Контроль чтения "Приключенческий отдых" 6 класс

Контроль чтения по теме «Приключенческий отдых» (6 класс)
Раздел I Чтение
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Robinson Crusoe is the main character of a famous novel by Daniel Defo, an 18 th century English writer. The book
is known as “Robinson Crusoe”. The story of Robinson Crusoe is based on real facts. Here is a story about Robinson
Crusoe. The story of Robinson Crusoe, a young man, lived in England. He was eighteen years old. His father
wanted him to study at university, but Robinson dreamt of the sea. He ran away from and his adventures began.
One of his sea voyages ended with a shipwreck. Robinson found himself alone on a desert island. Robinson lived
on the island for twenty-eight years. During these years, he built himself a house, learnt how to fish and to grow
plants. He also learnt how to cook. At first he felt sad, but then he started to think that he lived a much better life
here than he did in Europe. He did not see any people for 15 years. Then, one day, he saw a footprint, and later
saved a young man. Crusoe named him Friday, because he found him on that day of the week. Friday was very
grateful and became Robinson’s servant. He learnt some English words. For some years they lived happily. Then, a
ship came to the island. The ship was under pirates control. Crusoe saved the captain of the ship and his men
from the pirates and they took him back to England. There Robinson found that in his absence he had become a
wealthy man. Crusoe got married and had three children. Later, he visited his old island.
Послетекстовые задания.
Задание 1
Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос.
How many years did Robinson Crusoe live on an island?
1. Robinson Crusoe lived on an island for twenty-seven years.
2. Robinson Crusoe lived on an island for twenty-eight years.
3. Robinson Crusoe lived on an island for eight years.
Задание 2
Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту-T (True) и предложения, которые не соответствуют
тексту F (False).
1. Robinson Crusoe is not the main character of a famous novel by Daniel Defoe.
2. The book is known as “Robinson Crusoe”.
3. Robinson Crusoe lived in Scotland.
4. He was eighteen years old when he dreamt of the sea.
5. He didn’t run away from home.
6. One of his sea voyages ended with a shipwreck.
7. During his years on the island he learnt to do many things.
8. He didn’t see any people for 16 years.
9. Friday became his true friend.
10. Crusoe got married and had three children.
Задание 3
Выпиши слова и словосочетания текста на английском языке.
1. Главный персонаж
2. Век
3. Восемнадцать лет
4. Кораблекрушение
5. На острове
6. Выращивать растения
7. Люди
8. Тот день недели
9. Спас капитана
10. Богатый человек
Задание 4
Ответь на вопросы.
1. Where did Robinson Crusoe live?
2. Did his father want him to study at an university?
3. How did one of his sea voyages end?
4. How long did Robinson stay on the island?
5. Did he visit his old island when he became a wealthy man?
Задание 5
Выбери правильный вариант ответа.
1. Robinson Crusoe is the main character of a famous novel by…
1) Arthur Conan Doyle 2)Charles Dickens 3) Daniel Defoe
2. Robinson Crusoe, a young man, lived in …
1) Ireland 2) England 3) Scotland
3. Robinson dreamt of …
1) the sea 2) the sky 3) the mountains
4.During his life on the island he learnt …
1) how to fish 2) how to draw 3) how to take photos
5. Crusoe named his new friend
1) Sunday 2) Monday 3) Friday
Задание 6
Составь предложение из слов
1. Crusoe, England, in, lived, Robinson
2. home, from, away, ran, He, and, began, adventures, his
3. lived, Robinson, for, on, the, twenty-eight, island, years
4. got, Crusoe, married, three, had, and, children
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Ссылка: рассказ для чтения (переделан в Past Simple) и одно задание взяты из учебника для
общеобразовательных учреждений под редакцией М.В.Вербицкой Английский язык 5 класс
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