Конспект занятия английского языка "Я люблю английский"

Чернегиль Татьяна Александровна
Муниципальное УДО «Шахтёрский Дом детского и юношеского
творчества» г.Шахтёрск
Педагог дополнительного образования
Конспект занятия английского языка по теме: «Я люблю
английский» для младшей группы (3 класс)
Ход занятия.
Scene I
T: Hello, dear pupils! Nice to meet you! How are today? (ответы детей)
I’m happy/ I’m tired/ I’m sad/I’m angry/I’m hungry.
T: The topic of our lesson today is «I Like Learning English».
Сегодня мы поговорим о том, насколько вы любите учить английский
язык и закрепим свои знания.
T: We are glad to see you today and we’ll invite you to our travelling to the town
«I Like Learning English».
But first our pupils want to greeting with you.
Но, сначала наши дети хотели бы поприветствовать Вас.
Дети исполняют песню «Hello! Hello (дети исполняют песню).
Scene 2
A story about yourself.
Рассказ ученика о себе.
Hello! My name is…I live in Shakhtoyrsk. I have got a mother, a father, a sister. I
can read books, sing songs and speak English. I like to ride a bike.
Scene 3
Dialog T-Cl.
At the beginning of the lesson you said how were you? And now let’s answer my
questions and show us how are you today? (дети отвечают на вопросы)
Good for you. Let’s sing the song! ( дети исполняют песню с движениями).
Im happy. Im happy. Im happy. Im very happy. How are you? How are you?
How are you today? (I’m tired/ I’m sad/I’m angry/I’m hungry)
Scene 4
Drawing a picture.(педагог раздаёт листы бумаги, на которых дети на
протяжении всего занятия рисуют картину того, о чем идёт речь на занятии).
Let’s draw a picture of weather today. What is the weather like today?
Ответы детей:
The weather is good today. It’s sunny and warm today. I like this weather.
And of course we like to sing. Sing a song about weather today.
How’s the weather? It’s sunny.
How’s the weather? It’s rainy.
How’s the weather? It’s cloudy…
Scene 5
T: Now the children want to have a rest and dance altogether.
Дети исполняют физминутку под музыку.
Penguin song.
Scene 6
Draw a picture. Building a house. (продолжаем рисовать на листах)
Нарисуйте и подпишите части дома.
Уперся в стену старый вол,
А стену мы назвали wall.
«Надежная крыша»,- скажет Нуф-Нуф.
«Волк нас не тронет», крыша- roof.
Трубу мы вам починим,
Труба иначе chimney.
В музыке есть нота до,
И дверь в английском тоже door.
Тебя я потерял из вида,
Смотрю в окно , окошко window.
Our house is ready. Lets sing a song. (дети исполняют песню)
This is my house
This is the roof
This is the window
This is the door.
This is my house
This is the roof
This is the wall
This is the floor.
Scene 7
Rooms in the house.
There are many rooms in the house: a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, a living
room, a dining room, and baby’s room.
In my house there is a toy box with many toys in it. What’s this? What colour is
this? Is it a teddy? Is it big? Is it new? (дети по очереди отвечают на вопросы
учителя и рисуют свою любимую игрушку)
Say about your favourite toy.
I have got a doll.
I have got a ball.
I have got a top……(рассказ о своих игрушках).
Let’s sing a song about toys.
I have a hare
I have a bear
My toys are here
My toys are there.
I have a horse
I have a fox
I have a brown cow.
I have a hen
I have a chick
And I am playing now.
Scene 8
What can animals do.
Can a hare jump?- Yes, it can. Can a cow run?- Yes, it can… (ответы детей)
Do exercises with the bear.
I can run, I can run, I can run and run and I’m having lots of fun
I can run. Can you? (jump, swim, hop, skip) делаем вместе.
Scene 9
Counting song.
We can count. Count the toys please. One, two….- twenty. (счет детей до 20 в
игровой форме)
Sing a song about numbers.
Count, count, count with me
Count with me from one to twenty. (1-20)
Scene 10
Our lesson is over. Thank you for your working. Show us your pictures. Do you
like it? Now you give some presents. These are hearts. You well done today! You
may have a rest.
Sing a song «I like English».