Методическая разработка "Do we generally live a healthy life?" 11 класс
Do we generally live a healthy life?
When a person is healthy, he is happy, he can do lots of things. Health is our
Today we are going to speak about our health, about healthy living.
1).The first question for you – what do you think health is?
2).Now I want to listen to your opinion.
Would you say you generally live a healthy life?
(Высказывания учащихся.)
3). The life nowadays is very active, dynamic. People face a great amount of
risks every day.
What do you think are the main health risks people face today?
Let’s name them first of all.
(-the general condition of your body and how
healthy you are
-state of being physically and mentally
I want you to arrange them in order of seriousness. What is your opinion?
4).At the previous lesson we discussed the danger of smoking for young people.
And I asked you to design an anti- smoking poster aimed at teenagers. What
would your posters be like?
(Представление и обсуждение плакатов.)
5).The both posters show us the harm of smoking to young people.
By the way, I came across 2 pictures yesterday while I was looking through
magazines. And I want you to tell me :
What they have in common.
How do they differ?
(Высказывания учащихся. Compare the pictures.)
6). And now we are going to have a Talk show. In the studio today there are
some guests.
Introduces the programme and interviews guests- the presenter, Darya
✓ Gives people advice about what it is healthy for them to eat and drink-
a dietitian, Miss Mergenyova.
✓ A psychologist in the studio is Mr Suleimanov.
✓ Analyzes the ecological situation- an ecologist, Mr Petryaikin.
✓ Bob’s mother- Angela Smith.
7). There are a lot of opinions about healthy life and health risks and we have
discussed some of them. And it’s my point of view that a person should take
care of his health himself. Nobody can help you if you don’t think about
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