План урока "The Past Of Kovernino" 11 класс

План урока
Тема: The Past Of Kovernino
Продолжительность урока: 45 минут
Класс: 11
Цели: 1) Практические:
- развитие умения говорения, умения извлекать основную информацию
из текста.
- формирование лексических навыков.
2) Общеобразовательные:
- расширение общего кругозора;
- повышение общей языковой культуры выражения мыслей на
иностранном языке;
- расширение словарного запаса.
3) Воспитательные:
- формирование познавательной активности;
- поддержание интереса к изучаемому предмету, через изучение истории
родного края.
4) Развивающие:
- развитие внимания, памяти, воображения;
- развитие языковой догадки.
Языковой и речевой материал:
Тексты для работы.
Оснащение урока:
- компьютер
- мультимедиа проектор
- раздаточный материал
Ход урока
I этап – начало урока
1) Введение в атмосферу английского языка;
2) Настройка речевого аппарата;
3) Создание благоприятного психологического климата.
1) Lead-in activities (T-Cl 2 min.)
Look at the poster and try to guess what we are going to speak. ( слайд №2)
2) Перспективы урока.
Today we are going to speak about Kovernino.
Фонетическая зарядка: Look at the board. There are some phrases, let’s
read it.
1. has a remarkable history,
2. has unique traditions,
3. has a exquisite culture
4. has talented, hardworking people.
-снятие трудностей
There are some unknown words. Let’s translate them, use your dictionaries.
- remarkable
- unique
Good! Now, use these phrases and make sentences. Sentences should be
connected with our settlement.
Thank you!
Речевая зарядка:
Let’s read the phrase.
“They say those who do not know their own past have no future.
Do you agree or not? Join into pairs and discuss.
II этап обсуждение, чтение текста (15 min).
1) Введение и активизация ЛЕ;
2) Развитие навыков чтения (reading for specific information)
3) Развитие навыков устной речи
1) Введение и активизация ЛЕ (T-Cl 3min)
Let’s come back to the 16
century. Imagine that you are the people who
lived in the 16
Look and say, why should we come back to the 16
century (смотрим фото
слайд 3 и даём предположительные ответы)
2) Чтение текста и ответы на вопросы. (Pairs, 12 min)
Lets read the text, but before let’s work with the vocabulary.
1. Look at your cards and translate the underlined words.
From the immemorial time our district has been known as the land of forests
and glamorous nature. The vast forests and fields meet and see you off. Your
enjoyment begins as soon as you arrive at Kovernino.
The priceless treasures of Kovernino are its dense woods and meadows. We
have no exotic trees but our Russian birches, pines, oaks, fir trees, limes are
superb. Have a look! They resemble the famous canvases by Shishkin and Kuinji,
don’t they? Meadows abandon in bluebells, daisies, forget me nots,
cornflowers which gladden the eye.
People always were attracted by vast forests and boundless fields. For
someone it was a chance to escape from anger and persecutions, for others it was a
chance to get a total seclusion. So our district was an ideal place to live in. The first
inhabitants came to Koverninian land in the 16
century. They were hermits,
refugees and even people who belonged to a religious movement called “Old
Believers”, which had separated from the Russian Orthodox Church.
As for our settlement itself, its history began in the 17
century. The Sidorov
and Kirillov brothers founded the “pochinock” which was called Kovernin . The
population grew there rapidly. People occupied outlying territories, built new
houses every year.
2. Read the text again and answer the questions:
-What are the treasures of the settlement?
-Why did people like the territory of Koverninsky district?
-When did the first inhabitants come to Kovernino?
-When did the history of our district begin?
-Who founded the “pochinock” Kovernin?
-The settlement developed very fast, didn’t it? Prove it?
3. Look at the photo and comment it. Use the text.(Слайд №4-6_)
3) Обсуждение (Ind., 4 min)
-There were five main streets : Ilinka, Yurevitskaya, Bolshaya,
Zelyonaya and Soldatskaya Streets. No wonder that streets were small,
dingy and not paved.
(7 слайд)
- There was Bazarnaya Square and a brick chapel in the centre of the
settlement. Also there were some houses and pubs. (8 слайд)
Look at the picture. Whats wrong? (обсуждение фото слайд №10)
The church was destroyed.
4. Homework.(опрос, работа в группах)
I have asked you to prepare a short report about the peasants, the
merchants, the old Russian art of Khokhloma decoration.
The task for others, listen, write important facts.
Group 1.(Слайд 11-13)
In the settlement alongside the poor peasants lived rich merchants. Both had
played the great role in the development of Kovernino. The peasants were very
hardworking and benevolent people. Look at the photo, you see that the old and the
young generation worked together sharpening wooden spoons.
The peasants worked hard. They were concerned with growing crops,
vegetables, raising animals, spinning the yarn, sewing the leather foot-gear,
fishing, and baking cakes and bread.
The basic business of Koverninians was trade and craftworks. Every
Thursday people went to the bazaar and sold cakes, bread, wooden agricultural
instruments, downy shawls, flaxen things.
(The Discussion into the class)
Group 2. (14 слайд)
The old Russian art of Khokhloma decoration originated in the village of
Khokhloma in the 17
century. Later it appeared in Kovernino. Craftsmen have
been passing the secrets of rural” Khokhloma from one generation to another for
centuries. We can’t but mention the most prominent names: F. Bedin, A. Serov,
S. Veselov .
F. Bedin in Khokhloma craft is compared with A. Pushkin in Russian poetry
(The Discussion into the class)
Group 3( 15-16 слайд)
More than 80 merchants lived in Kovernino in the 19
century. Merchants’
contribution into the development of the settlement was great, too. They donated
large sums of money to charity, public education, hospitals and to the development
of agriculture. The first school appeared in 1918. The school began functioning as
a seven-year one. The teachers of the school “went to the people” to educate them.
The merchants and the peasants preferred to relax in their free time. They
chattered, sang songs and danced.
(The Discussion into the class)
III этап – заключительный
1) Подведение итогов;
2) Домашнее задание
1) Рефлексия (T-Cl, 3 min)Our tour to the ancient Kovernino has
finished. I think now you can tell about the history of Kovernino to
other people.
What did we do at the lesson? What was the new for you? What was the
most interesting/easy| difficult? Would you like to know more about the
history of our settlement in English?
2) Домашнее задание (T-Cl, 1 min)
Write an essay about the history of Kovernino.(150-200 words)