Тест "Сослагательное наклонение" 7 класс (УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой)

( УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой. для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с
углубленным изучением английского языка)
Task 1 Put the verbs given the brackets in the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood :
1. If only I (travel) a lot!
2. I you (be) my friend!
3. If (ride) a horse!
4. If only we (can) win the game!
5. If all the children on the planet( have) home and food!
6. If only they (know) the truth!
7. If only you ( stay) with us longer!
8. If Ann (be) present at all lessons!
9. If only I (have) more pocket money!
10. If only I (speak) the language of animals!
Task 2 Write the same in Russian:
1. If we could go hiking in the mountains!
2. If Mum were here with us!
3. If only I danced as well as you do!
4. If they came on time!
5. If John passed his exams successfully!
6. If only I had an island in the ocean!
7. If only I got an excellent mark for my test!
Task 3 Look at the pictures and say what are the wishes of the children
If only Nick could swim!
Task 4 Make up 7 sentences about you and your friends using the Subjunctive
Mood .
Task 1 : 1. travelled 2. were 3.rode 4.could 5. had 6. knew 7. stayed 8. were 9.had 10
Task 2 Write the same in Russian:
1. Если бы мы могли отправиться в поход в горы!
2. Если бы мама была с нами сейчас!
3. Если бы только я умел(а) танцевать так же хорошо как ты!
4. Если бы они пришли вовремя!
5. Если бы Джон сдал успешно экзамены!
6. Если бы только у меня был остров в океане!
7. Если бы я получил отличную оценку!
Task 3
1. If only....did a cartwheel!
2. If only.. could skate!
3. If only ...used a computer!
4. If only ... sang well ( could sing)
5. If only ... balanced on one foot!
6. If only... could ski!
7. If only ... rode a bike!
8. If only ...ran fast!
ТЕСТ № 2
Task 1 Fill in the gaps using the right form of the verbs.
1. If Mary cleans her room, she_GO_( go/will go/is going/goes) to the cinema.
2. If you_FINISH__( shall finish/will finish /finishes/finish) your homework, you can play.
3. If I arrive early, I _GIVE_(am giving/gives/will give/give) him a call.
4. We will be late if we_HURRY__ ( won’t hurry/will not hurry/doesn’t hurry/don’t hurry).
5. If you don’t take a taxi,you _ MISS __ (will miss/miss/misses/are missing).
6. If he comes now, WHAT/SAY/WE _ ( What do we say/ What we say/We what
say/What will we say) ?
7. I he _ COME _ ( will come/comes/come/is coming) to the party, he _SEE __( will
see/sees/shall see/ is seeing) her
Task 2 Mr. Brown’s car has broken down. Say what other people advise him to do.
Example: ( to be you- to sell)
If I were you, I would sell it.
Use the phrases in the word box.
1.to have enough money
2.to have tools
3. to be you
4. to know the telephone number
5. to meet somebody on the road
to buy a new car
to repair it
to ask somebody for help
to call to the service centre
ask to lift me to the nearest workshop
Задание 3 Write what would you do if you...
Were a king If I were a king , I would all the kingdoms in the world
1. had an island in the ocean__________________________________
2. played basketball extremely well____________________________
3. had a lot of pets__________________________________________
4. had a car________________________________________________
5. found a lot of gold________________________________________
6. visited London __________________________________________
Task 4 This is Betty’s room. It is in awful mess. Tell Betty what you would do if you
were in her place . Example: If Ii were you, I would make the bed.
Task 5 Скажите, что упоминаемое действие было бы выполнено, если бы было
выполнено условие.
Example. If I have time, I will do it. If I had time, I would do it.
1. If I work hard, I will pass the exams.
2. If there is hot water, I’ll have a bath.
3. If you get up early, you’ll be in time.
4. If I have a lot of money, I will go on a trip round the world.
5. If I have a lot of time, I will take music lessons.
Task 1
will go
will give
don’t hurry
will miss
What will we say
Comes/ will see