Самостоятельная работа "School Activities" 7 класс

Самостоятельная работа 7 класса по теме : School Activities
1. Translate from Russian into English:
1. Торговый центр
2. Принимать решения
3. Принимать участие
4. Быть заинтересованным историей
5. Разные точки зрения (мнения)
6. Организовывать поездки
7. Экономическая деятельность
2. Translate from English into Russian:
1. Share you talent with us!
2. It’s a competition where the participants sing different songs.
3. The first reference to Novgorod was in 859.
4. It’s fun to carry out experiments.
5. Debating teaches students to investigate new ideas.
3. Make up 3 sentences with the following words:
Confidence, to be involved in , extracurricular activities.
1. Translate from Russian into English:
1. политическая деятельность
2. выступать на публике
3. давать возможность
4. развивать способности
5. влиять на людей
6. грамотные ученики
7. международный центр
2.Translate from English into Russian:
1. She wanted to empress us.
2. The city was founded in 1221.
3. It was a fortified settlement.
4. They set up a military camp in the 10 th century.
5. We passed the laws.
3 . Make up 3 sentences with the following words:
competence, to be a success , outdoor activities.