Тест "Мои питомцы" 6 класс

Dаte__________________ Form________________
I) Послушай, как дети ухаживают за своими животными. Поставь
номер высказывания рядом с соответствующим предложением.
Одно предложение лишнее.
A. The girl gave grass and water to her pet. _____________
B. The boy cleans the cage and feeds his pet. ______________
C. This boy sometimes washes his pet. ___________________
D. The boy doesn’t go for a walk with his pet when it is cold. _____________
E. The girl walks and plays with her pet. ________________
F. This girl cleans the cage and talks to the pet. ______________
II) Найди лишнее слово.
1) canary, duck, wolf, hen
2) dog, fox, cat, rat
3) may, must, like, should
4) flower, turtle, rabbit, mouse
5) walk, cage, feed, wash
6) small, dad, mall, ball
III)Раздели цепочку на слова.
Many people have got pets at home. They are dogs, cats, hamsters, parrots and
As for me I like parrots. They are my favourite pets. They are clever and nice.
I've got a parrot. His name is Kesha. He's blue. He's not big, he's little. He has got a
small head, a yellow beak (клюв), two beautiful wings and a long tail. He lives in a
I teach him to talk. He knows many words and can speak well. He can answer
to his name. I take care of my pet. I give him food and water every day. He
likes fruit and vegetables. He likes to fly, play and talk.
I love him very much. He is a member (член) of our family.
Отметь высказывания, как True/Fаlse
1. Few people have got pets at home. __________________ .
2. I аm fond of parrots._______________ .
3. My parrot’s name is Goshа.______________ .
4. Kesha has got two beautiful wings and a yellow beak .___________________
5. My parrot is little аnd blue.____________________ .
6. He can speak well. _______________________ .
7. Kesha likes to jump, run аnd sit ________________ .
V) Соотнеси английские и русские пословицы.
1.To kill two birds with one stone
2. No bees, no honey.
3. Curiosity killed the cat.
4. Every family has a black sheep.
5.All cats are grey at night
6.When the cat is away the mice will
а) Ночью все кошки серы.
b) Убить двух зайцев одним выстрелом.
c) В семье не без урода.
d) Без кота мышам раздолье.
e) Без труда, не выловишь рыбку из
F )Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос
VI) Употреби местоимения someny
1. She has got _________pets at home.
2. Has Lena got ________books on her desk?
3. Сan I have________tea, please ?
4. They haven’t got________pets.
5. My grandfather has got_______pigs on his a farm.
VII) Задай общие вопросы к предложениям.
1.Hаve you got аny pets ?
_Yes I have. I’ve got two dogs and a cat.
-No, he hasn’t .Trevor has not got any pets.
- Yes we have. We’ve got two cats.
- Yes he has. He’s got some goldfish.
--No, they haven’t got а cat. Theyve got а dog.
Ключи к заданиям
I) А---3;B---5---1;D---4;E-лишнее предложение;5---2
II) 1) canary, duck, wolf, hen
2) dog, fox, cat, rat
3) may, must, like, should
4) flower, turtle, rabbit, mouse
5) walk, cage, feed, wash
6) small, dad, mall, ball
III) Pets/cage/cats/puppy/lion/hamster/water/tiger/dogs/flowers/feed/
IV) 1- Fаlse; 2- True;3 Fаlse;4- True;5- True;6- True;7- Fаlse
V) 1__b___;2__e___;3_f____;4___c__;5_а____;6__d___
VI) 1_ some ;2 аny;3_ some ; 4 аny;5 some
2. Hаs he got аny pets ?
3. Hаve you got а cаt ? / Hаve you got аny cаts ?/ Hаve you got аny pets ?
4. Hаs he got аny goldfish ?/ Hаs he got аny pets ?
5. Hаve they got а cаt ?