Сценарий праздника-конкурса "St. Valentine’s day"

Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа № 340
Невского района Санкт-Петербурга
ул. Ольги Берггольц дом 27, литер А.,
Автор разработки: Иванова Елена Вячеславовна, педагог дополнительного образования
Методическая разработка
My dear friends, we've gathered here today to celebrate St. Valentine's Day! We've got two teams,
and we shall see which team knows more about the holiday. Here are some activities for you.
I. Here are two hearts with many words on them. Which words can be connected with the holiday?
Your task is to put a circle around these words when you find them in the big heart. You may start now!
II. You know, if you want to be a good husband or a wife in the
future, you should know sweet words to tell your partner. And
now you should name all the sweet words you know. One by
one. (Команды по очереди называют ласковые слова.
Побеждает та команда, которая наберет больше очков. За
каждое слово - одно очко.)
III. Well, we are speaking about love, but what do you think
love is like? Now you are to answer this question! Please,
continue the phrase "Love is...".
IV.Now I see you know what love is, but what well-known
lovers pairs can you name? (Команды получают
сердечки, где написано имя одного из влюбленных, они
должны назвать пару.)
Juliet & Romeo
Desdemona & Othello
Eve & Adam
Lady Hamilton & Admiral Nelson
Captain Grey & Assol
Cinderella & Prince
Ophelia & Hamlet
Master & Margaret
V Very often people speak about love in poems. And now you will write poems! (Команды
получают листы с рифмами.)
VI. Oh, you are good poets! But sometimes we can't just talk about love, we must show it!
So, try to pantomime these words to another team so that they can name them. (Команды
получают сердечки со следующими словами, которые они должны пантомимой показать
другой команде.)
a heart a flower
a kiss love
a guitar a letter
VII. And now let's talk again! You should say these tongue twisters as quick and as well as you can!
Merry Mary marries Marty on Monday.
I miss my Swiss Miss. My Swiss Miss misses me.
VIII. And now we shall see how many words you will be able to make out of this one.
IX. You know that on St. Valentine's Day people make Valentine Cards and send them to each other.
So, try your best and make a Valentine Card now. You
have only 6 minutes! (Используя картон, цветную
бумагу, клей, ножницы, фломастеры и свою фантазию,
ребята делают валентинки.)
X. And now we should help the mailman to deliver the
mail. But, please, use only the February words!
XI Well, don't you think that it's time to talk about your
love? For this task we need a boy from one team and a girl
from the other. And the other way round. But the main task
is for boys. My dear boys, take these hearts and you'll
have some minutes to think of what you'll say to your
sweethearts! (Оценивается правильность речи и
XII. Each team should draw a portrait of a dream girl. But
you should do it all together, one by one adding to the
picture, though you won't see what you are drawing.
(Игроки по очереди с завязанными глазами рисуют на
доске портрет.)
XIII. And our last task is called "Dance Hall". Take the
cards and find your pair. Blue hearts are for boys and pink
hearts are for girls.
Pink hearts:
Blue hearts:
I want to dance with a sea captain.
You are a sea captain,
I want to dance with a famous actor.
You are a famous actor.
I want to dance with a pilot.
You are a pilot.
I want to dance with a famous sportsman.
You are a famous sportsman.
I want to dance with a pro fessional dancer.
You are a professional dancer.
I want to dance with a mul timillionaire.
You are a multimillionaire.
I want to dance with a pres ident.
You are a president.
I want to dance with a musician.
You are a musician
I want to dance with a sailor.
You are a sailor
I want to dance with a lion tamer.
You are a lion tamer
I want to dance with a chimney-sweep,
You are a chimney-sweep.
I want to dance with a spaceman.
You are a spaceman,
I want to dance with a racing driver
You are a racing driver.
I want to dance with a deep-sea diver.
You are a deep-sea diver.
I want to dance with the prince of a far-away country
You are the prince of a far-away country.
(Звучит музыка, пары танцуют. Этот конкурс не оценивается, но можно присудить приз
за лучший танец или самым смелым, если танцующих немного.)
Dear friends, thank you very much for this wonderful dance and for our nice holiday! And now
let's listen to what our jury can say about our teams.