The Greatest Scientists Their Inventions and Discoveries

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The Greatest Scientists Their Inventions and Discoveries Unit 4 O.V.Afanasyeva, I.V.Mikheeva 8th form The world of science The world of science has no borders. What is difference between words to invent & to discover?
  • to invent

means to create something new, for example, paper, a microscope, etc.

  • to discover

means to find, see or learn of something no one new before (radium, x-ray etc.)/

  • to invent
  • inventor
  • invention
Whose invention or discovery it is …
  • Galileo Galilei
  • Michael Faraday
  • Johann Gregor Mendel
  • Isaak Newton
  • Albert Einstein
  • Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen
  • Alexander Bell
  • Alexander Popov
  • Louis Pasteur
  • John Logie Baird
  • Rudolf Engine
  • Marie Curie
  • Dmitry Mendeleev
  • Ts’ai Lune
  • Ivan Pavlov
a) paper

b) thermometer and microscope

c) X-ray

d) theory of relativity

e) law of universal gravity

f) diesel engine

g) vaccines against cholera

h) telephone

i) table of chemical elements

j) conditional reflexes

k) laws of heredity

l) radium

m) electromagnetic induction

n) radio

o) television

Ts’ai Lun Chinese scientist

Invented paper in the first century

Isaac Newton 1643-1727

great work “Elements of Natural philosophy”,1687

“Математические числа натуральной философии”

The great English scientist


Закон всемирного тяготения

Three laws of mechanics

Три закона механики

law of universal gravity

Galileo Galilei 1564-1642

Italian scientist






mountains on the moon

spots on the Sun.

Michael Faraday

English physicist and chemist

Discovered connections between electricity and magnetism

In 1831

discovered magneto-electricity.


Johann Mendel 1822-1844

Austrian naturalist

-discovered bows of heredity

-did experiments with peas

Учение о наследственности

Alexander Popov 1859-1906

Russian physicist

invented radio,1895

got Golden Medal in the World Exhibition in Paris,1901


French scientist

Discovered vaccines against cholera

created the institute of microbiology

Louis Pasteur


German engineer

created diesel engine, special machine in 1879.

Rudolf Engine Diesel

Dmitry Mendeleyev 1834-1907

Russian chemist

Discovered table of chemical elements in 1869

Marie Curie French physicist

Discovered radium in 1898

Was born in Warsaw

In 1911

received the

Nobel Prize

Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922

Was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in1847

Invented the telephone in 1876

became a citizen of the United States in 1882

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen 1845-1923

German physicist

Discovered x-ray

got awarded Nobel Prize 1901

Ivan Pavlov


Russian physiologist

Discovered conditional reflexes

Albert Einstein Famous physicist-theorist

Was born in Germany

Lived in Switzerland and in the USA

Discovered theory of relativity


Was born and lived in Scotland

Invented television system in 1926.

John Logie Baird


Demonstrated colour television in 1941

You know many inventions and discoveries. Say if it’s “True” or “False” 1) Russia was the first country in the world to send a satellite into space. 2) The television was invented in the 19th century. 3)Diamonds and coal are made of the same chemical element. 4)Worms have tiny legs that can be seen only under the microscope. 5) Nuclear energy and atomic energy are the same thing. 6) Neptune is the closest planet to the Sun. Say if it’s “True” or “False” 7) American astronauts landed on the Moon in 1982. 8) The Earth is a huge natural magnet. Invisible lines of magnetic force spread out around the planet joining the North and the South magnetic poles. 9) Leopards often hunt from trees, lying in wait on a branch. 10) Leonardo da Vinci thought of such modern things as the helicopter, the flying machine and the machine gun and made drawings of them. 11) The laser is a device that strengthens sound. 12) The human nervous system includes brain, nerves and stomach Учитель английского языка МБОУ гимназии «Эврика», г.-кАнапа, Краснодарский край Лентушенко Л.Г