Конспект урока "Team Spirit. Olympic sports" 6 класс

Team Spirit. Olympic sports.
Тип урока: Урок открытия новых знаний, обретения новых умений и навыков
Представление о результатах:
- личностные: формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности к
саморазвитию и самообразованию; формирование коммуникативной компетентности в
общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками.
- метапредметные: умение работать в парах,группах, строить логические рассуждения,
умозаключения, уметь адекватно и осознано использовать речевые средства в
соответствии с задачей коммуникации
- предметные формирование практических умений использовать полученные знания; -
совершенствовать фонетические, лексические, грамматические навыки говорения .
Aim: to introduce the language and topic area for the unit Sport.
1. Warming up
- Hello, dear children! I’m happy to see you today. Boys, you look so smart
today, and girls, you have a beautiful hairstyle. And let’s begin our lesson
with “a hello sporty poem”. Take your sheets of paper and read it using your
right hand to make music. Let’ try doing it! OK, let’s start doing it
- 1. Football and tennis,
Basketball and running,
Let’s say “Hello!”
As quietly as you can. - “Hello!”
- 2. Football and tennis,
Basketball and running,
Let’s say “Hello!”
As quickly as you can. - “Hello!”
- 3. Football and tennis,
Basketball and running,
Let’s say “Hello!”
As louder as you can. - “Hello!”
2. Lead-in.
- Let’s watch a video and try to guess what the topic of our lesson is.
- Open your books on p.101, let’s do the sports quiz (baseball, football, hockey,
rugby, athletics . 2 c, 3c)
- Where were the Winter Olympics in 2018? (Pyeongchang [pjɒŋˈʧang)
-Look at Jack, the hero of our book and let’s read her speech bubble.
- What sports do you do in PE?
What sports do you do in your free time? Let’s find out which sport is the most
popular in the class. in chain
The most popular sport in the class is…
- Would you like to know about British schoolchildren?
School sports on Britain include football, rugby and cricket for boys,
netball (volleyball, basketball) for girls,
hockey (on the grass), tennis, possibly judo and swimming for both.
Most schools compete regionally in some sports as hockey, football, rugby,
netball, cricket and tennis.
- Let’s play a little. Look at the blackboard, you see anagrams, the letters in the
words are mixed, make up the right sport word NNNGIRU, TALETCHSI,
DOUJ, LYCCNIG running, athletics, judo, cycling.
- What do they have in common?(non-ball sports)
- Turn over the page and look at the recycle box. Read it, please. Do you
understand the words, I think everything is clear.
- Which word isn’t used with play running. Games we play in the pitch,
field, court, playground.
- Make- up sentences with these words.
I play…
I don’t play…
-Ex.1, p.102 read the task, match the words in the box with the pictures,
which 2 aren’t there? (judo, table tennis)
- Let’s listen and repeat them after the speaker.
-Ex.3,p.102 Which sports do you hear?
(1.tennis 2. judo 3. athletics 4. archery 5. cycling 6. swimming)
Физминутка Danza cuduro ( skiing, badminton, swimming, running,
jumping, football)
Game “Guess”
Give one word for the following definitions:
A game for two teams that you play with a ball and a basket (basketball)
A game for two teams that you play with the sticks on the ice-ground (ice- hockey)
A game for two people that you play with a small ball on the table (table -tennis)
An English popular game (football)
This kind of sport includes things like running, jumping, etc (athletics)
You can swim there in winter (swimming- pool)
- Ex. 4,p.102 –Let’s read the rule on page 110 and try to understand it. Copy
and complete the table with the sports in ex.1 I’ll give you 2 min. (музыка)
Проверка работ
- mime game:
Play football, go swimming, go running, do gymnastics, go skiing
- Ex. 6 p. 102- order the words to make questions
- Ex.7 p.102- working in pairs (dialogue)
Итог урока: You worked very well at the lesson! Well done!
- What did you like to do at the lesson?
- Your marks… Thank you, see you soon.