Конспект урока "Present Perfect (Resultative), regular verbs” 4 класс

по теме « Present Perfect (Resultative), regular verbs»
УМК И.Н. Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой для 4 класса школ с
углубленным изучением английского языка
Тип урока: урок формирования навыков
Задачи урока:
Практические задачи:
Ознакомить учащихся с новым грамматическим временем Present Perfect
(Resultative) правильных глаголов и тренировать в его употреблении до
уровня репродукции на основе УРУ;
Совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки учащихся на основе УРУ
и диалога упр.6 стр.141.
Образовательная задача:
Способствовать расширению филологических знаний учащихся в процессе
сопоставления двух времен английского языка.
Развивающие задачи:
Способствовать развитию у учащихся памяти, мышления, внимания;
Способствовать развитию умений обобщения и сравнения при ознакомлении
с новым грамматическим явлением;
Воспитательные задачи:
Способствовать формированию позитивного отношения к иностранному
Способствовать формированию позитивного отношения к собеседнику.
Наглядный материал (картинка на доске, карта Лондона), карточки для
выполнения УРУ, образцы предложений на доске
I. Речевая подготовка: (5 минут)
1) Организационный момент:
Т: Good morning, good morning! Good morning to you! Good morning my
children I’m glad to see you.
Cl: Good morning, our teacher!
T: Today we will learn how to find your way in the city. We will also find out how
to speak about the events that are important for us at the present moment.
2) Произносительная зарядка:
a) Установка на чтение:
T: I have a funny poem for you. It is about a bear.
На доске: картинка с изображением медведя.
T: Please read it to yourselves and say where the bear went.
б) Чтение про себя
На доске: стихотворение c выделенными звуками.
The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
To see what he could see!
And all that he could see
Was the other side of the mountain.
в) Проверка понимания
T: Where did the bear went? Where did the bear see?
г) Диагностирующее чтение
T: Will you please read it aloud, Mary?
P1 reads the poem aloud (средний ученик)
T: Good. Thank you.
д) Модельное чтение
T: Now listen to my reading attentively.
е) Отработка звуков [eә], [au]
T: Now have at the word “bear”. It has the sound [eә]. Он напоминает русский
звук [эа], если произнести его как один слог с ударением на [э].
T.: [eә] bear (Режимы: T. Cl, T Gr, Cl P1, T Cl P2, T P1, P2, P3)
T: Good.
T: In the word ‘mountain’ we have the sound [au]. Он напоминает русский звук
[ау], если его произнести как один слог с ударением на [а].
T.: [au] mountain (Режимы: T. Cl, T Gr, Cl P1, T Cl P2, T P1, P2, P3)
T: Very good.
ж) Обучающее чтение
T: And now let’s try to read the poem line by line.
- по строчкам (Режимы: T-Cl, T-Gr, T-Gr-P1 …)
- все стихотворение (Режимы: T-Cl, T-Gr)
з) Контролирующее чтение
T: Well done. Now who would like to read the whole poem?
P1, P2 read the poem aloud
3) Речевая разминка
T: Very good. And now please tell me: Is Moscow a big city? Does it have many
streets and squares? Are there many places to visit in Moscow? Do you know the
name of the main square? What is the most famous theatre in Moscow?
II. Работа над лексикой (13 минут)
1) Тренировка лексики по теме “Town Life” в УРУ
T: OK, I see you know the city you live in. Now let’s open your books at page 145
and do ex. 1 and see what places in Moscow you visited and when.
Please, work in pairs and find out when your friend went to this or that. The table
on page 146 will help you. Listen attentively to your friends and be ready to
answer my questions about them.
Example: When did you go to the Pushkin Museum?
1. When/the Pushkin Museum?
2. When/the “Mir” cinema?
3. When/the Bolshoi Theatre?
4. When/the main square of Moscow?
5. When/the church not far from your house?
6. When/the Children’s Theatre?
7. When/out of town?
The Table
The Past Indefinite Tense
the day before yesterday
yesterday morning
(afternoon, evening)
last week (month, year,
Sunday, Friday)
last night
a week ago (a month ago,
a year ago)
in 1993
Учащиеся выполняют задание.
T: Marina, when did Victor go to the Pushkin Museum?
P3: Victor went to the Pushkin museum last month.
T: Alexander, when did Vika go to the Children’s Theatre?
P4: Vika went to the Children’s Theatre in 2000.
2) Тренировка лексики по теме “Town Life” на основе диалога– УРУ,
T: Very good. You know quite a lot of facts about your friends but can you help
them in finding their way to some place? Let’s remember our dialogue. Your home
task was to learn it by heart. Let’s see how well you can explain the way to
different places in the city.
Учащиеся отвечают диалог в парах у доски.
T: Well done. Thank you. Please have a look at the blackboard. You can see the
map of London and routes under it. The task is to work in pairs. One student will
ask for help and the other will explain the way to him. Then be ready to play the
dialogue in front of the class.
На доске
1) Lena’s House → Supermarket
2) Cinema “Odeon” → City Museum
3) Central Bank → Royal Theatre
4) St John’s Church → Block
Учащиеся готовят задание в парах, затем разыгрывают свои диалоги у
T: Very good. Thank you very much.
III. Работа над грамматикой (24 минуты)
1) Ознакомление с утвердительной и отрицательной формой Present
Perfect правильных глаголов
T: Now look at this picture. It is Red Square, a place that one of your classmates
likes to visit. Can you guess who has drawn it? Yes, Sasha has drawn the picture.
It’ is really nice.
На доске рисунок ученика. Также на доске написано предложение:
He has drawn the picture. (Он нарисовал картинку.)
T: That’s right. He has drawn the picture означает, что он нарисовал картинку
недавно и сейчас мы можем видеть ее. This is Present Perfect. В данной
ситуации важным является сам факт, результат действия, а не то, когда оно
Now let’s open your books at page 147 and look at the table.
T: Let’s repeat it altogether: Present Perfect. (Режимы: T-Cl, T-Gr)
T: Look at the form of this tense. How many parts does it have?
P2: Two parts.
T: Good. What is the first part?
P3: To have.
T: Right you are. The first part is the verb “to have” in Present Tense. It can have a
form “have” or “has” (for the third person singular). And the second part is
Participle Two. It can also be called “The third form of the verb”. You know the
second form of the verbs from Past Simple, don’t you? The second and the third
forms of the regular verbs are the same: we simply add -ed” to the verbs. Today
we will speak only about these regular verbs.
T: Is everything clear?
Cl: Yes.
T: Then look at the table and read the three forms of the verbs line by line.
(V3-Participle 2)
Ученики читают 3 формы глагола по строчке.
T: Very good. Let’s work in pairs. One of you will read the sentence with Present
Perfect and your partner will read the result of the actions in the sentences. (the
table above).
Ученики читают предложения в паре.
T: Thank you. Now let’s think about the negative form of Present Perfect. Do we
change the verb “to have” or the third form of the other verb? To find out the
answer open the textbooks at page 149.
T: As you can see we change only the first part the verb “to have”. Is everything
clear? Let’s see.
2) Тренировка утвердительной и отрицательной формы Present Perfect
правильных глаголов
а) Имитация
T: Please say that you have or haven’t done the same thing as Peter has.
Опора - раздаточный материал: карточки с предложениями, в которых
выделены формы глаголов в Present Perfect.
Peter has opened the bookcase.
Peter has washed his hands.
Peter hasn’t visited the Bolshoi Theatre.
Peter has closed the window.
Peter hasn’t cleaned the room.
T: Well done.
б) Трансформация
T: Now have a look at Exercise 4 on Page 148. Work in pairs.
T: Kate, will you please read the task to us?
P5 читает задание к упражнению
T: Lesha, let’s take the example. I tell you: open the door! And you answer…
P4: I have opened the door.
T: Good. Is everything clear? Listen to each other very attentively and correct the
Учащиеся выполняют задание в парах.
в) Репродукция
T: Well done. Thank you. And now open your books at page 148. Do ex. 3. Look
at the pictures and say what Kate and Boris have done.
At the blackboard you can see the example.
На доске: Kate and Boris have washed their hands.
Is the task clear?
Учащиеся выполняют задание по очереди.
T: Very well. Now let’s look at the pictures on page 149 and say what Kate and
Boris haven’t done.
Учащиеся выполняют задание по очереди.
IV. Завершающий этап урока: (3 минуты)
1) Подведение итогов:
T: Well done. Thank you for your work. Who can tell me what we have learnt
P2: How to get from one place to another.
P3: The Present Perfect Tense.
T: Very good.
Выставление отметок и устное оценивание.
2) Домашнее задание:
T: At home you will do ex.15 on page 152 in your textbook in writing and do the
exercise on the hand-out.
The handout.
Choose the verb and put in: finish, wash, lock, clean, help.
1. She has …reading. 2. They have…their parents. 3. He has…the floors. 4. We
haven’t… door. 5. You haven’t …your teeth.
T: The lesson is over. Good bye.