Конспект урока по английскому языку "Модальные глаголы must, might, can’t для выражения предположений и догадок"

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение средняя
общеобразовательная школа №183
г. Санкт-Петербург
Конспект урока по английскому языку
(в условиях ФГОС)
Модальные глаголы must, might, cant для выражения предположений
и догадок
Учитель английского языка
Ульева Наталья Львовна
Цель урока : формирование грамматического навыка использования модальных
глаголов в значении вероятности, предположения, сомнения и удивления.
Задачи урока:
1.Познакомить с употреблением структуры.
2.Отработать навык употребления структуры.
3.Расширить коммуникативные возможности учащихся.
Ход урока:
Мотивационно-целевой этап: создание образовательной ситуации обучения,
постановка учебных задач. Используется прием «Подводящий диалог»
Учитель: Have you ever been frightened by something, perhaps a strange
unexplained noise or a figure seen mysteriously at night?
Was there a rational explanation?
Вопросы подводят к тому, что учащиеся затрудняются сформулировать ответ в
силу своей некомпетентности. Для этого необходимо знание структуры -
модальные глаголы в значении вероятности, предположения, сомнения и
удивления. Исходя из этого, определяется цель урока: как выразить
предположение, вероятность и сомнение с помощью модальных глаголов.
Проектировочный этап: что нужно учащимся, чтобы освоить новую структуру?
1. Ознакомление с новой структурой
2. Уточнение значений структуры с разными модальными глаголами
3. Уточнение грамматической формы структуры
4. Проверка понимания структуры
5. Самостоятельное использование структуры
Операционально-деятельностный этап:
1. Ознакомление с новой структурой – учащиеся знакомятся с диалогом:
Учитель: Barry and Susan are having a holiday in an isolated cottage on the edge of
some woods. Susan has just returned from an evening walk.
SUSAN: I think I'm going to give the police a ring.
BARRY: The police! Why?
SUSAN: I saw something strange in the woods just now.
BARRY: What do you mean 'strange'?
SUSAN: There was a man with a pair of binoculars.
BARRY: So? What's wrong with a pair of binoculars?
SUSAN: Well, why would he want them at this time of the evening?
BARRY: He might have been badger watching, you never know.
SUSAN: Badger watching? I doubt it. He had a spade with him.
BARRY: I can't see why a spade is so suspicious. He could have been digging for
SUSAN: With a spade? Don't be daft! Anyway, it's not the mushroom season.
BARRY: Did he see you?
SUSAN: Yes, he sort of gave a half smile and a wave.
BARRY: It must have been the farmer from up the road.
SUSAN: Well, I didn't recognise him.
BARRY: Listen, he can't have been doing anything very serious or someone
would have contacted the police by now. I think you're being unnecessarily
SUSAN: DO you think so? I'm not so sure.
Учитель: Why does Susan dismiss Barry's suggestions that the man might have been
a) badger watching? b) digging for mushrooms? c) a neighbour? What do you think
the man was doing?
Отвечая на вопросы, учащиеся знакомятся с новой структурой.
2. Уточнение значений структуры с разными модальными глаголами:
Учитель: Match the sentences with their meanings:
1) He might/could have attacked me.
2) He might/could have been digging for mushrooms.
3) It must have been a neighbour (taking his dog for a walk).
4) He must have been digging for mushrooms.
5) He can't have seen me.
6) He can't have been doing anything serious.
a) The speaker is almost 100% certain that the event happened,
b) The speaker is not sure,
c) The speaker is almost 100% certain that the event didn't happen.
Ответы обучающихся: 1) и 2) b; 3) и 4) a; 5) и 6) c.
Учитель: Now we can translate these structures into Russian:
must have seen должно быть, видел
might have seen может быть, видел
cant have seen не может быть, чтобы видел
3. Уточнение грамматической формы структуры:
Учитель: The structure has both simple and continuous forms.
been watching
been digging
been a neighbour
4. Проверка понимания структуры:
Учитель: Explain the difference in meaning.
a) He might have been looking for something.
b) He must have been looking for something.
c) He can’t have been looking for something.
Ответы обучающихся:
a) The speaker is not sure that he was looking for something,
b) The speaker is almost 100% certain that he was looking for something,
c) The speaker is almost 100% certain that he was looking for something.
Учитель: Complete the sentences with a past modal.
1 . The police have evacuated the building. They ... (discover) a bomb.
2 . You ... (lose) your ticket. I saw you put it in your bag this morning.
3 . They're not here yet. Do you think they ... (miss) the train?
4 . He looked very young. He ... (be) more than fifteen.
5 . She seemed very irritable when she got home. She ... (have) a bad day at work.
Ответы обучающихся:
1. The police have evacuated the building. They must have discovered a bomb.
2. You must have lost your ticket. I saw you put it in your bag this morning.
3. They’re not here yet. Do you think they might have missed the train?
4. He looked very young. He can’t have been more than fifteen.
5. She might have had a bad day at work. She seemed very irritable when she got
Учитель: A certain Gerry is late for a meeting. Speculate about what has happened to
him using the notes.
( have accident / oversleep / watch,stop / get caught in a traffic jam)
Students’ answers:
He might have had an accident.
He might have overslept.
His watch might have stopped.
He might have got caught in a traffic jam.
Контрольно-оценочный этап: управляемый диалог.
Acting out the dialogue
Учитель: Let’s role play the dialogue. You should telephone Gerry to find out why he
wasn’t at the meeting.
Answer the phone
Apologise and explain that you weren’t
feeling well. Express your doubt that
everyone noticed his absence.
Explain that you were sick all night and
that it must have been something you ate.
Apologise and say when you’ll be able to
get back to school/work.
Рефлексивный этап: прием «Продолжи фразу».
Предлагается список фраз. Ученик выбирает одну и продолжает фразу.
Complete the sentences:
It was interesting to …..
I’ve learned…..
Now I understand ……..
I found it hard….
Tomorrow I’d like to …….
Список используемой литературы:
1. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. Английский язык. IX класс: учеб. Для
общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением
англ. яз. – М., Просвещение, 2010.
2. Abbs B. Blueprint. Upper Intermediate. Longman, 1993.
3. Даутова О.Б. Проектирование учебно-познавательной деятельности
школьника на уроке в условиях ФГОС. - Санкт-Петербург, Издательство
КАРО, 2016.