Контрольная работа "Being happy in the country and in the city" 4 класс

Контрольная работа № 2
«Being happy in the country and in the city».
1. Напиши, что нарисовано на рисунке.
2. Вставь пропущенные буквы.
H_ll, brid__, h__se, gar_en, _cean, eag__, m__ntain, r__d, sh__p, f__ld.
3. Вставь нужные слова в предложения.
a dolphin, in the desert, grass, the tallest
1) ________________________ lives in the sea.
2) Horses eat ______________________ .
3) A giraffe is ___________________ animal in the world.
4) A camel lives in _____________________ .
3. Заполни таблицу. Напиши прилагательные в положительной,
сравнительной и превосходной степенях.
the longest
the best
the nicest
5. Выбери нужное слово. Раскрой скобки.
1) The mouse is _____________ ( smaller/ smallest ) than the cat.
2) Russia is the ______________ ( larger/ largest ) country.
3) Ted is the ______________ ( worse/ worst ) pupil in our class.
4) Summer is the _______________ (hot/ hottest) season.
5) Crocodile is one of the __________________ (more dangerous / most dangerous)
6) I am a ___________( good / better) pupil.
6. Составь предложения.
Example: is, Cleaner, The country, the town, than.
The country is cleaner than the town.
1) my house, His house, smaller, than, is.
2) is, his garden, bigger, Ann’s garden, than.
3) the, sea, is, The, ocean, larger, than.
4) flowers, the, Her, beautiful, most, are.
5) best, pupil, the, is, He.