Конспект урока "What is more important: your family or your friends?" 9 класс

Тема урока: «What is more important: your family or your friends? »
Цели: введение новой лексики по теме «Друзья и семья» и ее первичное
закрепление; формирование навыков диалогической речи и чтения;
закрепление грамматического материала по теме «Видовременные формы
Оборудование: таблица по теме «Видовременные формы глагола».
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Good morning, my dear boys and girls!
- We shall role-play the dialogues and have a talk about the importance of family
and friends in the life of a person.
II. Речевая разминка. Развитие памяти и внимания
- As I know, you like to play very much. Today we shall play the game "Guess
who said it".
Игра «Угадай»
Один из учащихся выходит к доске и поворачивается спиной к классу.
Ученики по очереди говорят предложение по теме «Семья и друзья», и
ведущий угадывает, кто сказал предложение, и повторяет его. Учитель
побуждает детей использовать в речи ранее введенные словосочетания: to
like doing something, to look like somebody, to feel like doing something,
somebody s likings, to be alike, etc. Данные словосочетания заранее
записываются на доске.
Примерный ход игры:
S a s h a. I don't like watching soap operas.
Ведущий. Sasha doesn't like watching soap operas.
M a r i n a. I feel like drinking something.
Ведущий. Marina feels like drinking something.
N i с к. I enjoy reading magazines.
Ведущий. Nick enjoys reading magazines.
К a t e. I don't mind my friends' likings.
Ведущий. Kate doesn't mind her friends' likings. Etc.
III. Формирование навыков диалогической речи
- It's time to open your textbooks, page 19, exercise 26. Nick will read the task of
this exercise. Look through the dialogue of exercise 25, page 19 and find the
synonyms of words and phrases from exercise 26. The next task for you is exercise
27, page 19. Divide into pairs and complete the dialogue.
IV. Закрепление грамматических навыков по теме «Видовременные
формы глагола»
- It's time to revise grammar. Let's read Denis's story from exercise 28, page 20
and look at his pictures. You will complete the sentences about him using the
appropriate verb form. Is the task clear for you? Start then. Do exercise 28 in
writing. You may use the table on the blackboard.
Для проверки данного упражнения ученики зачитывают предложения с
доски и выражают согласие или несогласие с вариантами ученика, который
работал у доски.
V. Физкультминутка
- I can see that you are tired. Will you stand up and do the exercises?
VI. Ознакомление учащихся с новой лексикой по теме «Семья и друзья»
- Look at the words from exercise 29, page 20, please. The following words will
help us to have a talk about our families and friends. Who can read the first word?
Can you guess its meaning? Who is ready to read the next word?
Учащиеся читают и переводят слова хором, в парах и по одному.
VII. Первичное закрепление введенной лексики
- Let's open the Workbooks, page 7, exercise 4. You can see the words in the box.
We have read and translated these words. I'd like you to complete the sentences
with the words. Your time is up. Who is ready to read and translate the sentences?
VIII. Формирование навыков чтения
- Let's read the teenagers' views on family and friends. We shall read three stories
in our textbooks, page 21, exercise 30. You will work in a group of three. Choose
and read one of the texts. Are you ready to start? What sentence reflects the idea of
the text in a most accurate way? What does your family mean for you? Are the
friends important in our life? Why? Why not?
IX. Подведение итогов урока
- It brings us to the end. Thank you for your work. Good-bye, my children! (Good-
bye, teacher!)
Домашнее задание: Рабочая тетрадь: упр. 3, стр. 7.