Проверочная работа к учебнику "Spotlight 6" Модуль 2 (дни недели, месяцы, порядковые числительные)

Проверочная работа к учебнику “Spotlight 6” Модуль 2 (дни недели, месяцы, порядковые числительные)
I.Fill in the missing letter:
M _ nd _ y, Tu_s _ ay, We _ nesd _ y , T _ ur _ day, F _ iday , Sa _ urda _ , S _ nday
II. Write the sentences.
Children in a running competition
Example: John was the First.
a)Lena was the ________. b) Peter was the ________. c) Joe was the _________.d) Jane was the ________.e) Spike was the ________.
III. Choose the right answer:
1)The first month of the year is...
a) January
b) December
2)The last month of the year is...
a) January
b) December
3) There are ____ months in a year.
a) 7
4) April comes before...
a) March
b) May
5)____ is the shortest month.
a) February
b) May
6)____ is the twelfth month.
a) November
b) December
7) The seventh month is....
a) June
8) April is ____ month.
a) fourth
b) the fourth
I.Fill in the missing letter:
M o nd ay, Tuesday, We d nesday , T h ur sday, F r iday , Sat urda y , S u nday
II. Write the sentences.
a)second b) fifth c) sixth d)third e) fourth
III. Choose the right answer:
1) a) January
2) b) December
3) b)12
4) b) May
5) a) February
6) b) December
7) b)July
8) b) the fourth
John number 1, Peter number 5, Joe number 6, Lena
number 2, Spike number 4, Jane number 3