Конспект урока "Can we learn to live in peace?" 9 класс

Tемa: №3 Can we learn to live in peace?
№ урока: №1, Section 2: Conflict resolution.
Цель урока: продолжить разговор об отрицательной сути конфликтов и путях их предотвращения.
1. Обучающие: активизация лексических единиц по теме, отработка грамматического
материала по теме: инфинитив с частицей to после глаголов want, ask, tell, advise, expect;
2. Развивающие: развитие умений понимать иноязычную речь на слух, развитие навыков и
умений работать в парах и выражение мыслей в монологической речи;
3. Воспитательные: показать примеры положительного поведения, а не создание
конфликтных моментов.
Оборудование: учебники, тетради обучающихся, раздаточный материал, компьютерная
презентация по теме урока
I. Организационный момент
1. Приветствие: Good morning, girls and boys! I am glad to see you! How are you?
2. Задачи на урок. Today we’ll work on the topic “Conflict resolution”.
We’ll listen to the dialogue, repeat grammar material, do some exercises and read the poem.
3. Работа с дежурным.
а) Ask your classmates about the weather.
What season is it now?
What is the weather like?
What is your favourite season?
b) Repeat the poem after me:
“Spring is green, summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow, winter is white”
II.Основная часть
1. Фонетическая зарядка.
Let’s revise the words!
Do you know these words? Repeat after me!
Try to read them properly!
a) A resolution решение
a/to quarrel ссора. ссориться
the remote control пульт дистанционного управления
to switch to включить на
to happen случаться, происходить
quick быстрый, скорый
to fight драться, бороться
b) fair честный, справедливый
to expect ожидать, надеяться
to advise советовать
a wife жена
to remember помнить, вспоминать
to obey подчиняться, повиноваться
to punish наказывать
to leave оставлять, покидать
to argue спорить
to resolve решать
c) to share делить
to get on ладить
an editor редактор
to refuse отказывать, отказаться
peacefully мирно
sincerelу искренне
to prevent предотвращать, мешать
to get/be upset расстраиваться
2. Работа с учебником – ex. 51, page 118
а) Look at the picture and answer the questions:
Whom do you see in the picture? (to the left, to the right)
Are the boys arguing now?
Are the parents upset because of the quarrel between their sons?
What has happened between the boys?
b) Listen to the dialogue and find the information.
The conflict started because Chris wanted his brother to give him the remote control.
3. Работа с рисунками по теме: What kind of a conflict could it be?
a) Look at the pictures and answer the question.
b) Work in pairs.
4. Работа над грамматикой конструкция с инфинитивом после глаголов: want, ask, advise, tell,
expect ex. 52, p. 119
Mind the use of grammar:
After the verbs:
ask (спрашивать)
want (хотеть, желать)
expect (надеяться, ожидать) }+ me/you/him
advise (советовать) }+ her/us/them + to do
tell (рассказывать)
The teacher wants us to be polite and friendly.
The parents expect them to be good friends.
But remember:
Make (заставлять) } + me/ you/ + …do
let ( разрешать, позволять) }+ …/him/her/… + …do
I let him use my bicycle.
My brother makes me clean the table after meal.
а) Write down the rule into your exercise books
b) Look through the exercise and make up sentences using the table. (Приложение 1. Слайд 8)
5. Работа с упражнением по теме ex. 55, p. 119
Tom’s mother wrote a letter to the editor of the newspaper and asked him to help her.
Try to read the letter in order to help the mother with advice.
Fill the missing words into the letter. (Приложение 1. Слайд 9)
14 February, 2006
Dear Editor,
My Sons Tom, 7, and Chris, 15, often have fights. They don't ... with each other. They often … about
things because they refuse to share them. For example, we have only one TV set, and they can never ...
it. The day before yesterday, Tom's favourite film was on TV, but Chris wanted to see the World Cup. So
they had a fight again. My husband and l had an ... about this conflict. I said that Tom had the right to
watch TV because he was younger than Chris. But my husband said it was not ... . Which of us is right?
We want our sons to be good friends and to ... their conflicts peacefully.
Ann Smith
6. Музыкальная пауза
What can we do to avoid the conflict? (Приложение 1. Слайд 10)
Do you like singing songs and dancing? Do you agree to have a rest now?
Sing it with us!
We can do anything (3)
We want to (repeat 2 times)
1. We can sing this song la-la-la
Sing this song la-la-la (2 )
We can do anything
We want to (repeat 2 times)
2. We can clap our hands
Clap our hands Clap-Clap-Clap-Clap-Clap (2)
Well done! Thanks!
7. Работа со стихотворением What is a conflict?”
Read the parts of the poem and answer the questions!
8. Работа с рисунками по теме:
What do we want/expect/ them to do to live without conflicts?
III. Конец урока
1.Итоги работы – Тo sum up…
а) Do we need conflicts?
Please, finish the sentences!
Сonflict is…
People expect them to …
I want you to …
b) All is well that ends well!
To my mind you should try to avoid conflicts! Be kindhearted & fair!
2. Your homework will be:
to learn words from the lesson
to read the poem for the mark
to read the text of the editor’s letter, ex. 56, p. 120
to repeat grammar rules, p.118
3. Your marks are … Well done!
4. I am pleased with your work today. Thank you for the lesson! Good-bye!