Методическая разработка "Английский - язык мира" 7-8 класс
Английский- язык мира
Цель: раскрыть роль английского языка в современном мире, мотивировать учащихся к
изучению предмета
Обр.: предоставить учащимся знания об истории английского языка, наиболее важных событиях,
повлиявших на его развитие, причины популярности языка в современном мире.
Восп: воспитывать уважительное отношение к культурам других стран;
Разв.: развивать логическое мышление, умение анализировать полученную информацию, делать
Ход урока:
1. Приветствие учащихся. Орг. Вопросы. Требования на год. Знакомство с учебником.
2. Вступительная беседа. Знакомство с темой урока.
Teacher: We’ve met today to speak about the English language. Do you think it’s important to know
much about the language you study?
-How long have you been studying English?
-What language did your mother study at school?
-What language do your friends study?
-Have you ever been abroad? What language did you use there?
-Did people understand you well?
-Now tell me why English is so popular nowadays?
-How many languages are there in the world?
-How many words are there in the English vocabulary?
-How did it happen that English has become so popular and rich?
To understand it we should remember the history of this country.
3. “The History of the English Language”.
Some people say that the rise of English is a story of wonderful success. Why do they say so?
-Look at the screen. Who can you see there?
-When did Julius Caesar come to the British Isles?
-Did English exist at that time?
-Where did Caesar come from?
-What language did Caesar and his troops speak?
-What was the name of the town which was built by the Romans?
-So, what language became the official in Londinium?
Have a look at the screen again. What is the name of this man?
-When did he come to Britain?
-Where did he come from?
-What language did he speak?
-Which language became the official one?
-What language did simple people use?
So, how many languages existed in Great Britain?
Do you think they existed in isolation or together?
Who can tell us about the Norman Conquest in details?
Ученик рассказывает о завоевании Британии Вильгельмом Завоевателем.
-Was the country great at that time?
4. “How Britain became an empire”.
Now let’s remember the time when Britain became great.
As you know, England is an island state. That’s why its fleet has always played a very important role in
the life of the country. But it hadn’t been so powerful before Queen Elizabeth I came to the throne.
Who can you see on the screen now?
-What important event took place during her reign?
-What country became the first in the oceans of the world?
Year by year Britain conquered more and more colonies all over the planet.
Now you can see another great queen of Britain. What’s her name? Queen Victoria!
During her reign in the 19
century Britain became a rich industrial country, a real Empire with a lot of
colonies all over the world.
Have a look at the map of its colonies. All the countries in red were ruled by Britain.
Read the names of some of them: (карточки с названиями стран): Palestine, Ceylon, Nepal, Australia,
the Bahamas, Barbados, the Bermudas, New Zealand, Ireland, Malta, Oman, Rhodesia, Nigeria,
Afghanistan, Canada, India, Cyprus, Kenya, Pakistan, Egypt, Fiji…
It’s 1/4
of the world land!
500 mln people!
-So that’s how English became the main language of transport and trade.
4. Богатство языка.
-Do you agree that English was just the language of transport and trade? The matter is: British sailors
brought from the colonies so many new things and the names of them, that English became one of the
richest languages of the world!
That’s why many outstanding writers and poets wrote their works in English.
-What great writers or poets can you name?
- Chaucer, Rudyard Kipling, Bernard Show, Herbert Wells, Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, Walter Scott,
Robert Burns, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde… - But the greatest is William Shakespeare!
What did he write? – Comedies, dramas, tragedies, sonnets…
- Read the names of his works on the blackboard and say if they are comedies, dramas or tragedies:
- “Hamlet”, “The Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “King Lear”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Macbeth”, “Merchant
From Venice”, “All’s Well That Ends Well”, “Othello”…
What other great British poets do you know?
- Ученик декламирует стихотворение Роберта Бернса «My Heart’s in the Highlands».
5. Как мы изучаем английский на уроках. Беседа.
Now we understand very well why people all over the world speak English. But what is your reason?
-Why do you personally study it?
-How do you study it at your lessons?
-What do you do to master your language and to keep it up?
-What is better – to learn words in isolation or in the context?
-How many words can you memorize at a time?
-Your vocabulary isn’t very rich yet, is it?
-Can you form new words with the help of suffixes or prefixes?
Now let us see how good you are at the word-formation!
6. Знакомство с названиями стран, языков, национальностей- с.
Фон. отработка. Запись в словарь.
7. Составление мини-диалогов :
Hi! What’s your name?- My name is….. And what is your name?
Where are you from? – I’m from…. I’m…(nationality)
Do you speak…? - Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
8. Подведение итогов урока.
This song was a good ending of our lesson, I should say.
But before we say good-bye to each other let me tell you some words about our today’s lesson and your
work at it.
We’ve done a lot of work today: we’ve explored how and why English has become the first truly global
language, we’ve remembered the past of this country; we’ve spoken about the greatest dramatist of the
world, we’ve practised speaking, listening and writing.
Now when you realize the importance of studying English, I hope, you will do your best, you will study
better and better with every passing day.
H/w: Учить слова.
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