План-конспект урока "Conflicts. How to prevent them" 9 класс

План – конспект урока английского
в 9 классе
по учебнику «Enjoy English»
Биболетова М.З., Добрынина Н.В.
по теме «Conflicts. How to prevent them»
Учитель: Макеева О.А.
Цели урока:
практические: формирование практических умений в говорении, чтении
и аудировании;
воспитательные: воспитание интереса учащихся к такой проблеме как
конфликт и способах его разрешения, улаживания;
развитие настойчивость и умение преодолевать трудности для
достижения намеченной цели;
формирование их социальной компетентности
образовательные: расширение кругозора учащихся, изучение причин
возникновения конфликтов;
развивающие: развитие логического мышления, коммуникативных
умений и применение их на практике;
Технологии: традиционно-педагогическая, информационно-
коммуникативная (скайп-конференция, слайдовая презинтация),
Формы работы фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная
Приемы работы классификация знаний, обобщение знаний, перенос
знаний в новую ситуацию, проблемные ситуации, использование ТСО.
Задачи урока:
образовательная: закрепить и обобщить знания учащихся по теме
«Конфликты»; закрепление грамматических навыков по теме: «
развивающая: развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи
учащихся; способствовать развитию умения анализировать и обобщать
воспитательная: воспитывать умения сотрудничать и работать в
команде; воспитывать личностные качества ответственность,
самостоятельность, способствовать воспитанию у учащихся культурных
здоровьесберегающая: предупреждать переутомление у учащихся путем
смены деятельности и физкульт.минутки;
Начало урока
Организационный момент: 3 мин
Good morning, dear students. I’m very glad to see you. Sit down, please. I
hope our work today will be successful and productive. Who is on duty today?
What date is it today? What day is it today? Look out at the window? What is
the weather like today? Do you like such weather? What do you usually do in
such weather? What are you going to do today?
Основная часть
Введение темы: 2 мин
Let`s start our work. You’ll listen to the poem and try to understand the theme
of our lesson. Lera, please, come to the blackboard.
Sometimes in trouble
A conflict comes
The anger captures
The heart is down
What is a conflict
It is a thing
That ruins, troubles,
Spoils everything
It is a feeling
When you’re upset
The world seems terrible
The life is bad
What should we do
The answer is
To live in friendship
And in peace
What topic are we speaking about? (Students answer…). The theme of our
lesson is «Conflicts in our life and how to prevent them » (слайд 1 тема урока)
Today we’ll speak about different kinds of conflicts, ways of solving them and
remind our grammar.
Создание проблемной ситуации и условий аутентичного общения:
2 мин
It turned out that one of my friend Jess from the USA needs our help. Let’s
phone her and find out what’s happened to her.
Hi, my name is Jess. Thank you for your invitation to your lesson. As I know you
are talking about conflicts, their types and ways to prevent them. Unfortunately,
I’m not an exception and have some quarrels. I want to tell you about the quarrel
with my best friend. I’d like you to help me and express your variants of solving
my problem.
My best friend is Cathy. We have known each other for 10 years. Cathy is a
pretty girl, She is energetic, does a lot of sport. She never says badly about others.
She always tries to find something more positive than negative in every person.
But she tends to act a little impulsively, sometimes loses her self-control.
Two days ago Cathy was going to her parents in Florida. She isn’t an early riser,
so she asked me to call her and wake up. As a rule I get up at six or seven and I
promised to do it. But something went wrong, my telephone broke, besides I’d
lost my key and couldn’t go out. I really tried to keep my word but failed. Cathy
missed her plane, she blames me for it and even doesn’t want to talk. On the one
hand it’s my fault and I understand it, but on the other hand it’s a coincidence.
Can you give me a piece of advice? What should I do?
Please send me e-mails with your variants. Thank you.
Проверка знания лексических единиц по теме «конфликты»: 2 мин
But first of all Let’s try to find out the meaning of the word «conflict». We
asked some pupils. Look at the slide.
Варианты (cлайд 2)
Conflict means angry disagreement between people or a group
Conflict means a situation in which something that is good for one
person is bad for another person
Conflict means a situation in which it is difficult for two things to
exist together
Conflict means a feeling of being nervous, because you want two
different things at the same time
Conflict means a situation in which it is difficult for two persons to
exist together peacefully.
Расширение кругозора (воспитательная функция): 6 мин
Рассказ о конфликтах (Выступление психолога)
Now let’s listen to the professional in the sphere of phsyhology. Tatyana
Anatolievna knows everything about conflicts and can teach us how to prevent
Помните слова Томаса Джеферсона :
Let it be the motto of our lesson and our life!
Формирование навыков диалогической/монологической речи: 5мин
Let’s speak about conflicts in our life
1. What is a conflict for you?
2. Are you a conflict person?
3. What kinds of conflicts do you know?
4. Do you have conflicts and why?
5. Do you quarrel with your friends?
6. What do you do to prevent a conflict?
7. Can you tell about any conflict in your life?
Физкульт.минутка: 2мин
Now we’ll kill two birds with one stone. We’ll rest and learn how to control our
feelings (разминка) слайд 4 +музыка
Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Count to ten. Breathe deeply in, breathe out.
Open your eyes. Smile, smile to each other. Hug.
Now we are ready to resolve conflicts.
In my opinion, most conflicts happen because of lack of tolerance. Is it true?
How to be tolerant? What does the word “tolerance” mean? Look at the slide.
The word tolerance comes from Latin. It means patience. November,16 1995.
The United Nations Organization adopted the Declaration of Tolerance
Principles. This day was declared the Day of Tolerance. (Слайд 5)
Аудирование: 5 мин
We’ll listen to the story of Wolfgang Langer which illustrates his idea of
tolerance. What do you know about this person? (слайд 6 -7)
Аудирование Ex 135 p. 143\
When I was a little boy of about five, I used to live in Austria. It was in a part of
Austria which was occupied by the Russians at that time, in 1949 or 1950. And as
you can imagine, I’d been warned not to go near any Russian, especially a Russian
soldier, because they were believed to be very dangerous.
So, of course, being a little boy, I was really afraid of Russian soldiers and, indeed,
stayed away from them or left as soon as I saw one of them.
One day I think it was the first of May there was a big market in our little
town, and so, of course, I went. But, as the times were hard, I didn’t have any
money. And I ended up near a man who sold ice cream. I couldn’t afford to buy
any ice cream, nor could my grandparents whom I was living with. So there was no
chance of getting any ice cream.
While I was standing there looking at the people enjoying their ice cream, I felt a
very hard grip on my shoulder. When I turned round to see who it was, I saw an
enormously big Russian soldier behind me. I tried to run away, but it was
impossible because he didn’t let me go. But then he took me to the man selling ice
cream, bought me a big ice cream and then let me go.
I never forgot this little episode in my life. And I am still very grateful to this
Russian soldier because he taught me not to believe only what people tell me but to
see for myself. It was the best lesson on tolerance in my life.
Ответы на вопросы по прослушанному тексту. (слайд 7 )
Совершенствование навыков чтения: 4 мин
Тест How tolerant you are” (слайд 13-15)
Ex. 138 p.143 I’m so glad you are tolerant
Look at the slide ! (слайд 8-10)
Закрепление грамматических навыков по теме
«Инфинитив/герундий»: 3 мин
Read the words about tolerance of a peacemaker Thomas Shifard
«It’s impossible to prevent all conflicts. But every of us should think of it. Is it
difficult to give a helping hand? Do you enjoy arguing, quarrelling …? Making
peace is difficult but if you just try, you’ll see changes… in you, in your family
and in the whole world.»
Грамматика «infinitive »
Here you see using of the infinitive and gerund, let’s remember the rule.
Групповая работа: 3 мин (подготовка)+ 4 мин (ответ)
And now let’s work in group and try to find a way out for Jess.
Творческая деятельность:2 мин
Would you like to do our school rules of Tolerance? Would you like to be
tolerant persons?
Let`s make up rules of a tolerant communication. Look at this tree. It has no
You ‘ve prepared leaves with a phrase what we should to resolve a conflict.
Take them, come to the tree, read the rules and hang the leaves on the tree.
1. Respect the person.
2. Try to understand the people.
3. Stand upon your opinion tactful.
4. Find the best arguments.
5. Be fair, be ready to realize the rightness of other person.
6. Try to take into consideration the interests of other people.
7. Help people who need it.
8. Be positive! Be tolerant!
9. Keep the sense of humour.
10. Avoid criticizing differences!
11. Observe other people’s rights!
12. Cheer up people!
13. Tell people what makes you unhappy!
14. Ask for advice!
15. Be confident and relaxed!
16. Put yourself into another person’s shoes!
17. Be optimistic and kind!
18. Discuss possible alternatives!
19. Comfort yourself if necessary
At the end of our lesson we’ll sing «Simply a love song»
Заключительная часть: 2 мин
I liked your work today. Remember, very often the resolution of the conflict
depends on our behavior, our kindness and love. We can do not great things,
only small things with great love. Open your diaries and write down your marks
and your home task:
Setting Homework :
We have learned some facts about conflicts . We have developed our speaking
skills . We had a very active lesson today.
Комментирование и выставление оценок.
T- The active students were involved in the work and got top marks for
English. Thank you for your work . It was very interesting to find out your
I thank you for your creative work. Your marks are" good" and "excellent".
That’s the bell. Good-bye, everybody! See you tomorrow.