Урок-игра "St.Valentine’s Day" 7 класс

St.Valentine’s Day (Урок-игра, 7 класс)
1. Внедрение новых методов работы при обучении иностранному языку.
2. Повышение межкультурной грамотности и образовательного уровня учащихся.
3. Пополнение знаний по страноведению Великобритании и США.
1. Образовательные:
Ознакомление учащихся с историей Дня Святого Валентина.
Ознакомление с методикой проведения конкурсов, игр на английском языке.
2. Воспитательные:
Воспитание уважения к иноязычной культуре.
Развитие эстетических способностей.
Воспитание коллективного творческого умения.
3. Развивающие:
Расширение кругозора учащихся.
Развитие творческих способностей и интереса к предмету.
Teacher: As you know, there are a lot of holidays in the world. Most of people are fond
of them because it is an opportunity to relax, to meet with friends and relatives and to
have fun. British people are fond of holidays too. Now, I’d like you to listen to some
descriptions and guess what kind of holidays are they about?
1. Children usually make lanterns out of pumpkins>dress as witches and ghosts and, go
from house to house and say “Trick or treat”
2. It is celebrated on Sunday in April or May. The day before this holiday we die eggs.
3. It is celebrated in winter. People buy gifts for relatives and friends, decorate fir-trees,
and prepare special food and cookies. Santa Claus climbs down the chimney and
leaves the presents under the Christmas tree.
4. We celebrate this holiday on the 14-th of February. It is a day of love and friendship.
We send greeting cards to our sweethearts and friends.
Yes, it is St. Valentine’s Day.
Our lesson is devoted to a very beautiful holiday, ST. Valentine’s Day. This holiday
is very popular in Britain; it is loved by adult and children.
On this holiday people celebrate friendship, love and romance.
St. Valentine’s Day is a good time to think of others, who are important to us –
mums and dads, grandparents, sisters and brothers, friends and classmates. It’s a nice
time to tell them how much you like them and how you feel.
Remember, “Love crosses all boarders”
Today we’ll have an unusual lesson – we’ll have a competition. You will take part in
such competitions as:
1. St.Valentine’s Quiz.
2. A Broken Heart.
3. Find a Heart.
4. Translator’s Content.
5. Famous Couples.
6. Unscramble the words.
7. Correct Mistakes.
8. Valentine and Valentina.
Here are two teams in our classroom “Kiss” and “Love”.
Each team will get a heart for a right answer. At the end of our competition you’ll count
your hearts. We’ll know who will be the winner. Let’s start our competition.
“St. Valentine’s Quiz”
Look, there are a lot of hearts on the blackboard. Choose the heart, read the question and
answer it.
1. What colour is associated with St. Valentine’s Day?
2. What greeting is often said on this day?
Good luck!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy love life!
3. What are the most common flowers given on St. Valentine’s Day?
4. Which roman God is one of the symbols of St. Valentine’s Day?
5. What was the Valentine who lived three hundred years after the death of Jesus
A doctor
A priest
A teacher
6. The girl Valentine fell in love with was
Blind and deaf
7. Where did Valentine live?
In Greece
In Rome
In Great Britain
8. When was the first valentine made?
In 1415
In 2000
In 1555
Teacher: Now, the next competition “A Broken Heart”
Find two similar halves of the broken heart. On one half there is the question. On the
other heart there is an answer to it. (Команды получают половинки сердец: на одной вопрос,
на второй ответ. Задание: Найти половинки сердец, прочитать вопрос и ответ.)
1. A special card sent on St. Valentine’s Day, usually anonymous.(a valentine)
2. A jar or container that you use for displaying flowers. (a vase)
3. A very strong feeling of liking someone. (love)
4. Valentine’s Day is celebrated during this month. (February)
5. This color is the symbol of love (red)
6. This verb means “to make an offer of marriage”. A true man will always kneel in front of
a woman before asking her to become his wife. (propose)
7. A sweet brown treat that is made from cocoa powder, milk and sugar very tasty.
An organ in your body that pumps blood. If you put your hand over this organ you can
feel it
beating. (heart)
Teacher: I’ve hidden small hearts around the classroom. You have two minutes;
find as much hearts as you can.
“Translator’s contest”
Each team will get the list of English proverbs associated with love. Read them, translate from
Russian into English. (Приложение 1)
“Famous Couples” (Приложение 2)
The information contained in these cards is not correct. You must find famous couples.
Now let’s sing a song “My Bonny”
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
my Bonnie lies over the sea.
My Bonnie lies over the ocean.
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me.
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
my Bonnie lies over the sea.
Well my Bonnie lies over the ocean.
Yeah bring back my Bonnie to me.
Yeah bring back, ah bring back,
and oh bring back my Bonnie to me to me.
Oh bring back, oh bring back,
and oh bring back my Bonnie to me.
Well my Bonnie lies over the ocean,
my Bonnie lies over the sea.
Yeah my Bonnie lies over the ocean.
Oh I said bring back my Bonnie to me.
Yeah bring back, ah bring back,
and oh bring back my Bonnie to me to me.
Oh bring back, ah bring back,
and oh bring back my Bonnie to
“Unscramble the words (Приложение 3)
These words are symbols of St.Valentine’s Day. But the letters are mixed. Find the words.
“Correct mistakes” (Приложение 4)
A boy, John by name, has written a valentine for his girl. But he has made a lot of mistakes. Help
John, correct his mistakes and draw a valentine.
“Valentine and Valentina
Each heart is split into two pieces. I will give you only one minute. Find your Valentine.
Teacher: Now let’s count your points (hearts). Who is the winner? Let’s congratulate our
Our lesson has come to an end. I’d like to congratulate you with ST.Valentine’s Day.
Приложение 1.
English proverbs
Russian equivalents
1. Love me love my dog.
2. Marriages are made in heaven.
3. Love is blind.
4. A kind word gives comfort even a cat.
5. The way to a man’s heart is through his
6. Cut down a tree that you are able to.
7. A hungry man is an angry man.
8. You can not force people to like you.
9. Happiness takes an account of time.
10. Life is not a bed of roses.
1. Жизнь - не ложе из роз.
2. Доброе слово и кошке приятно.
3 .Любишь меня – люби мою собаку.
4. Счастливые часов не наблюдают.
5. Голодный мужчина – сердитый мужчина.
6. Насильно мил не будешь.
7. Браки заключаются на небесах.
8. Путь к сердцу мужчины лежит через его
9. Руби дерево по себе.
10. Любовь слепа.
Приложение 2.
Match the famous couples.
Father Frost
Mickey Mouse
Winnie the Pooh
Princess Frog
Crocodile Gena
Приложение 3
Приложение 4.
“Deer Mary!
I hope that Falentina’s Day will bring you lots ov fun.
I think you are very nise.
And so does everyone.
Best weshes”