Контрольная работа по английскому язык 2 четверть 7 класс

Контрольная работа по английскому язык 2 четверть 7 класс.
вариант 1
1. Вставь в пропуск подходящее слово:
radio, TV-guide, interview, record, interesting articles, gossip, weather,text messages,
fashion and beauty, horoscopes
1. I heard (слушал) my favourite songs on the ____ last night.
2. My sister buys (покупает) a popular magazine to read _____ about famous people.
3. Tom likes to send (отправлять) ______ to his friends.
4. Sara buys a lot of magazines for its ____ _____ advice.
5. I always read the _____ reports in the newspapers.
6. The athlete broke the _____ last year at the Olympic Games.
7. Tom likes to send (отправлять) ______ to his friends.
8. I like reading the newspapers for all its ______ ______.
2. Match the words
1. interesting wildlife a message
2. international b interview
3 .listen to c show
4. chat d documentary
5. weather e news
6. text f report
7. fashion and beauty g programme
8. police h advice
9. sports i. drama
3. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous:
1.They (to watch) TV when their father (to come).
2.His parents (to talk) while Tom (to sleep).
3.When Mike (to watch) the film, her sister (to cook).
4.Mother (to bake) when Ann (to hear) a noise.
5.I (to read) a magazine when the door(open).
4.. Translate into English.
1.Сегодня я могу посмотреть национальные новости.
2. Я люблю смотреть ток-ш
3.Я наслаждаюсь музыкой.
4.Я не люблю смотреть прогноз погоды и ток-шоу.
5. Япредпочитаю интересные статьи и советы моды и красоты.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку 2 четверть 7 класс.
вариант 2
1.Вставь в пропуск подходящее слово:
Chat show, interview, horoscope, TV guide, documentaries, cartoon strips, interesting
1. What’s on tonight? I don’t know. Let’s have a look at the ___ ___ .
2. What’s your mom doing? She’s watching her favourite ____ ______.
3. I was watching a ____ ____ when Sarah phoned.
4. I like reading the newspapers for all its ______ ______.
5. Madonna spoke about her forthcoming (предстоящем) tour in the ______ .
6. Nancy is fond of _______ .
7. What’s your favourite page in a newspaper? A daily ______ .
2. Match the words
1) interesting wildlife a message
2) international b interview
3) listen to c show
4) chat d documentary
5) weather e news
6) text f report
7) fashion and beauty g drama
8) police h programme
9) cookery i advice
3.Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous:
1.Mary (go) to London when I phoned her.
2.Steve got dressed, (do) the washing up and then went to work.
3.We (go) on holiday in July.
4.Jane (do) her homework while Mary was watching TV.
5.The detective asked, “What (you/do) at the time of the robbery?”
4.Translate the sentences from Russian into English
1. Мама Полины смотрит мыльные оперы.
2. Можно нам посмотреть новости или документальный фильм?
3. Слухами земля полнится.
4. Я хочу посмотреть новости.
5. Мой брат не любит документальные фильмы