Презентация "Формирование грамматических навыков. Модальные глаголы. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Косвенные вопросы"

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Учитель английского языка ГОУ «Школа 1494» СП 296 город Москва Мамаджанян Жанна Георгиевна Презентация к уроку. Формирование грамматических навыков. Модальные глаголы. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Косвенные вопросы. Модуль 3. УМК Traveller pre-intermediate
  • Modal verbs can/could/may/ be able to/ should/shouldn’t/ have to/don’t have to/ needn’t/don’t need to/ must/mustn’t
Fill in the table

Fill in the table.

1.Can you help me to do this task ? 2.Shall we go to the shopping center? 3.May I go out? 4.I could ride the bike when I was ten. 5.I must go to the doctor. 6.You don’t need to have it.

Indirect questions. Remember Indirect questions. Transfer these sentences:
  • 1. How far is the hospital?
  • – Can you tell me...
  • 2. Where are they?
  • – Do you know …

1. Can you tell me how far the hospital is. 2. Do you know where they are.

Indirect questions. Transfer these sentences:
  • 1. Why are the kids frightened?
  • – Could you tell me …
  • 2. When can I call you back?
  • – I’d like to know …

1. Could you tell me why the kids are frightened. 2. I’d like to know when I can call you back.

Indirect questions. Transfer these sentences:
  • 1. Which boat does Tom choose?
  • – Can you tell me...
  • 2. How often do you load the paper into the tray?
  • – Do you know …

1. Can you tell me which boat Tom has chosen. 2. Do you know how often he loads the paper into the tray.

Indirect questions. Transfer these sentences:
  • 1. When will the ceremony start?
  • – I’d like to know …
  • 2. How many fish has he caught?
  • – Do you know …

1. I’d like to know when the ceremony


2. Do you know how many fish he has caught.

Which city is bigger Moscow or London? (population and area) Moscow 12 ml London 9 ml 2 511 sq. km 1 572sq. km What is the longest river in Russia? The river Lena 4400 km Compare these cats. Translate 1.Мой кот самый красивый из всех. 2.Она красивее меня. 3.Это самый худший перевод. 4.Они такие же умные, как и все остальные. 5.Этот пес такой же умный, как и мой.

1.My cat is the most beautiful of all. 2.She's prettier than me. 3.This is the worst translation. 4.They're just as smart as everyone else. 5.This dog is as clever as mine.

Thank you!