Проверочная работа "Привет! Приятно увидеть тебя снова!" 5 класс

Проверочная работа №1 (стр.47-51
Четверть I
5 класс (Биболетова М.З.)
I. Listening
Задание №1
Послушай четыре рассказа детей о летних каникулах. Установи соответствие
между каждым рассказом и местом, где прошли каникулы. Занеси свои
ответы в таблицу: впиши соответствующую букву. Ты услышишь каждый
рассказ дважды.
In the city
At camp
At the seaside
In the country
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
Задание №2
Послушай разговор Кэрол и Дэна. Отметь галочкой номер картинки,
которые соответствуют их разговору. Ты услышишь текст дважды.
(Картинки смотри на стр.47 учебника)
A. When did Dan get up on his first day at school?
B. What did Dan wear on his first day at school?
C. What did Dan do after the lessons on his first day at school?
D. Where did Dan fall asleep on his first day at school?
II. Reading
Прочитай текст и выполни задания 3, 4, 5.
One day Little Richard woke up and asked his parents what he was going to
be when he was a grown-up. Dad said: “You have a lot of clubs at school. Find
out about them and choose the one you like best!” And Little Richard said:
“OK, Dad. I like singing. So maybe I will be a singer. I’ll go to the Singing
Club and find out!” And it was a wonderful day. All day he and his friends
were singing and laughing. “I’m going to be a singer, I’m sure,” Little Richard
told his parents that day. And they smiled.
The next day a Science teacher came to the class. All day he spoke about
nature, plants, and animals, and told the children how to take care of nature. In
the evening Little Richard said to his parents; “I want to join the Nature Studies
Club now. I don’t want to be a singer any more. I want to be a scientist!” And
the parents smiled.
On Friday Little Richard went to the swimming pool. “The water is
wonderful!” he cried. “I’d like to be a sportsman now a famous swimmer!”
And the parents smiled.
At the weekend Little Richard went to the theatre. The actors were so
amazing that at that moment he decided to become an actor!
That evening Little Richard was very sad and so he said to his parents: “It’s
so difficult to make a choice!”(сделать выбор) I like to sing, to swim, and to
take care of plants and animals. But today I decided to become an actor. How
can I be all of these things?”
“Don’t be in a hurry, son!” said his father. “You are too young to make just
one choice! “Wait and you will find the one you like best,” said this mum.
“OK, I’ll think about it when I am grown-up!” said Little Richard.
Задание №3
Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву.
What is this text about?
A. Little Richard and his school.
B. Little Richard and his friends.
C. Little Richard and his interests.
Задание №4
Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву.
What was Little Richard’s final choice?
A. He decided to become a singer.
B. He decided to study plants and pets.
C. He decided to make his choice later.
Задание №5
Прочитай предложения. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют
тексту, - T (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту, - F
A. One day Little Richard woke up and asked his parents about his past.
B. A Science teacher told him about nature, plants and animals.
C. Little Richard cried; “the swimming pool is the worst thing in the world!”
D. At the weekend Little Richard decided to become an actor.
E. One evening Little Richard was very sad; “ it’s so difficult to make a
F. His parents told Little Richard that it was too late to make a choice.
III. Writing
Заполни анкету для поступления в школьный кружок.
School clubs
Name _________________________
Surname _________________________
Form (class) ______________________
School ______________________________________________________
What is your favourite subject? ___________________________________
What do you like to do? ________________________________________
What days of the week would you like to do a club? __________________
What clubs did you join last year? _________________________________
Приложение №1 (для учителя)
Материал к аудированию (задания 1 и 2)
Speaker 1
I think it’s boring to spend the summer holidays in the country with
only your family. I spent July with my friends. Every day we had
different sports competitions and played popular outdoor games. In
the evening my friends and I made campfires and played the guitar.
Speaker 2
I had great fun during my summer holidays. I rode my bike every
day. When the weather was warm, I swam in the river. When it was
windy, I flew my kite. I picked berries in the forest, too. I have a
sweet tooth so my granny made some tasty jam for me.
Speaker 3
My summer holidays were busy. I didn’t go to the country or to the
seaside. I went sightseeing instead. My parents and I stayed in a
modern hotel. We visited a lot of different museums, old palaces,
great cathedrals and even some ancient churches. I took a lot of
interesting photos.
Speaker 4
I spent my summer holidays a long way from my own country. My
parents and I went by plane to a very sunny and beautiful place. I did
a lot of sunbathing. I swam in the sea for hours every day. I collected
seashells and watched the fish and the birds. I enjoyed my holidays
very much.
When did Dan get up on his first day at school?
Can you remember your first day at school?
Yes, I can. But it was five years ago. I was very nervous that
You didn’t get up late, did you?
No, I didn’t! I got up very early. At 6 o’clock I think! When mum
came to wake me at 7 o’clock, I had already dressed and cleaned my
I think Mum was very surprised. Usually you get up at 8 o’clock.
What did Dan wear on his first day at school?
Did you wear a school uniform?
Yes, of course. I wore a blue suit and a white shirt.
Did you like it?
Um, five years ago I was happy to wear it. But now I’d prefer to wear
jeans and a T-shirt to school.
What did Dan do after the lessons on his first day at school?
How many lessons did you have on your first day?
Only three or four. And we didn’t get any homework.
What did you do after the lessons?
I played football with my classmate Philip.
Philip? He’s your best friend now, isn’t he?
Yes, he is coming to play computer games with me after lunch.
Where did Dan fall asleep on his first day at school?
Did you like your fist day at school?
Sure. But I was so tired in the evening. That I fell asleep in the
Didn’t you watch TV?
No, I didn’t. I didn’t even have any tea and cake!
Wow! You were tired. You always eat Mum’s cakes.
Используемые источники:
1. М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева. Английский с
удовольствием. ТИТУЛ, 2015.
2. М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева. Английский язык.
Учебно-методическое пособие. Книга для учителя к учебнику для 5
класса общеобразовательных учреждений. ТИТУЛ, 2015.
3. Аудиоприложение к учебнику «Английский с удовольствием» для 5
класса. Издательство ТИТУЛ.