Конспект урока "St. Valentine's Day" 5 класс

МОУ СОШ № 2 им. Н.И.Морозова г. Спасска Рязанской области
С применением упражнений по формированию информационно-
коммуникативной компетенции учащихся
Автор : учитель английского языка Бердянова Светлана Александровна
Задачи урока:
- учебный аспект:
- формирование умения употреблять лексический материал по теме «Saint Valentines
Day.» и обеспечение его первичной тренировки в серии речевых и языковых
- совершенствование правильности произношения английских звуков и слов;
правильной интонации.
- обучение диалогическим высказываниям по теме урока, умению давать свою оценку
прослушанному, умению поддержать беседу;
- формирование умения работать в парах
- способствование повышения мотивации учения при помощи интерактивных средств
- формирование умения учащихся осуществлять поиск необходимой информации,
используя стратегию чтения с извлечением информации.
- развивающий аспект:
развитие творческих способностей учащихся; эмоциональности, артистичности,
активности, быстроты реакции, трудолюбия.
- воспитательный аспект:
воспитание чувства коллективизма, ответственности за работу в паре, чувства
доброты, желание доставить радость другим.
- социокультурный аспект:
предоставление возможности для коммуникативного использования английского
Оборудование: Компьютер, проектор, экран, презентация, посвящённая
атрибутам дня Святого Валентина, видеоклип, Раздаточный материал по
теме урока.
Ход урока:
I. Организация класса.
Сообщение целей, задач и плана работы на уроке.
Good morning! Today youll know more about Saint Valentines Day. When
is Saint Valentine’s Day? (p: Saint Valentine’s Day is on the 14
of February.)
Good. Today we’ll speak about this day, about symbols and about traditions
of this day.
II Речевая зарядка.
We begin with the phonetic drill. Repeat after me, please. (слова
фонетической зарядки написаны на доске)
[ ] love, custom, honey, pumpkin, lovers, colour,
[ α: ] heart, card, dance, carnival, party, sweetheart
[ і ] it, this, is, is this, this is, symbol, ring, visit, pretty, chocolate
[і: ] priest, feast, sweets, meal, feel, leave, believe, even
He was a priest. It was his feast.
[ei] day, name, famous, saint, mate, celebration, invitation, play, make, sale,
holiday, decorate, arrange
[ai] I, sign, my, like, Valentine, buy, write
I’ll buy Valentine cards.
I don’t sign Valentine cards.
Please, read the words with the sound….
III.Основной этап:
Card № 1 ( yellow)
Please, take card №1 and read out words and word combinations which refer
to Saint Valentine’s Day.
Card № 2 (pink)
Please, match the words to form word combinations
to send roses
beautiful Valentine’s cards
romantic cards
pretty love
to prepare an invitation
to talk a party
to give about Saint Valentine’s Day
to get chocolates
to make roses
to buy Valentine cards
to write presents
to put a letter box for Valentine’s cards
Now, children, you’ll get cards. Please watch the presentation which made
Simatchkova Vika and fill in the gaps. (Попросить детей перевести задание)
Card 3 (light-green)
1. People celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day on the _________________________.
2. People believed that birds chose their _____________________ on this day.
Card № 1
Heart, sweetheart, card, carnival, Valentine, Saint Valentine’s party, to
decorate the house, to buy invitation cards, to make a fire, to make invitation
cards, to make costumes, to buy presents, to put presents under the Christmas
tree, to put a letter box for Valentine’s cards, to make Valentine’s cards, to
arrange a Valentine’s party, to buy sweets, to visit relatives, to eat traditional
meals, to feel love, to feel anger.
3. People began to _____________ Valentine’s cards more than two centuries
4. In Britain there are a lot of Valentine’s cards for this ____________________.
5. The most popular Valentine’s cards are ______________________________.
6. The sign of love is a red _______________.
7. People give red roses and _____________________ each other on Valentine’s
8. Other symbols of Valentine’s day are ______________ , ______________ ,
____________ , _______________ , _______________ .
(просмотр презентации, затем дети выполняют задание, после выполнения
задания - контроль) попросить пока отложить карточки в сторону
Card 4 (white)
Now, let’s read the text about Saint Valentine’s Day and find some new information
about this feast. Now, Take sheets of paper and write out the new information.
(читаем про себя текст) (затем детей попросить вычитать информацию, которую они
Saint Valentine’s Day
Saint Valentine’s Day is a holiday which is celebrated in Great Britain, the USA,
and in many European countries. This holiday is celebrated on the 14
of February.
It has many legends. One legend tells that Saint Valentine was a priest. He lived in
Rome. Saint Valentine was famous for helping lovers.
Some people believe that Saint Valentine was the saint patron of birds. The
legend tells that birds choose their mates and begin to build their nests.
One of the traditions of this festival is to send valentine’s cards. More than two
centuries ago people began to send valentine’s cards. There are a lot of different
cards for this celebration in Britain. The cards may be humorous or serious,
romantic or not. People may even send Saint Valentine’s Day telegram.
People send special cards to someone they love. There are special cards to My
Husband, My Wife, Mother, Father, and Sweetheart. People usually don’t sign
their names. The person who gets the card must guess who sent it.
On Valentine’s Day people give each other red roses, because a red rose is a
symbol of love. People also give each other chocolates in red boxes that look like
Now, children, I want you to listen to a very beautiful Valentine’s Day song
and to watch the video clip. After watching the clip, please, name other
symbols of Saint Valentine’s Day. And fill in the gaps in your green cards.
Sentence 8.
(Ответ детей: Other symbols of Saint Valentine’s Day are: hearts, balloons,
angels, cupids, rings, flowers, sweets)
Now, please, make up dialogs, use in your dialogs new information that you
have learnt today.
( дать на карточках диалоги с подстановками)
- Do you know British holidays?
- Yes, I ______.
- What British holidays do you like best of all?
- Best of all I like Saint __________ __________.
- What do you know about Saint Valentine’s Day?
- Now I know (that) _______________________________.
- Have you prepared for Saint Valentine’s Day?
- Yes I _________. I have bought many_____________ cards.
- Do you know, that people don’t sign valentine’s cards.
- Yes, I do. And now I know (that) _____________________.
- What are you going to do for our ______________ party?
- I’m going to put a letter __________ for valentine’s __________.
- And I’m going to buy sweets.
- It’s great.
- Now I know (that) people give each other sweets I ______ boxes that look like _____.
- What can you tell our partners about __________ __________ Day?
- I’ll tell them (that) Saint Valentine was a ___________.
- And I know (that) __________________.
- Do you know that ________ _____________ was famous for________ _______?
- Yes, I do. Now I know (that) he lived in _______.
- Do you know (that) people give each other red ________ on ________ _______ day?
- Yes, I do. People give each other _________ because a red rose is a symbol of _______.
- Do you know (that) people send valentine’s cards on _______ _______ Day?
- Yes, I do. Now I know (that) people may even send a Valentine’s Day _______ on this
IV. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов:
Now, children our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Write down your home
task: make publications about Saint Valentine’s Day use hot- list with web sites .