Разработка урока "Reading. Vocabulary. The Jamaican bobsleigh team" 8 класс

Разработка урока английского языка
Дата: 10.02.14.
Класс: 8 “C
Тема: Reading. Vocabulary. The Jamaican bobsleigh team. (Unit 7.A sporting life)
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Форма организации познавательной деятельности: индивидуальная,
групповая, коллективная.
Цели урока:
- совершенствовать навыки поискового чтения, говорения (монологической
- повторить составные существительные;
- научить правильному употреблению наречия сравнения и употребить их в
- создать условия для развития памяти, воображения и внимания учащихся;
- содействовать развитию умений речевой деятельности.
-способствовать формированию интереса к изучению культуры страны
изучаемого языка;
Ожидаемые результаты: прочитав статью о команде по бобслею, дети научатся
извлекать информацию, ознакомятся с новыми словами с текста, повторят
составные существительные, научатся правильно употреблять наречия
Оборудование урока: учебник английского языка 8 класса «New Matrix»,
рабочая тетрадь к учебнику «New Matrix», компьютер, проектор, доска.
Ход урока
1. Начало урока (2 мин)
1.1. Организационный момент
Hello! Nice to meet you!
How are you today?
I’m fine! Thank you!
What date is it today?
What day of the week is today?
What is the weather like today?
Thank you!
Ok. Let’s start our lesson.
Hello, teacher!
Fine! Thank you. And you?
Today is the … of February
Today is …
Today is…
1.2. Постановка цели
Today we will read the text, learn new
vocabulary and adverbs of degree. Please, open
your books on page 90. Let’s begin.
2. Речевая зарядка (5 мин)
Exercise 1. How much do you know about the
Winter Olympics?
1. How often do the Winter Olympics take
2. Which of these Winter Olympics sports
are shown in the pictures?
Ski jumping
Ice hockey
3. Which of these sports are popular in
Thank you!
Students look at the picture and answer the
(Обсуждают вопросы вместе и устно
3. Совершенствование навыков поискового чтения (10 мин)
And now we will do some exercises.
Exercise 3. Read the text again and answer these
1.What gave Fitch and Maloney the idea of
setting up a bobsleigh team? 2.What country did
the team travel to for their training? 3.What
nationality was the team’s coach? 4.Why was
Dudley Stokes chosen to be the driver? 5.What
kind of music was the team’s song? 6.What was
Give the students a few minutes to read through
the sentences. Play the recording for the first
Students complete the sentences on their own and
then check their answers in pairs. If necessary,
play the recording for a second time. Check the
answers with the class.
Students answer the questions on their own and
then check their answers in pairs. Check the
the team’s best moment?
Ok, good job!
answers with the class.
4 Vocabulary (5 мин)
Look at the exercise 5. Choose the correct word
to complete the sentences.
Ai-Suu, Ener, Rabiga, come to the blackboard,
1. I’ m going to take part in/ join a health club. 2.
John likes to do game/sport at school. 3.
Manchester United win/beat Liverpool in the
football match. 4. The coach trained/practiced
the players for their important match. 5. Many
tennis fans/viewers go to Wimbledon every year.
6. I always watch/look at the Olympics. 7. The
spectators/viewers in the stadium sang their
team’s song.
5. Повторение compound nouns (5 мин)
Now we’ll do exercise 6. Match these words to
make compound nouns, and explain their
meaning. Is it clear to you? Who wants to begin?
Good job.
Lifestyle the way in which a person lives;
Homework school work that a student has to do
out of the school;
Snowball snow shaped into the ball; jet skiing,
rollercoaster -
6. Adverbs of degree (5 мин)
Now let’s do ex.7, p91. Nachyn, could you read
the task, please.
Look at these phrases containing adverbs. Do the
adverbs mean “a liitle” or “very”? Put them in
the correct column.
7. Заключительный этап (5 мин)
7.1. Подвести итоги урока;
Thank you for being active and put you
following marks …
7.2. Объяснить и записать домашнее задание;
And now it’s time to write down your homework.
So, your homework: exercises …,page in
7.3. Поблагодарить учащихся за урок.
Our lesson is over. See you!