Конспект урока "Endangered animals” 7 класс

Развитие разных стратегий чтения в контексте темы “Endangered animals
7 класс
Учебник Way Ahead 6
Тема : Endangered animals.
Чтение текста «Чернильная обезьяна»
Задачи урока:
1. Развитие техники чтения про себя.
2. Развитие умения читать с извлечением основной информации.
3. Развитие умения читать с извлечением нужной информации.
Оснащение урока:
Карточки с новыми словами и рисунками, учебный комплект Way Ahead -6.
План урока:
1) сообщение темы урока, его задач;
2) речевая зарядка;
3) работа с текстом «Чернильная обезьяна» Way Ahead-6 Pupils Book, p.p. 66-67;
4) завершение урока, проверка и объяснение домашнего задания.
Ход урока.
1. Teacher: Good morning!
Today we’ll read a text about an interesting animal and learn a few new words
and facts but first let’s train our tongues.
2. Речевая зарядка – тренировка произношения сочетаний th, ng, отдельных звуков.
Использование рифмовок для отработки произношения и с целью повторения и
закрепления грамматического явления – придаточного предложения условия 1
3. Введение новых слов с использованием карточек и рисунков ( jade, herbs, bark,
crane, landscape, drawer, ground, entertaining), с помощью определений на
английском языке и использованием эквивалентов русского языка ( recently, extinct,
unusual, prepare, rediscover).
- Warm-up
10 questions guess the word. E.g. It’s a kind of liquid. Ask YES/NO questions. ( answer -
- Text The ink monkey . Open your books on page 66.
Do exercise 1 skim the passage to find our how the ink monkey got its name;
- try to think of different titles for the passage.
Scan the text for references to the pictures. Describe the pictures in your own words.
(E.g. The ink monkey weighs 200 grams. It slept in a brush pot or a drawer. It held the
stick of ink and ground it in a bowl with water to prepare ink. The ink monkey also turned
Look through the text and find the words in the categories. (Scanning)
Find three interesting things on a scholar’s desk. (jade, bones and wood/ unusual plants
and trees)
Find two place where an ink monkey slept ( in a brush pot, in a drawer).
Find three things that ink was made from (gold, pearls, herbs/tree bark).
Find three things that ink monkeys did to help scholars ( prepared ink, passed brushes,
turned pages for the scholars).
Find three things that the ink stick was decorated with ( gold trees, cranes, dragons/
Memory game. Children try to answer the questions without looking at the text.
1. How long have people been using ink?
2. Where did the ink monkey usually live?
3. What did the scholars use for writing?
4. Where has the ink monkey been rediscovered?
Writing. Children write as many sentences as they can beginning:
Ink monkeys, which …
Chinese scholars, who ….
Extension. Imagine an ink monkey in our classroom. Children could name it, draw it,
write about it.
4. Проверка домашнего задания. Объяснение задания по рабочей тетради.
Подведение итогов урока, объявление отметок за урок.