Конспект урока "Способы организации бизнеса" 11 класс

Урок по теме "Способы организации бизнеса"
Цели урока:
Активизировать имеющиеся в опыте учащихся знания, полученные на уроках английского
языка, или на уроках по другим предметам по темам “Единоличное предпринимательство,
партнерство и корпорация” .
Ознакомление и дальнейшее изучение таких понятий как «Маркетинг» и «Менеджмент».
Формирование навыка употребления активной лексики раздела, формирование
коммуникативной культуры обучающихся, развитие культуры устных высказываний.
• Развитие коммуникабельности, самостоятельности, умения выделять главную информацию в
тексте; развитие способности к логическому изложению; развитие догадки и мышления.
• Воспитание чувства взаимопомощи и внимания друг к другу.
Сопутствующие задачи:
1. Развитие умений изучающего чтения с извлечением необходимой информации,
2. Развитие умений аудирования (понимание на слух текста и диалога).
3.Тренировка навыков диалогической речи и монологической речи (применение в речи речевых
клише с опорой на план и таблицу, правильное использование лексических и грамматических
4. Практиковать учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности , воспитывать чувство
взаимопомощи и внимания друг к другу.
5. Прививать интерес к деловой культуре изучаемого и родного языков.
Оснащение урока:
распечатки с заданиями;
распечатки с текстами;
оформленная доска;
I. Match these words and word combinations with their translations.
Sole proprietorship
Invest money
Income tax
Share of loss
Share of profit
Expand a business
Dudies of a partnership
Limited partnership
Share of earning
Pay the debt
Waste money
Life insurance
Доля потерь
Партнерство с ограниченной ответственностью
Налог на доходы
Доля прибыли
Единоличное владение
Страхование жизни
Вкладывать деньги
Вложение. Инвестиции
Платить долги
Расширять бизнес
Тратить деньги впустую
Доля заработка
Обязанности партнерства
II. Read the following texts and then be ready to answer my questions after
each text.
The Sole Proprietorship (Eдиноличное владение)
Many businesses are sole proprietorships, firms are owned (владеют) and operated
(руководят) by a single person. When a person decides to open (решает открыть)
an independent (независимый) business, that person is entirely responsible
(ответственный) for its success (успех) or failure (провал).
One of the advantages (преимущества) of a sole proprietorship is that an owner
9владелец) can make decisions (принимает решения) without consulting
anyone. An individual proprietor, by law (законом), pays fewer taxes (платит
меньше налогов) that does a corporation.
There are disadvantages (недостатки) to this form of business organizations. A
sole proprietorship ends (приходит конец) with the incapacity or death (смерть)
of the owner(владельца).
The sole proprietorship is well adapted (хорошо адаптировано) to many kinds of
small businesses. Some economic benefits (экономические выгоды) of small
businesses are:
- A small business is the starting point for developing a new product or
service (является отправной точкой для разработки новой продукции).
- The small business can give a person a chance to get experience (дает
человеку шанс приобрести опыт ведения дела).
- Small businesses are well suited for meeting specialized local needs
(отвечает специфически местным потребностям).
Answer these questions:
1) What kind of business is called a sole proprietorship?
2) What is a sole proprietor responsible for?
3) What are the advantages of a sole proprietorship?
4) What are the disadvantages of this form of business organization?
5) What are economic benefits of small business?
The Business Partnership (Деловое партнерство)
When a proprietor (собственник) wants to expand a business (расширить
бизнес0, he forms a partnership (партнерство0. A partnership is a business
formed for profit (для выгоды) by two or more co-owners (совладельцев). The
rights (права) and duties (обязанности) of a partnership are regulated by laws of
the state (законами государства) and by a legal agreement(законным
соглашением) made by co-owners (совладельцы). Usually an agreement
(соглашение) specifies (определяет) the amount of money (количество денег),
each is investing (которые влаживаются) and duties (обязанности) each partner
assumes(принимает). A partnership agreement(соглашение) also may
provide(затрагивать) for a “silent partner” (партнера без права голоса) who
does not take part in the management (не участвует в управлении), but who
invests money (влаживает деньги) in the business.
The partnership has the advantage (преимущество) of pooling managerial talent
(создание общего фонда управленческого таланта). One partner may be
qualified (квалифицирован) in production (в производстве), another in
marketing. The partnership has a favourable tax position (благоприятное
налогооблоение) when compared (если сравнить) with the corporation. Federal
taxes are paid (налоги выплачиваются) by individual partners on their share of
earnings (из их доли заработка), beyond (кроме того) that the business is not
taxed (не облагается налогом).
A major disadvantage (главный недостаток) of the partnership is that each
member (каждый член) is liable for all debts (юридически ответственный за все
долги) of the partnership. For example, if one partner takes a large sum of money
from the business and wastes it (тратит впустую), the others must pay the debt
(должны заплатить долг). Partnership has another disadvantage: decision-
making (принятие решений) is shared (согласовано). If partners have serious
disagreements (разногласия), the business is failed (проваливается).
Answer these questions:
1) What is a partnership?
2) How are the rights and duties of a partnership regulated?
3) What is a “silent partner”?
4) What are the advantages of a partnership?
5) What are the major disadvantages of this kind of business?
Large Corporations
Large corporations can supply goods and services (поставляют товары и услуги)
to a greater number (большому количеству) of people than the small businesses.
They serve consumers (обслуживают потребителей) across the country (в
стране) and across the world (по всему миру). Corporate products cost less(стоит
меньше) because (из-за) of the large volume (большого объема). Large
corporations also have great sun of money to research (исследовать), develop
(разрабатывать) and produce ( производить новые товары) new goods. The
scientific “know how’ innovation and technical capability 9технические
возможности) permit (позволяют) them to maintain (поддерживать) the
competitiveness (конкурентоспособность) and productivity
A corporation is a specific legal form of organization of persons and resources
which is established (создается) for the purpose (в целях) of conducting business
(вести дело) and making profits (извлекать выгоду).
The corporation may own property (владеть собственностью), sue or be sued in
court (выступать истцом и ответчиком в суде) and make contracts
(подписывать контракты). For this reason, the corporation is an ideal means for
the conduct of business.
The corporate form (корпоративная форма бизнеса) of business has some
advantages. First, large corporations hire (нанимают на работу) talented
managers and specialists to conduct (чтобы вести) the business. Second, the
owners of shares (владельцы акций) have limited liability (ограниченная
юридическая ответственность) they are not responsible ( не отвечают) for
corporate debts (за корпоративные долги). Third, the corporation is not damaged
(не рарушается) by the death (смерть) or disinterest of a particular person.
One disadvantage is taxation (налогообложение). As a separate legal unit
(отдельная юридическая единица), the corporation must pay taxes (платить
налоги). Then when the corporation pays profits (выплачивает прибыль) to
individuals in the form of dividends (в виде дивидендов), the individuals are
taxed again on these dividends. This is known as double taxation (двойное
налогообложение). Another disadvantage is that the ownership (собственность)
becomes separated (отделяется) from management ( от управления0 . Sometimes
managers act more in their own interest than those of stock holders (акционеры).
Answer these questions:
1) What is a corporation?
2) What do a corporation do?
3) What activities permit large corporations to maintain the competitiveness
and productivity?
4) What are the advantages of large corporations?
5) What are the disadvantages of this kind of organizing a business?
III. Accomplish the sentences and choose the right ending:
1) Sole proprietorship is business when a firm is owned and operated ..
By two or more individuals
By managers
By a single man
2) A partnership is a business of ….
A single owner
Two or more co-owners
An institution operated by managers
3) The rights and duties of a partnership are regulated by …..
Silent partner
The Government of the state
The laws of the state and the agreement made by co-owners.
4) A corporation is ……….
A specific lrgal form of organization of persons and resources for the
purpose of conducting business and making profits
A form of business organizations of two co-owners
A form of business organization of a single proprietor
5) The competitiveness and productivity of large corporations are
maintained due to ……..
Scientific “know how” innovation and technical capability
Possibility of making profits
Possibility of performing certain services
IV. Now you are welcome to fill in the table and find advantages and
disadvantages of every form of business.
The Sole Proprietorship
The Business Partnership
Large Corporations
The Sole Proprietorship
The Business Partnership
Large Corporations
V. Now listen to the dialogue and then be ready to make up your dialogue
according to the plan.
- How many forms of business do you know?
- There are ………………………………… .
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of the sole proprietorship?
- ……………………………………………………………. .
- And what about the partnership?
- ………………………………………………………………. .
- What can you tell me about the advantages/disadvantages of corporations?
- ……………………………………………………………. .
- Fine. You know the subject well.
VI, Listen to the sentences and insert the prepositions.
Because of
1) Large corporations can supply goods ……. a great number of people.
2) They serve customers …….the world.
3) Corporate products cost less ………. the large volume.
4) A corporation is established …… the purpose ,,,,, conducting business and
making profits.
5) The owners …. shares are not responsible …. Corporate debts.