Конспект урока "Появление фамилий" 7-9 класс

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя
общеобразовательная школа с углубленным изучением математики № 17
Конспект урока по английскому языку
для учащихся 7-9 классов
«Появление фамилий»
учитель английского языка
Пирматова Ольга Евгеньевна
Тверь 2017
"How people first got their names.”
Sub theme: Transliteration.
Objectives of the lesson
1. Educational aim is being focused on developing and reinforcing students'
listening and speaking skills, revising of the past tense, subjunctive mood and
2. Upbringing aim has its focus on developing tolerance towards other people.
3. Development aim is focused on their ability to understand and express their
own feelings and emotions, as well as feelings and emotions of other people in
the group, which helps them to communicate with ease in their every day life in
and out of school environment.
Audience: a group of 13-15 year old students.
Approximate time: 45 minutes.
Materials: Pictures of different people, the recorded material for the listening activity.
Useful tips. This theme can be useful when you start to work with a new group of
students. It is a very good way to know them better.
Activity 1.
Introducing of the theme and main activities.
Answer the questions.
Have you ever asked your parents why they gave you such names?
Would you like to change your name? Why?
Do you know how your family name appeared?
Do you like your family name?
Useful tips. Before this lesson, the students should be given the home assignment:
* To find out any information about their family names.
* To ask their parents why they gave them such names.
Activity 2.
1 The title of the text is “How British people first got their names”. Guess what this
text is about? Do you have any ideas how different family names appeared? Why do
people need family names?
2 Pre-teach some new words (nickname, smith, distinguish, brook) necessary for
understanding of the text and discussion.
Activity 3
Listening of the text.
“How British people first got their names.”
About a thousand years ago there were very few people living in the British
Isles. Towns and villages were very small, and in the country -side people lived far
from each other. Because there were so few people, almost everyone had only one
name. A name such as John, David or Mary was all that needed.
As time went on, more and more people appeared in the tows and countryside of
Britain. To distinguish one John by name from another, people began to add a family
name to the first names. When “John’s son “was made into one word, “Johnson”, it
was used as a family name. There are many examples of “son” names, such as
Davidson, Wilson, Peterson, and Dickson.
The Scottish "Mac" also meant "the son of", so Macadam meant "the son of
Adam". The same can be said about the Irish "O"O'Neil meant "the son of Neil".
After the Norman conquest people in England began to use the Norman way of
showing who a person's father was: they added "fitz" to make Fitzwilliam,
Fitzpatrick and other family names of this kind.
Later still family names came from the kind of work done by people. Many
family names first began when people were described as John the Smith, John the
Farmer, John the Baker or, simply John Baker.
One way to distinguish between one person and another was to say where they
lived. In this way places also became family names. For example, if John lived near
the water, he was called "John at water" or simply "John Atwater". Another John
who lived by the brook could be described as "John Brook", and "John Fields" was
not the same John as the one who lived by the bridge. Other names of this kind are
Hill, Rivers, Waters, and Forest.
In many towns and villages in Britain today you can see how many English
family names began. Even the word "Town" is a well-known family name, and
"Hampton" which is another family name, means "village".
Yet another way to distinguish between one "John" and another was to give
them nicknames. Nicknames are very personal. They describe physical or other
characteristics and served in the past to distinguish one man, and then his family,
from another. "Strong", "Short", and "Long" are only a few of the many names
which first came from nicknames.
Useful tips: It will be better if you ask another teacher (native speaker is an ideal
variant) to record this text.
Activity 4.
1. Answer the questions:
Now you know how British family names appeared. Do Russian people had
and have the same way of forming of their family names?
Do you know when Russian people started to use family names? (!)
I think that names can influence our character. Do you agree?
Some people giving names to their children never call them after
grandparents. Do you know why?
I would like you to answer the question what family name you would or
wouldn’t like to have if you had chance to change yours?
Useful Information:
(!) In Russia family names started to appear in the 14
century, but only rich
people got them. Common people (serfs) were given family names only after
abolishing serfdom.
Useful tips: If you want, your students to speak more ask more “WHY”
2. Pupils are shown pictures of different people and they are asked to give the family
names to these people.
Useful tips: It is necessary to remind them that we don’t translate family names. That
is why giving family names they can use any language they like e.g. Mr. Blind, or
Mr. Slepoi (showing the picture of a blind man).
Activity 5.
Let’s find the mistakes. Pupils come to the blackboard and correct the spelling
mistakes in the family names.
Puzhkin Пушкин
Zhymabaev Жумабаев
Tchesnokov Чeсноков
Gluhovskiy Глуховский
Habarowa Хабарова
Dshelbuldin Джелбулдин
Activity 6.
Self- assessment.
The students are given self-assessment forms to fill in the blanks.
What I learnt today:
What I would like to know.
My impression of the lesson.
Useful tips: Please, assess your students not according to how well the skills are
used, but to how much effort is displayed by your students in learning the language.
Activity 7.
Home work:
To make a presentation of their family names.
To make words from the letters in the family name Mikhalkov.
Список использованной литературы
Текст для аудирования “How British people first got their names” взят из учебника по
английскому языку для 7 класса, автор Островский Б.С. издательство «Просвещение» 1990г.