Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку за I полугодие 6 класс

Административная контрольная работа
по английскому языку за I полугодие (6 класс)
Вариант I
1. Выбери правильный ответ
1. The fridge is … the cooker.
A) in B) next to C) on
2. The computer is … the desk.
A) on B) in C) under
3. Dad wakes up at 8 o`clock …the morning.
A) at B) in C) on
4. It`s safe to travel … train.
A) on B) by C) with
5. Brian and Steve play football … Mondays.
A) on B) in C) at
6. John isn`t here … the moment
A) on B) at C) by
2.. Выбери правильный ответ
1. That blue car over there is their/theirs.
2. What`s yours /her phone number?
3. Their /theirs house is very modern.
4. Are these books her / hers?
5. Is Ruth yours / your sister?
4. Выбери правильный ответ
1. Can I do/ make a phone call?
2. My dad always does /makes the gardening.
3. Bob can drive /sail a boat.
4. Michael can drive /ride a bike.
5. Put the verbs into the correct Present Simple form.
1. She ……her free time with her friends.
A) spend B) spends C) spends
2. They often ……to the cinema.
A) go B) goes C) gos
3. Tony ……at weekends.
A) doesn`t work В) don`t work C) doesn`t works
4. My sister ……breakfast every day.
A) don`t eat B) doesn`t eat C) don`t eats.
5. Jack and Frank……once a week.
A) meets B) meet C) meetes
Административная контрольная работа
по английскому языку за I полугодие
Вариант II
1. Выбери правильный ответ
1. Put the flowers … a vase.
A) in B) next to C) on
2. They go to bed …9:30 pm.
A) in B) at C) on
3. The library isn`t far so I go … bike.
A) on B) by C) in
4. Janet`s birthday is … May.
A) on B) in C) at
5. The farmer wakes up … 5 o`clock.
A) in B) at 3) on
6. It`s safe to travel … train.
A) on B) by C) with
2. Выбери правильный ответ.
1. Is this skateboard his /her?
2. That black cat is our /ours.
3. What is his / hers address?
4. This camera isn`t mine / my.
5. Are these books her / hers?
3. Выбери правильный ответ.
1. Please do/make the dusting.
2. She usually does/makes a cup of tea at four o`clock.
3. Ben is drinking /eating a sandwich.
4. Mary can ride/ sail a horse.
4. Put the verbs into the correct Present Simple form.
1. He …… his grandparents in the countryside.
A) visit B) visits C) visites
2. Sandra ……burgers.
A) don`t like B) doesn`t like C) doesn`t likes
3. Mike`s father ……fast.
A) drive B) drives C) drivees
4. Jane ……the train at 8 o`clock every morning.
A) take B) takes C) taks
5. She …… her hair three times a week.
A) wash B) washes C) washs