Конспект урока "Сможем ли мы научиться жить в мире? Конфликты" 9 класс

Урок английского языка в 9-ом классе по
«Сможем ли мы научиться
жить в мире? Конфликты»
Автор: Текужева Мадина Каральбиевна, учитель английского языка МКОУ
«СОШ №3» г. Нарткала, высшая квалификационная категория
Цель: Обобщение темы «Can we Learn to Live in Peace?»
Задачи: 1. Формирование навыков монологической речи.
2. Активизация фонетических и лексических навыков.
3. Совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме «Конфликты».
Оборудование: компьютер, картинки по теме «Конфликты», карточки со
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент
- Good morning students!
- I am glad to see you.
- Who is absent today?
- Are you ready for your lesson?
- Today we are going to talk on topic “Conflicts”.
- OK. Let’s start our work.
2. Речевая разминка
- First I want you to answer my question.
- People have got a lot of difficult problems to solve, haven’t they?
P: I agree with you, some people have a lot of problems and some of them are
difficult to solve.
- Do you always understand your parents (your friends, your teachers)?
P1: Sometimes I don’t understand my friends; they can envy my success at school.
P2: Sometimes I don`t understand my parents, they don`t care about me. The only
things they care about are their jobs and making money.
- Do they understand you?
P3: My parents and I people of different generations, so we don`t see the world
in the same way.
P4: My parents and my friends understand me. My parents care about me and life
is cool with my friends. Sometimes we quarrel but I believe that my friend and my
parents never hurt me.
- What are the reasons of misunderstanding?
P1: There are a lot of reasons of misunderstanding: people are different, they have
different ideas, their values are different and they want different things.
P2: Sometimes people don’t listen to each other.
- What kinds of conflicts can you name?
P1: There are some kinds of conflicts in our life, they are: conflicts between
people, between parties of states, between people and nature.
P2: Conflicts between adults, conflicts between children, between children and
parents, between teachers and students and so on.
(ответы учащихся примерные)
3. Тренировка фонетических и лексических навыков
- Its time to practice vocabulary. Look at your cards on the desks and read some
words on them.
Can you make up the word combinations to make the kinds of conflicts?
(У каждого на парте карточка со словами):
Family Neighbours
Military Teachers
National Friends
State Political
Serious Conflicts
Reunion Parents
(Keys: national conflicts, conflicts between friends, family conflicts, conflicts
between neighbours, military conflicts, political conflicts, etс.)
4. Тренировка орфографических навыков по теме «Конфликт»
- Are you ready for the next task for you?
- Now look at the blackboard, please. Put the letters in the following words in the
correct order, read the words in the correct order and read the words on topic
CAPEES (Escape)
CTFLICON (Conflict)
SOREVEL (Resolve)
BLPROEM (Problem)
POSUPRT (Support)
URTH (Hurt)
UTOHS (Shout)
USERFF (Suffer)
LERTOACEN (Tolerance)
SIDCMIRINTIANO (Discrimination)
5. Закрепление навыков устной речи (контроль домашнего задания)
- It’s time to check your homework. Your task was to answer my question, what
causes of conflicts in a family do you know? Think and suggest how to prevent
these conflicts.
(Дети называли следующие причины семейных конфликтов):
P1: Parents want their children to obey them.
P2: Children suffer from unfair punishments.
P3: Parents make a fuss about silly things.
P4: Children want their parents to give them more free time.
P5: Children ignore their parents’ opinion.
P6: Children have too many responsibilities at home
P7: Children and parents have nobody to rely on.
P8: People that have brothers or sisters don’t realize how lucky they are, therefore
they fight a lot.
- Could you tell me, what we can do to prevent these conflicts, please?
P1: When people have problems; the first thing to do is to talk.
P2: We mustn’t use words that hurt people.
P3: We must speak calmly.
P4: To resolve a conflict we must think about it first. We must be calm, confident
and relaxed. It’s also important for us to have a sense of humour and be optimistic.
P5: Parents and children must listen to each other.
P6: We mustn’t criticize other people.
P7: We mustn’t bully people and ignore someone’s opinion.
P8: All people must observe other people’s rights.
P9: Parents and teachers should cheer up children.
P10: We have to tell our parents or our teachers what makes us unhappy.
- OK. Your answers are very good and I absolutely agree with you. So, let’s be
more attentive to other people. OK?
- But it is impossible to prevent all conflicts. Don’t forget, we have to listen the
other people’s opinion but we have the right to disagree. To solve a problem, think
about it from the every angle. To make peace is all that we want.
6. It’s time to think and complete the mind map with few phrases.
To prevent
conflict we
Примерные ответы учеников: (respect other cultures, help people, be tolerant,
talk to people, be optimistic, think about conflict, ask for advice, observe other
people’s rights and so on)
7. Просмотр презентации по теме «Военные конфликты»
После просмотра:
- Now, you see that our people have suffered greatly from the wars. The war is a
violent thing in our life. But what can we do to prevent wars?
P1: People should write laws and declaration that prohibit war.
P2: We must teach people to respect human rights.
P3: The heads of the Governments must organize peace forums, meetings,
conferences and summits.
- Let`s speak about The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. What do you
know about it?
P1: “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights” appeared after World War II to
prevent future wars. But since that time there was not been a time on our planet
without war.
- What people should do to prevent wars?
P1: People should be tolerant of other cultures, religions, ideas, and the values of
other people.
P2: People should understand that every person has the right to liberty, justice and
- What does mean to be tolerant?
P: To be tolerant means to respect the rights of other people.
- Yes, we should learn to be tolerant. We should learn to respect the opinions that
are different from ours. But we have the right to disagree with opinions different
from our own. I think it is impossible to prevent all conflicts, but let’s hope that
one day we can prevent all conflicts and we shall live in a peaceful and beautiful
8. Now listen the poem «The Strangest Dream» and say why the poet calls his
dream strange.
«The Strangest Dream»
By Ed Mc Curdy.
Last night I had the strangest dream,
I never dreamed before:
I dreamed the world at last agreed
To put an end to war.
I dreamed I saw the biggest room,
The room was full of men,
And papers they were signing said,
They`d never fight again.
And when the papers they all signed,
And a million copies made
They all joined hands and bowed their heads
And prayers began to say
The people in the streets below
Were dancing round and round,
And swords and guns and uniforms,
They scattered on the ground.
(Первый абзац)
9. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов и выставление
- Our lesson is going to the end and now you see that it is impossible to prevent all
conflicts but let’s hope that one day we can prevent all conflicts and we shall live
in a peaceful and beautiful planet. Your home task for next lesson is to learn the
poem «The Strangest Dream» by heart.
P.S. Данный урок я провела как обобщение темы «Можем ли мы жить в