Контрольная работа №2 к учебнику Spotlight 7

Spotlight-7 TEST-2 (Module-2) Variant 1
I. Translate the phrases into English:
1.преоделевать 2. отключить электричество 3. научная фантастика 4. С первого взгляда 5.
заснуть быстро 6. решать 7. испытывать облегчение
7 б
II. Fill in the proper words: Cosy, solve, famous, hide, intelligent, imagination, explore, glance
1.Miss Marple can … the hardest of mysteries.
2.Hercule Poirot is a … detective.
3.Jules Verne had a great … .
4.At first … she was an ordinary lady, but she wasn’t.
5.Ann is the most … student in our class.
6.We spent a … evening chatting together in the living room.
7.What’s that noise? Let’s … behind some bushes.
8.They decided to … the area around the camp.
8 б
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.
1. Miss Marple ________ (catch) many criminals.
2. The professor and Alex _______(find) a mysterious message.
3. When I was ten, my family ________(leave) the countryside.
4. Dr. Frankenstein _ ______(meet) Captain Walton on the ice.
4 б
IV. Choose the correct item:
1.The children played in the garden until / then it got dark.
2. Henry used to go / went to the Ireland last week.
3. Lyn got a job after / until she finished school.
4. First she made dinner, then / when she watched TV.
5. The mouse ran away until / as soon as it saw the cat.
5 б
V. Write past forms of the verbs:
5 б
VI.Choose the correct words.
1.A serious and emotional play, written for the theatre, television or radio.
A) novel; B) drama; C) mystery.
2.A story about a crime or a strange event that is difficult to explain.
A) legend; B) biography; C) mystery.
3.A story about the event, that takes place in future or in space.
A) mystery; B) Suspense story; c) science fiction story.
4.A story which makes you feel worried, because you don’t know what is going to happen next.
A) mystery; B) Suspense story; c) science fiction story.
5.A story of a person’s life written by another person.
A) comedy; B) myth; C) biography.
5 б
VII. Rewrite the sentences with USED TO.
1. My best friend isn’t Olivia now.
2. She’s got long, red hair and green eyes.
3. We go everywhere together now.
4. I don’t tidy my room very often now.
5. Do you go to school on foot or by bus?
10 б
VIII. Fill in the gaps with the proper grammatical form of the capitalized words.
I can see … in your eyes. HAPPY
Mother says I was naughty in my … CHILD
He doesn’t have any … . IMAGINE
6 б
Всего : 50б
Spotlight-7 TEST-2 (Module-2) Variant 2
I. Translate the phrases into English:
преодолевать 2. отключить электричество 3. научная фантастика 4. С первого взгляда 5.
заснуть быстро 6. решать 7. испытывать облегчение
7 б
II. Fill in the proper words: imagination, discover, solve, cosy, hide ,glance, famous, explore
1.… in the bushes before the angry dog sees you.
2.She is a great detective. She can … the mysterious crimes.
3.I love my room. It is nice and … .
4.Agatha Christie was a … mystery writer.
5.Did the children … that old house?
6.Jules Verne had a great … .
7.At first … he was an ordinary man, but he wasn’t.
8.Did Columbus … America.
8 б
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.
1. Agatha Christie _____(write) over thirty novels.
2. Hercule Poirot _______(be) a Belgian detective.
3. _______ (you / help) your mum with the housework yesterday?
4. They ______(be) too tired. They ________(not/ want) to play football.
5. How many novels _________(create) Agatha Christie?
5 б
IV. Choose the correct item:
1. I was sleeping as soon as / when the phone rang.
2. I turned on the light until / as soon as I arrived.
3. She ran to the police station until / after she saw the thief.
4. Please turn off the computer after / when you leave.
5. She made dinner when / then she took the dog for a walk.
5 б
V.Write past forms of the verbs:
5 б
VI.Choose the correct words.
1.A serious and emotional play, written for the theatre, television or radio.
A) novel; B) drama; C) mystery.
2.A story about a crime or a strange event that is difficult to explain.
A) legend; B) biography; C) mystery.
3.A story about the event, that takes place in future or in space.
A) mystery; B) Suspense story; c) science fiction story.
4.A story which makes you feel worried, because you don’t know what is going to happen next.
A) mystery; B) Suspense story; c) science fiction story.
5.A story of a person’s life written by another person.
A) comedy; B) myth; C) biography.
5 б
VII.Rewrite the sentences with USED TO.
1. She has short hair now.
2. He doesn’t play football.
3. She is a hairdresser now.
4. I don’t watch TV anymore.
5. Do they live in New York
10 б
VIII. Fill in the gaps with the proper grammatical form of the capitalized words.
Magellan, a Portuguese _________, made the EXPLORE
_________ trip around the world. He sailed from ONE
Spain in 1519 and only in 1522 very few of his
_________ returned home. MAN
6 б
Всего : 50б