Методическая разработка урока "Активизация навыка чтения, перевода и выделения информации в тексте Types of business letters" 11 класс

на тему «Активизация навыка чтения, перевода и выделения информации в
тексте Types of business letters»
Пономарёва С.Р.
преподаватель английского языка
Стерлитамак, 2018
Тема: Активизация навыка чтения, перевода и выделения информации в
тексте Types of business letters
Цель: развитие навыка чтения, перевода и выделения информации в тексте.
Задачи урока:
I. Образовательные:
- развивать умения и навыки чтения;
- активизировать употребление лексических единиц по теме «Types of business
II. Развивающие:
- развивать произвольную и непроизвольную память, мышление, внимание
при работе над упражнениями;
- развивать речевые умения;
- развивать слухопроизносительные навыки;
- развивать языковую догадку.
III. Воспитательные:
- прививать интерес к чтению, к слушанию на иностранном языке;
- воспитывать интерес к изучению иностранного языка, желания узнавать что-
то новое в иностранном языке
- воспитывать доброжелательное отношение друг к другу;
- воспитывать познавательный интерес к уроку иностранного языка;
- воспитывать чувство самореализации.
IV. Практические:
- совершенствовать технику чтения вслух, правильно озвучивать графический
образ слова;
- совершенствовать овладение основными правилами чтения, овладение
определенной скоростью чтения с пониманием прочитанного, овладение
средствами выразительного чтения (интонацией, паузированием, ударением)
- развивать умение читать с извлечением полной информации;
- активизировать умение анализировать отдельные места текста и делать
Языковой материал:
- лексический: through, supplier of goods, customer, to seek information, the
Enquiry (Inquiry) Letter, the Quotation Letter, to require, to look forward, the Letter
of Complaint, to be not up to order, inferior, shortage, the Letter of Apology,
Оборудование: учебник, словари, компьютер, проектор, презентация,
раздаточный материал.
Ход урока:
I. Getting ready for the lesson
1. Greeting, setting aims
Слайд 1
T: Good morning, students. Take your seats and get ready for the lesson. Today our
lesson will be devoted to one of the important forms of communication. We talk to
each other almost every time. Also,we can write to each other and chat in the
Internet. And while doing that we can`t go without reading and writing and speaking.
This time we’re going to develop our listening, reading and speaking skills. The
main aim of our lesson is to study types of business letters through reading
information about them.
Слайд 2
T: Sasha, what phrases do you use when greet Lisa? ( S: Hello,hi…) they are
And if we have a talk with some official person we use (S: Good afternoon..) they
are formal
In everyday life we use informal language, but very soon, after graduating the
college you`ll have to use language of business. We must learn to use it. And our
today’s` theme is “Types of business letters”.
Слайд 3
But, I`d like to start with a limerick. Let`s practice our pronunciation, because our
speech has to be proper. Will you please, look at the board. Virtual communication
may be funny sometimes (reading the limerick, explanation of sounds
I met her in chat, she was neat,
her photo was pretty, petite.
we met for a meal,
I saw her for real,
I screamed and then ran down the street!
II. Main part
1. Before-text exercises
Слайд 4
T: So, today we`ll read a text. But firstly, let`s make some exercises.
What international words do you know, Marina? (M: computer, sport,lift…)
And how will you translate the next? communication, businessmen, information,
professional, transactions, product, brochure, price-list, catalogue, problem.
So, you know a lot of English words. You are to see them in the text, be attentive.
Слайд 5
T: Also, we have to remember about word-building. How do we get new words?
There are suffixes and prefixes which give us new words. (Analyzing the word-
formation )
I hope, this information will always help you in reading.
Слайд 6
And now, please, cross one out
1. Transactions, business letter, customer, price-list, weather, supplier.
2. Inquiry Letter, Christmas card, Quotation Letter, Letter of Apology, Letter of
How do you think, what will be the title of text?
2. Reading
T: Look at the text and the words above it. Let`s read them, repeat after me.
Now, let`s read the text, translate it.
3. After-text exercises
Слайд 7
Are the statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
- If you are interested in a product and want some information about it, you
write an
enquiry letter to the seller. +
- When the seller receives an enquiry letter about the product a customer is
interested in he sends the customer the product.- (He sends the Quotation
Letter )
- If the customer is not satisfied with the product he sends the seller the
letter.- (He sends the Letter of Apology)
- If the seller receives a complaint letter he must apologize and settle the
problem. +
And now, please, answer the questions:
- What is personal correspondence?
- What is business correspondence?
- Name the most important types of business letters.
- What is the Enquiry (Inquiry) Letter?
- What is the Quotation Letter?
- What is the Letter of Complaint?
- What is the Letter of Apology?
So, let`s make the next task: match the types of the letters (1-4) with the samples
1. Letter of enquiry - c
2. Quotation letter - b
3. Letter of complaint - a
4. Letter of apology - d
a) With reference to the above-mentioned order for 5,000 rubberized spindles we
regret to advise you that checks have revealed that the rubber at the base of
approximately 40% of the spindles is in an unsatisfactory condition.
b) We thank you for your letter dated the 29th September and are pleased to send
you our latest catalogue and the current price list. We shall send you a special offer
soon as we have your exact requirements.
c) We are a large music shop in the center of Liverpool and would like to know
more about the tapes and cassettes you advertised in this month’s edition of Music
d) We must apologize for sending you the cheque for the wrong amount of
money. In order to correct this error, we are sending enclosed the cheque for $ 200.
Please rest assured that we shall make every effort not to repeat such mistakes
in the future.
III. Summing up the lesson
T: Let`s sum up . What have we done today? What have we learned? Why is it
important to know rules of business correspondence? You have been working hard
and your marks are…
At home you are to retell the text. Do it orally.
Thank you for the lesson.
through через, посредством
supplier of goods поставщик товаров
customer - клиент
to seek information искать информацию
the Enquiry (Inquiry) Letter письмо-запрос
the Quotation Letter письмо-ответ на запрос
to require - требовать
to look forward ждать с нетерпением
the Letter of Complaint письмо-жалоба
to be not up to order
inferior не соответствующий
shortage нехватка, недостаток
the Letter of Apology письмо-извинение
courteous учтивый, вежливый
Types of business letters
Communication through exchange of letters is known as correspondence. We
communicate our feelings, thoughts, etc. to our friends and relatives through letters
that are called personal correspondence. A businessman also writes and receives
letters in his day-to-day transactions. They are called business correspondence.
Business correspondence or business letter is a written communication between two
parties. Businessmen may write letters to suppliers of goods and also receive letters
from the suppliers. Customers may write letters to businessmen seeking information
about availability of goods, price, quality, sample, etc. or place an order for purchase
of goods. Let us learn the details about some important business letters.
The Enquiry (Inquiry) Letter. You send an inquiry when you wish to have
some information on a product or its sale (after you have seen the product advertised,
or displayed at a fair or exhibition, or you have only heard about it).
The Quotation Letter (a reply to the enquiry) is a short letter enclosing the
required catalogues and price-lists, a brochure, etc. Some 'sales talk', such as 'We are
sure our high-quality products will meet your requirements, and we are looking
forward to your early order' is generally included.
The Letter of Complaint is sent by the customer when after receiving the
goods he finds that they are not up to order. They may be of the wrong size or colour,
their quality might be inferior, there might be a shortage of quantity or weight, etc.
When you have a complaint, you relay this information in a professional and ethical
manner to the person you have the problem with.
The Letter of Apology is a reply to the letter of complaint. The Letter of
Apology should be courteous, even if the complainant has abused you. You should be
truthful if you have already been having trouble with the product, say so. Try to
sound sincere, and, where necessary, be prepared to take full responsibility.
1. Letter of enquiry
2. Quotation letter
3. Letter of complaint
4. Letter of apology
a) With reference to the above-mentioned order for 5,000 rubberized spindles we
regret to advise you that checks have revealed that the rubber at the base of
approximately 40% of the spindles is in an unsatisfactory condition.
b) We thank you for your letter dated the 29th September and are pleased to send
you our latest catalogue and the current price list. We shall send you a special offer
soon as we have your exact requirements.
c) We are a large music shop in the center of Liverpool and would like to know
more about the tapes and cassettes you advertised in this month’s edition of Music
d) We must apologize for sending you the cheque for the wrong amount of
money. In order to correct this error, we are sending enclosed the cheque for $ 200.
Please rest assured that we shall make every effort not to repeat such mistakes
in the future.