5.A
2. Choose the right variant
1.d 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.d
3. Mark the statements True (T) or false (F)
1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F
II. Use the words given in the brackets to form a word that fits in the gap in
the sentence:
1. creative
2. teachers
3. dancer
4. unlucky
5. excited
III.Complete the question tags and write appropriate answers.
1. aren’t you
2. doesn’t she
3. didn’t she
4.doesn’t it
5. were they
IV. Use the correct form of the verb denoting a future action.
1. ‘ll find
2 ‘ll give
3. are moving
4.‘ll reach
5.’s getting married