Конспект урока "Live and Learn" 11 класс

Учитель английского языка
Покровской улусной многопрофильной гимназии
Илларионова Розалия Равильевна
Республика Саха Якутия
Конспект урока по английскому языку в 11классе (профильное занятие)
Тема: «Live and Learn
Учитель: Илларионова Р.Р.
Цель урока: Формирование коммуникативной компетенции в сфере
устного общения.
1. Повысить эрудицию учащихся, расширить их лингвистический и общий
2. Способствовать развитию языковых и познавательных способностей
учащихся, развитию мышления, речи, способности применять имеющиеся
знания для поиска решений проблемных ситуаций.
3.Способствовать воспитанию у учащихся культуры общения,
поддерживать интерес к учебе и формированию познавательной
Практическая задача: научить учащихся вести диалог по теме, развивать
умение высказывать и отстаивать свою точку зрения.
Оснащение занятия: ролевые карты, раздаточный материал
Task 1 (3-3.5 minutes)
Give a 2-2.5 minutes talk on future profession.
Remember to discuss:
- What professions you know
- What professions are prestigious and necessary today
- What your future plans are
- What you are going to be
You will have to talk for 1.5 2 min. The examiner will listen until you have
finished. Then she will ask you some questions.
Task 2 (3-4 minutes)
You’ll have a jubilee of your school soon is planning to organize this holiday.
Discuss with your friend what your class could do for your parents and other
guests. You have to choose one event only.
You can choose from:
- arranging competition of small children’s pictures
- making exhibition of famous teachers’ photos
- putting concert for the guests and parents
You begin the conversation. Your classmate will play the part of your friend.
Remember to:
discuss all the options
be polite
take an active part in the conversation
- explain the situation
- come up with your ideas
- give good ideas
- give good reasons
- find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account
- invite your friend to come up with suggestions
come to an agreement
Ход урокa:
I.Организационный момент
Hello, dear students! How are you? It’s nice to see you today! Sit down,
please. Today we’ll speak and discuss different questions. I’ sure you
know them:
1. School
2.Learning English for the specific purposes
3. Future plans
II. Речевая зарядка
T: What is school for you? (For me school is my second house where I
work, I teach my children in English. I love children, I like my job? I think my
profession is important today . What about you? (P1-P2-P3)
- I wonder If you like going to school?(P1-P2_P3)
- Why do you go to school? (P1-P2-P3)
Thank you. I see school is the most important thing for you where you can get a
lot of knowledge, make your choice in choosing your future career.
III. Фонетическая зарядка
Proverb, sayings, quotationes do you know these words? (на доске
записаны слова, учащиеся произносят слова за учителем)
How can you explain to us the meaning of this saying “Knowledge is power”
by Francis Bacon. (P!-P2-P3)
IV. Устное высказывание по теме
Thank you. But in our contemporary world you should know more, be interested
in everything, be deeper informative. And now I’d like to know how and where
you get information. The following scheme will help you and you can choose not
only one. (P1-P2-P3). Thank you. I see you try to be more informative, I think it
will help you in your future life. The more you study the more you know.
V. Обучение монологическому высказыванию
T: English is an international language. People all over the world use the English
language in the job.
- Why do we need English?
-What other foreign languages would you like to learn?
2). Чтение текста.
Read the text and speak about professions connected with the knowledge of
English. You can use the plan for speaking under the text.
I’ve read the text about….
People of this profession….
They should be….
What’s more, they…
Besides they should know…because
VI. Высказывание о будущей профессии.
Choosing a career is very important in the life of people. The profession should
suit you, your interests and abilities. Have you already made your decision? What
are you going to be? Take the cards and tell us about your future plans.
Thank you.
VII. Микроролевая игра
In November we will celebrate the jubilee of our school. Discuss with your friend
how to spend this holiday.
VIII. Подведение итогов.
Thank you. Now look at the theme of our lesson “Live and learn” Is it a good
proverb? And we can give the conclusion of our lesson. We have to study for all
our life.