Урок-путешествие "Республика Коми"

Урок –путешествие "Республика Коми" (английский язык)
Цели урока:
1.Способствовать формированию у учащихся представления о Республике Коми: её ЭГП,
природных условиях и ресурсах, населении, хозяйстве.
2.Способствовать воспитанию на данном материале нравственного, эстетического, восприятия
страны, формированию общечеловеческого мировоззрения.
3.Способствовать развитию познавательной деятельности, речи учащихся, навыков работы с
картой, умению анализировать картографические и статистические материалы, умению
сравнивать и обобщать.
Задачи урока: Познакомить учащихся с особенностями Республики Коми: экономико-
географическим положением, природными условиями и ресурсами, с бытом и культурой
Тип урока: Изучение нового материала.
Оборудование: экран, ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор, атласы, карта Республики Коми
Ход урока
Hello, children. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?
2. Орг. момент
Can you tell me what day is it today? What is the date today?
3. Речевая разминка
Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы о республике:
1. What republic do you live in?
2. Where is your republic situated?
3. What is the centre of your republic?
4. What rivers flow in the republic?
5. Does any ocean wash it?
6. What mountains are there in it?
7. What kind of climate has this part of the country?
8. Are the winters long and severe in this republic?
4. Сообщение темы, цели урока
Today we are going to speak about our home republic- the Komi Republic, its history, geography and,
climate, its flora and fauna, industry, culture and traditions.
5. Look at the screen. Read the following words and word combinations, try to guess their meaning.
Learn them. Посмотрите на экран. Прочитайте слова и словосочетания, постарайтесь догадаться
об их значении и запомнить их. (Презентация 1)
1. total area общая территория
2. stretch протягиваться
3. TIMAN mountain ridge Тиманский кряж
4. fir tree хвойное дерево
5. birdcherry tree черёмуха
6. rowan tree рябина
7. alder ольха
8. birch берёза
9. poplar тополь
10. acacia акация
11. lilac сирень
12. give place уступать место
13. extensive обширный
14. marshland болотистая местность
15. severe суровая
16. relatively mild относительно мягкий
17. temperature range температурный диапазон
18. mammal –млекопитающее
19. polar fox песец
20. silver fox черно-бурая лиса
21. marten куница
22. elk лось
23. lynx рысь
24. mammalia млекопитающие
25. squirrel белка
26. species биологические виды
27. blackcock тетерев
28. hazel hen рябчик
29. cuckoo кукушка
30. drake селезень
31. wood grouse глухарь
32. partridge куропатка
33. resident неперелётная птица
34. perch окунь
35. bream лещ
36. pike щука
37. sterlet –стерлядь
38. b u r b o t налим
39. gray ling хариус
40. ruff ёрш
41. to be mined добывать
42. in a large scale в большом объеме
43. through через
44. pipelines трубопровод
45. beet свёкла
46. onion лук
47. garlic чеснок
48. oats овёс
49. cucumber огурец
50. lettuce салат
51. pea горох
52. cabbage капуста
53. settle down обосноваться, поселиться
6. Read text A and translate it using the words from the Presentation 1.
Прочитайте и переведите текст “А” устно, опираясь на слова Презентации 1.
The total area of the republic is 416.8 thousand square kilometers. The Urals form is the highest part of
the Republic. They stretch from the South to the North. The TIMAN mountain ridge runs from the
Southeast to the North-West of our republic. No hills go higher here than 500 m.
Forests cover much of the Republic. The fir tree, the birdcherry tree, the rowan tree, the alder, the
birch, the poplar, the acacia, the lilac are characteristic trees of our land. Then forests give place to
extensive forest-tundra and marshlands. They occupy 3 million hectares of our land.
The climate is severe in the North and relatively mild in the South West and in the South of our
Republic. The temperature range is from +1 (one degree above zero) in the South to-6 (six degrees
below zero) in the North. The chief rivers are the PECHORA, the VYCHEGDA & the MEZEN. They are well
supplied with water.
The fauna of the Republic is much similar to that of NORTH-WESTERN EUROPE. There are more than 200
species of mammalia including the fox, the polar fox, the silver fox, the bear, the marten, the elk, the
lynx and others, smaller animals include squirrels, hares and so on. There are more than 200 species of
birds such as blackcock, hazel hen, cuckoo, drake, wood grouse, partridge. Some of them are resident.
The rest are regular visitors to our places. Freshwater fish and saltwater fish include salmon, white
salmon, s i g, perch, bream*, pike, sterlet, b u r b o t, gray ling, ruff and others.
Our Republic is rich in mineral resources such as oil, natural gas, coal, bauxite, iron, gold, timber,
manganese. Industry plays a very important part in the economy of our Republic. Coal has been mined
on a large scale. The chief coalfields are in VORKUTA & INTA. Timber industry is the largest sector in the
economy. Oil is exported to many parts of our country through the pipelines Usa Uhta-YAROSLAVL.
Most of the natural gas deposits are located in VUKTYL is the main producing area.
The chief root crops of our place are potatoes, green vegetables, carrots, beets, onions, and garlic. Our
crops include wheat and oats, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, peas, cabbages.
The first hunters and fishermen came to our land in the Vth-Vlth centuries and they settled down along
the PECHORA, the VYCHEGDA & the lakes. Now more than one million people live here.
7. Read text B and translate it with a dictionary. Presentation 2.
Прочитай те текст “В” со словарём и выпишите незнакомые слова в транскрипции. Презентация 2.
Rich in natural resources, wild life and beauty, Komi has long been known as home to the adventurous
and attracted people with the pioneer spirit. The republic is as unique as the individuals, who live, work
and do business here and it is a home a multicultural population and is rich in tradition and culture.
In written manuscript the first mention about the Komi people is dated back to the 10th-12th centuries
though its history and culture are rooted deep in ancient times.
The Komi language belongs to the group of the Finno-Ugrian languages, the Uralic language family.
Material and spiritual cultural of all the Finno-Ugric people has much in common.
These people had cultural and trade links with some tribes and people, for example, the Scythians
people of Egypt, Middle Asia and Iran experienced significant cultural effect from their developed
southern neighbour.
Ancient Komi tribes inhabited the territories along the Kama, Vychegda and Pechora rivers and alien
groups of people which settled in these regions, contributed much to the culture of the Komi people,
In the Russian Chronicles the Komi people is referred to as ‘ Perm ‘- which means ‘back land’, but the
Komi people call themselves ‘Komi’.
Geography, Climate and Population
The Komi Republic is both the westernmost and northernmost republic in the European part of Russia.
Measuring square kilometers it is one of the large republic in the Russian Federation with rivers and
lakes, dense forests and the tundra zone.
Summer in Komi generally runs from June through August, followed by a short autumn. Winter is from
October through March. April and May are the traditional months of spring.
The common misconception that the North of Komi is a forever frozen land is countered by sometimes
warm summer seasons, which come as a pleasant surprise to visitors.
The population number around 1, 5 million residents of Komi. Over two thirds of the populations are
concentrated in the cities… The remaining population is dispersed among the numerous smaller towns,
villages and rural locations.
The Republic’s rich natural resources are the source for most of its major industries: oil and gas
exploration, production, refining and pipeline transportation, fisheries production and processing, the
mining of coal, precious metals like gold, semi-precious stones and forest products. Komi’s largest
trading partners are Hungary, Finland and Germany.
Komi’s transportation system is modern and consists of two major airports in Syktyvkar, the capital of
the republic, and Vorkuta, the most northerly located city, and smaller airports in nearly each bigger
town. The Moscow-Vorkuta railroad connects Komi with the center.
Traditions, Culture, Education
National creative ability of the Komi people is unique and original, the sources of national art being
traced in ancient times.
Wood carving, weaving, knitting, pottery making, embroidery, fur and suede processing have always
been traditional folk arts of the Komi, which have achieved a new stage with the spiritual revival of the
Komi people.
The Republic provides a free education to all its children. Its expenditures per student are among the
highest in Russia.
There are currently a lot of post-secondary institutions and programs in the Republic, including the Komi
University, several institutes, business schools, and a multitude of vocational, technical and professional
training schools.
The rich and original Komi culture has long become part of the World Culture.
8. Read & translate the following international word combinations without using your dictionary.
Прочитайте следующие интернациональные слова и переведите их на русский язык без словаря:
republic, characteristic, tundra, hectares, temperature, fauna, Europe, sig, omul, sterlet, continental
climate, economy, industry, exported.
9. Give synonyms to the following.
Соедините слова из списков (а) и (б) в пары синонимов:
а) 1. to lie, 2. numerous, 3. total, 4. temperate (умеренный о климате)
b) 1. to be situated 2. many, 3. whole 4. mild
10. Find in the texts the answers to the following questions.
Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы.
1) Where is the Komi Republic situated?
2) What regions does it border on?
3) What is the territory and the population of the republic?
4) What are8the largest towns in the republic?
5) The climate in the republic is severe in the North & relatively mild in the south, isn’t it?
6) What can you say about the industry (the agriculture) in the Komi Republic?
7) What industrial towns are there in the republic?
8) What is the fauna of our republic?
9) Are there any big rivers & lakes?
10) What is the capital of our republic?
11) What outstanding (выдающиеся) people of the republic do you know?
11. Ask your friend if he knows … Спросите своего друга:
знает ли он коми язык (Do you know the Komi Language?), историю своей республики (Do you
know the history of your republic?), известных людей своей республики (Do you know outstanding
people of the republic?);
когда была образована Коми Республика (When was the republic formed?);
какая общая площадь республики (What is the total area of the republic?);
сколько гектаров занимают лесотундра и болота (How many hectares do marshland & forest tundra
12. Study the following words or word combinations from the texts and use them in sentences of your
own. Say a few words about your settlement & regions using these words:
Составьте предложения, употребив данные слова и выражения. Скажите несколько слов о вашем
и районе:
1) is situated
2) is bounded by
3) stretches from …to
4) сover
5) take place
6) the chief rivers
7) the temperature range
8) the fauna
9) more than … species of
10) include
11) mineral recourses
12) the chief root crops
13) crops
13. Complete these sentences using the texts ‘A’ and ‘B’
Закончите следующие предложения словами из текстов A и B:
1) The Komi Republic is situated
2) It borders on …
3) The territory of the Komi Republic …
4) The climate is …..
5) The fauna of the Komi Republic …
6) There are more than 200 species of …
7) Some of them are resident …
8) Our republic is rich in …
9) The chief root crops …
14. Find English equivalents for:
Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов:
1. расположена на …; 2. общая территория ..; 3. протягивается от… до; 4. обширная лесотундра; 5.
климат относительно мягкий; 6. температурный диапазон; 7. уголь добывается; 8. через
15. Look at the texts again. Find examples of the Passive Voice and write them down. What tenses are
used in them?
Выпишите из текста глаголы – сказуемые в страдательном залоге. Определите время глаголов –
сказуемых, переведите их.
16. Make up sentences with the following word combinations. Use the Passive Voice.
Составьте предложения, правильно употребив формы инфинитива страдательного залога:
to be situated, to be mind, to be exported, to be located, to be grown.
17. Fill in the blanks with prepositions.
Вставьте нужные предлоги в пропуски.
by, from …to, to, in, through, of:
1. The Komi Republic is situated … the European part of Russia.
2. The total area … the republic is 416,8 th. sq. km.
3. . … the North it is bounded … the Artic Ocean.
4. The Timan mountain ridge runs … the South … the North.
5. The temperature range is …. +1 … the South …. –6 … the North.
6. Oil is exported … many parts of our country … the pipelines Usa – Uhta Yaroslavl.
18. Домашнее задание.
Say a few words about the Komi Republic. Describe your republic using this plan.
Опишите, свою республику используя следующий план:
1. The geographical position of the Komi Republic.
2. The mountains, rivers & lakes in the Komi Republic.
3. The climate.
4. The agriculture of the Komi Republic.
5. The main industries.
6. The fauna.
19. Итоги урока, выставление оценок. The lesson is over. Did you enjoy it? Thank you for your activity.
You were awesome and you’ve managed to complete all the tasks of our lesson. See you! Наш урок
окончен, спасибо за вашу работу. Вы отлично справились и смогли выполнить все сегодняшние
задания. До встречи!